Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 337 The Little Girl Who Killed the Corpse King

SSS-level supernatural blood coat, the effect is to absorb the blood of life or pseudo-life with one's own blood, and form a defensive blood coat on the body!

The more blood accumulated, the stronger the defense value... there is no upper limit!

And as long as Yu Feixing wants, he can release the blood coat accumulated by himself on friendly forces, with an upper limit of 5,000 people!

This is a top-level single or group defensive supernatural power among SSS-level supernatural powers!

Zhao Yin saw the blood released by Yu Feixing and instantly remembered the effect of this supernatural power.

He also understood why Yu Feixing could support three full days in the sea of โ€‹โ€‹corpses!

The next moment, Zhao Yin suddenly felt that the armor on his body shook, and then a thin layer of blood appeared.

Looking back, Yu Feixing saluted him from a distance. He did not condense the blood coat for himself, but put all the supernatural powers on Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin nodded and felt a little good about this soldier.

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As Yu Feixing killed the zombies around him, he absorbed more and more blood, and the blood clothes on Zhao Yin's body became thicker and thicker.

In just a few minutes, it was enough to be equivalent to an ordinary C-level defense equipment, and the defense value was still growing rapidly!

"Sure enough, all SSS-level abilities are not simple!"

Zhao Yin gathered his mind. At this time, the fusion zombie group was less than 500 meters away from Zhao Yin.

"Old Niu, make way for me!" Zhao Yin paused.

"Yes, Master!"

The speed of the old cow suddenly increased, passing Zhao Yin and crashing straight into the fusion zombie group.

Along the way, countless bone-suited zombies were knocked away.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Seeing the old cow's actions, countless fusion zombies seemed to be provoked, and the hundreds of them in front of them accelerated to meet the attack.


Old Bull crashed directly into the fusion zombie group. It was the strongest in Zhao Yin's team, and with the bonus of a set of equipment, even if the fusion zombie group was comparable to the B-level zombie king, it was directly knocked back by Old Bull.

Even a few fusion zombies at the front, with their huge bodies, were directly smashed apart by Old Bull.

Arms fell to the ground, but no black blood flowed out. Then they were picked up by zombies and pressed to the original place, and soon they were restored to their original state...

Everything looked weird. Even with Old Bull's explosive power, it was difficult to kill the fusion zombie group for a while.

Soon, Old Bull was trapped in the zombie group and could no longer move forward.

Countless fusion zombies pounced on it. As the number accumulated, Old Bull's huge body also staggered step by step.

Fortunately, Old Bull also had defensive abilities and could not break through for a while.

At this time, following closely behind Old Bull, he also entered the depths of the fusion zombie group.

He directly crushed the demon-killing thunder in his hand!


Invisible extraordinary energy raged, and the next moment, a gray light shield rose up, instantly covering an area of โ€‹โ€‹10,000 meters.

All the fusion zombies, even tens of thousands of bone-clad zombies, were all shrouded in it.

Then, everything in the light shield seemed to be still, without wind or snow.

All the fusion zombies staggered and their movements slowed down.

All the pseudo-life forms below SS level in the barrier had their superpowers disappeared!

The fusion zombies that lost their superpowers, all their attributes shrank rapidly.

But Zhao Yin and Lao Niu were the exceptions.

Without Zhao Yin's orders, Lao Niu launched another collision, and his huge body rumbled and crushed past. Suddenly, three or four hundred fusion zombies turned into meat paste.

At this time, the herd of beasts behind him also arrived.

As Da Mao stepped in, it could accurately control every bit of gravity, but Zhao Yin's team was not affected at all.

The strength of the fused zombie group was greatly reduced again...

Zhao Yin did not watch how the beast group killed the fused zombies, and ordered in his mind: "All mutant beasts, use all your powers, at all costs, we only have sixty seconds!"

Sixty seconds is enough for Zhao Yin's team!

However, at this moment, roar!

A corpse roar that overwhelmed all the zombies came.

A giant zombie with a body height of thirty meters suddenly rumbled and ran over!

Zhao Yin was startled and looked back.

[Male zombie, S-level, evolution degree 100/0, strength 3250, agility 3440, defense 3855, spirit 1250, awakened powers: extreme speed, bone armor, raising corpses]

Zhao Yin did not expect that at this critical moment, the zombie king would be desperate and appear in front of him.

Obviously, it had just been promoted to S-level not long ago, and its attributes were not as good as the A-level super zombie king that was killed outside Seoul.

"Zhao Yin, Da Mao and I will stop it for a while, you guys hurry up and try to kill these fusion zombies!"

At this time, Ning Yue rushed to Zhao Yin and said anxiously.

She knew the properties of the Demon-Exterminating Thunder, and the time was only sixty seconds!

If the zombie king delayed, then even if this war was won, it would definitely be a miserable victory!

But at this time, Zhao Yin's face was calm.

He looked back at the sky. At this time, most of the 300,000 meat-winged zombies had been killed.

Song Xiaodao spread his wind wings, holding the explosive knife in one hand, and his big eyes were full of excitement.

She liked this kind of high-intensity battle the most, and she could eat extraordinary food every time as a matter of course.

The little loli's horse-faced skirt fluttered in the air, revealing her snowy legs.

"Song Xiaodao!" Zhao Yin spoke loudly.

When Song Xiaodao heard Zhao Yin's voice, he immediately flew over excitedly: "Here comes Zhao Yin!"

"Go kill the zombie king!" Zhao Yin ordered.


The little Loli quickly turned around and flew towards the approaching zombie king.

At this time, Yu Feixing and others all heard Zhao Yin's words and looked at Loli flying in the air with wide eyes.

"Why did the Beast God let her go alone?"

"Is it possible that Lord Beast God doesn't have detection powers at all? I wonder if that is an S-class zombie king?"

"Could it be that little loli who offended the Beast God and deliberately let her die?"

In the last days, it is common for people to conspire to kill their own people.

At this moment, many soldiers are worried about Song Xiaodao.

Some people even think that Zhao Yin went too far.

Song Xiaodao looks too young.

If placed before the end of the world, she would still be just a little girl in junior high school...

At this moment, the zombie king on the opposite side roared loudly, with a huge body of more than 30 meters tall and carrying a monstrous momentum!

As it passed by, even the earth was trembling!

Countless zombies turned into flesh at its feet, but the Zombie King didn't care at all.

A pair of dead fish eyes, with endless killing intent, stared at Song Xiaodao who was fighting.

At this moment, before the overwhelming power of the Zombie King, Song Xiaodao was as small as an ant.

One person and one corpse, approaching very quickly...

From a distance, the Zombie King clenched his fist and activated his giant power at the same time. Then, he suddenly hit the flying Song Xiaodao.

This punch was extremely terrifying, causing a sound of breaking through the air...

This punch seems to be able to break through the world's barriers...

This punch seemed to hit the hearts of all the soldiers. They could not imagine what kind of strength it would take to avoid such a punch.

But the little girl didn't flinch at all, she just raised the sword that they had not paid any attention to before...

She actually chose to go head-to-head with the Zombie King, which seemed so ridiculous.


The huge fist, which was as big as Song Xiaodao's entire body, instantly collided with the sword...


Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of something being cut...and then, Song Xiaodao intertwined with the zombie king's body!

The huge size of the Zombie King suddenly froze there, like a huge statue.

But Song Xiaodao was still flapping his wings in the air, and when she slowly turned around...

The zombie king's body cracked apart inch by inch, and soon turned into countless pieces of flesh and blood and fell to the ground...

Five star crystals and an S-level corpse crystal flashed with an attractive luster in the sunlight, slowly falling downwards.

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