At this moment, there are only about 5,000 Evolved Warriors left in the entire Gwangju base.

Everyone looked at the monster who was similar to General Niu Feng but turned into a zombie in horror.

At this moment, despair was revealed in everyone's eyes.

It was like the last ray of light in their hearts was completely swallowed by darkness, making this world meaningless.

"There are hundreds of thousands of zombies outside, and tens of thousands of high-level zombies transformed by Evolved!"

"Even General Niu is gone, do we... still have hope?"

As the zombie general walked out, many Evolved Warriors dropped their weapons directly.

They could no longer muster a trace of fighting spirit...


Niu Feng, who forgot everything, roared to the sky. At this moment, the whole world was shaking.

The majesty of the zombie king made all the attacking zombies outside the inner city stop their actions.

They were like welcoming the respected king, and countless pairs of dead fish eyes all looked at Niu Feng.

At this moment, Niu Feng's mind was already blank, leaving only the bloodthirsty desire.

He suddenly increased his speed and rushed towards the remaining crowd...


The closest evolver to Niu Feng had a bitter look in his eyes.

He did not resist and let Niu Feng grab his collar and pull it to his mouth.

At this moment, the soldier even smelled the fishy smell in Niu Feng's mouth.


Perhaps Niu Feng was too strong, the soldier's uniform was broken, and a shoulder strap fell at Niu Feng's feet...

At this moment, Niu Feng's dead fish eyes suddenly had a slight fluctuation.

He forgot all the past, the group of people he once loved, and the unforgettable past, and the oath...

But he could not forget the uniform!

Niu Feng's footsteps suddenly staggered, and in his dead fish eyes, the black and white world was full of uniforms.


Desire and obsession were in conflict, and Niu Feng roared again.

All the zombies outside the inner city trembled.

The next moment, Niu Feng's figure suddenly passed through the crowd and crashed into the zombie group on the opposite side.


A C-level zombie was directly blown up by Niu Feng's punch. In the black blood, it grabbed a C-level corpse crystal and swallowed it directly.

Everyone was stunned. Some people immediately understood something and shed tears.

"General Niu has become the zombie king, but he still hasn't forgotten us."

"Brothers, kill!"


The tilted morale broke out instantly. All the survivors roared with red eyes, followed Niu Feng desperately, and rushed into the zombie group...

The huge buffalo phantom behind Niu Feng became more and more majestic. With every blow, a piece of zombie's body burst!

No zombie has ever helped humans kill zombies!

No zombie has ever swallowed corpse crystals!

Only the Great Xia Corpse General... Niu Feng!

The terrifying aura of the zombie king swept over the sea of ​​corpses. At this moment, the zombies were in complete chaos. The edge of the outer city had begun to disintegrate...

No zombie dared to attack the zombie king. In front of Niu Feng, the strength of all zombies was less than 30%.

Five thousand soldiers followed the zombie general and quickly killed the entire sea of ​​corpses...

The gate of the giant city was opened, and zombies had already rushed out frantically, running away at full speed...

Gradually, the sea of ​​corpses receded like a tide.

A group of soldiers still followed Niu Feng and killed their way out of the city.

In the snow and wind, the zombie king was terrifying and monstrous. Kill! Kill again!

He didn't seem to know why he was fighting, but he just fought like that.

Even if he died, even if his soul disappeared, he was willing to fight for that military uniform...If there was no accident, he would have continued to fight like this...

The sea of ​​corpses went far away, and Niu Feng also chased after it.

All the soldiers, dragging their tired bodies, had already burst into tears.

They knew that Niu Feng would not come back.

"I will accompany General Niu Feng and keep fighting until I die!"

Some soldiers replenished their physical strength and took their weapons to walk.

At this time, Niu Feng was already more than ten miles away, and only his tall back could be seen as a black dot.

"Follow the general and keep fighting!"

Some evolved warriors followed.

They didn't know why they did this, but this was the most real idea.

"Without the protection of General Niu, how long can we live? Why can't we die in a grand manner?"

The young warriors were full of blood and gradually, more and more figures walked.

Soon, they saw Niu Feng again. It was still like it was never tired, and it kept waving its fists. The shadow of the wild bull behind it became more and more solid as it swallowed more corpse crystals.

Unknowingly, in a short period of time, Niu Feng had evolved from a C-level zombie king to a B-level!

After humans become zombies, their superpowers are no longer restricted. As the level increases, the power they show is the limit.

It can be said that the ability of each zombie king is comparable to SSS level!

Suddenly, after Niu Feng killed a group of zombies, a group of people appeared in front of him.

They were the survivors who came to the base the day before yesterday.

Many soldiers recognized them!

"It's them, they released the virus in the Gwangju base, causing General Niu Feng to become like this!"

At this moment, all the soldiers were red-eyed and rushed forward at full speed.

But the group of people did not seem to be afraid.

The leader was wearing a black kimono and a pair of wooden clogs even in the snow.

"With less than 5,000 people, and none of them have superpowers, how dare they attack the warriors of my Great Day Empire?" Yuki Sakai sneered.


Yuki Sakai, an islander, waved his hand, and a large piece of thunder fell.

He calmly electrocuted more than a dozen zombies in front of him into ashes.

Surprisingly, he mastered the S-level thunder power!

All the warriors paused and their faces turned pale.

A high-level S-level superpower is enough to kill them all.


At this time, Niu Feng had already approached Yuki Sakai and others.

The hundreds of evolvers behind Yuki Sakai also showed fear.

"Don't worry, didn't you see just now that this zombie king seems to have a problem. It only kills zombies and will not attack humans!" Yuki Sakai said confidently.

After the zombie virus broke out in the Glorious Base, he had been hiding in the dark and watching.

He knew that Niu Feng had never killed anyone.

In order to prove to his subordinates, Yuuki Sakai opened his arms and took the initiative to meet Niu Feng who was running towards him: "Zombie King, come to my arms...!"


Before he finished speaking, Niu Feng's fist pierced Yuuki Sakai's chest!

Yuuki Sakai's eyes widened, and he seemed to not understand until his death, why did this zombie king attack him when he obviously didn't kill people?

Could a zombie king still distinguish between friends and enemies?

It's a pity that Yuuki Sakai will never know the answer in his life.

Niu Feng pulled out a beating heart, and the bloodthirsty desire that he had suppressed forcibly broke out wildly at this moment.

He opened his mouth wide and stuffed the heart directly into his mouth, swallowing it without chewing.


Niu Feng roared excitedly in his throat, then suddenly lowered his head and bit Yuki Sakai's neck, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood.


Among the evolvers following Yuki Sakai, someone shouted, and everyone fled in panic.

Niu Feng quickly swallowed the flesh and blood, and after a few seconds, he swallowed most of Yuki Sakai's neck, then raised his head.

His face was pale, covered with bright red blood, and his dead fish eyes fell on the group of people who fled, and he chased them at a high speed.

The next moment, an evolver was knocked down by him.


Niu Feng bit the evolver's neck...

The chewing sound, accompanied by the sound of bone cracking, blew into the ears of five thousand soldiers with the cold wind...

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