Four girls, four SS-level superpowers!

At this time, they used their superpowers to the fullest, and temporarily slowed down the sea of ​​corpses!

Everyone couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

At this time, even Zhao Yin was ashamed. Although he was powerful, he was mainly in close combat.

The thunder power was only A-level, the coverage was too small, and the attack method was too monotonous.

𝟔𝟗 Book Bar

Zhao Yin's speed of killing zombies was actually the slowest.

At this moment, roar!

A huge roar appeared behind the sea of ​​corpses.

"It's the zombie king who is giving orders!" Zhao Yin's heart condensed instantly.

Obviously at this time, the zombie king had noticed that the situation had changed.

Soon, Zhao Yin saw countless flesh-winged zombies rising from the back of the sea of ​​corpses.

This sea of ​​corpses took longer to settle than all the seas of corpses that Zhao Yin had killed before.

The mutated zombies, whether in type or strength, and even in number, are much stronger!

Densely packed, at least 300,000 flesh-winged zombies, like a swarm of locusts, are coming at a very fast speed.

At the same time, countless strength-type, speed-type, defense-type, bone-type...

A swarm of zombies formed by millions of mutant zombies is coming at a crazy speed!

The most terrifying thing is that there is also a kind of zombie among them... a kind of zombie that only Zhao Yin is familiar with.

Although there are only 3,000 of them, each of them is as powerful as the zombie king of the same level!

[Fusion zombie: B-level, evolution degree 100/86, strength 1050, agility 1040, defense 1255, spirit 50, awakening talent: huge strength, armor]

They are all like mountains of flesh, covered with heads and arms, and their skin exudes a green luster.

Each one looks different, with different numbers of heads and hands and feet, as if they were pieced together before death!

What's more terrifying is that every zombie holds a bone-mounted weapon in his hand.

There are all kinds of zombies. A zombie has at least a dozen arms and masters the attribute bonuses of more than a dozen weapons.

This proves that their strength is stronger than the information read...!

The key is that each fusion zombie has dual abilities!


Zhao Yin recalled his experience in his previous life. Only an S-level zombie king can raise fusion zombies.

They actually appeared at this time!

"Three thousand fusion zombies are enough to match the contracted beast group!"

Zhao Yin's mind was condensed: "After all, the giant wolf and vulture group have not grown up yet!"

"We must kill the corpse tide formed by the self-explosive zombies as quickly as possible, and then deal with the fusion zombies with all our strength!"

At this time, the self-explosive zombies had been killed by two contracted beasts and four girls for 30,000 to 40,000, and it still seemed endless.

Fortunately, the fusion zombies did not come too fast.

They were too big, and it was inconvenient to travel through the sea of ​​corpses.

Zhao Yin thought of something and looked back at the 6,000 soldiers behind him: "Who among you is Yu Feixing?"

In his previous life, Zhao Yin knew that the commander of the Jizhou Military Region was Yu Feixing.

"It's me!"

The one-armed middle-aged man stepped forward immediately, with a respectful look on his pale face.

He knew that the person in front of him was the legendary beast god.

The hope of the military region might all be pinned on this person.

[Human male, awakened superpower, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 401, agility 410, physical strength 280, spirit 270, superpower: B-level true vision eye, life countdown: 489960 days]

Zhao Yin couldn't read his combat superpower, obviously he was also an SSS-level superpower!

"Do you have a gun?" Zhao Yin looked at Yu Feixing and casually threw out a bottle of C-level healing potion and asked.


Yu Feixing was stunned.

After the end of the world, firearms basically lost their effect against zombies above level E.

He thought he had heard it wrong, otherwise why did Zhao Yin ask about guns?

"Guns, soldiers' weapons, you don't have them, right?" Zhao Yin said impatiently.

Without waiting for Yu Feixing to answer, he immediately ordered: "Let your people take out their guns, and kill all the self-destructing zombies within 20 minutes!"

"Lord Beast God, we have guns, but...!"

"No buts, if we can't kill them, I will lead the herd to leave immediately, and whoever wants to kill in this sea of ​​corpses can kill them!" Zhao Yin interrupted Yu Feixing directly.

Then, Zhao Yin turned around and continued to release his supernatural power!

Yu Feixing didn't know Zhao Yin's intention at all, but he knew that Zhao Yin was not exaggerating.

Once Zhao Yin left, the remaining 6,000 soldiers would die here.

"Everyone, take out your guns, the best guns, and kill this sea of ​​corpses within five minutes!" Yu Feixing ordered loudly.

"What? Use guns?"

Everyone was stunned, but as a soldier, obeying orders is their mission.

At this moment, no one hesitated and quickly walked towards the quartermaster.

After the apocalypse, the Jizhou Military Region also stockpiled a large number of guns and ammunition, but unfortunately, the zombies evolved too quickly, and these guys can only be stored in the quartermaster's space ring.

The quartermaster immediately threw out a mountain of standard rifles and tens of thousands of magazines filled with bullets...

In less than a minute, all the soldiers picked up their rifles and hung magazines around their waists.

Now they are all evolvers, and their movements are many times faster than before the apocalypse.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

The long-lost gunshots resounded in the apocalypse again, and the smell of gunpowder spread instantly...

Yu Feixing also took out his rifle and fired a volley directly at the sea of ​​corpses!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

He was completely stunned.

Looking at the self-destructing zombies that were blown up by ordinary bullets, it felt like a dream.

He never expected that the self-destructing zombies that he, an SSS-level psychic, could be blown up by ordinary bullets.

Previously, several generals that Yu Feixing trusted most, including an S-level defensive psychic, died because they were close to the self-destructing zombies. He didn't dare to try again.

"Why does the Beast God know the weakness of the self-destructing zombies?"

"According to the military intelligence, after the sea of ​​corpses broke out, he was in Zhongzhou and Wanzhou, and there were no self-destructing zombies there!"

At this moment, Yu Feixing suddenly felt that perhaps the rumored Beast God really had god-like means!

At this moment, all the soldiers were like chicken blood when they saw that bullets could actually kill zombies.

Using guns does not require any energy at all, and they all started shooting frantically.

As for the self-destructing zombies, no matter how many were killed, they had no intention of hiding, and lined up like targets to be sniped by them...

This was a real massacre!

Who would have thought that the self-destructing zombies that killed countless of their comrades could be killed so easily?

"The self-destructing zombies actually have no defense value!" A young soldier said to another young soldier beside him while shooting.

"I'm just curious, how did the Beast God know all this? You know, whoever gets close to the self-destructing zombies will die. Would he let his contracted beasts use their lives for experiments?"

"Didn't it say that self-destructing zombies only appear in Jizhou? The Beast God couldn't have known about it before."

"But he knew it!"

"How else can you say he is a god? Have you seen such a powerful survivor? I suspect that the Beast God... is really a god sent from heaven to save mankind!"

"Even if he is not sent from heaven, he is still a god in my mind!"

The two soldiers discussed quietly. They didn't need to aim at all. They could kill those stupid self-destructing zombies by shooting at random.

At this moment, countless such discussions took place quietly in the army...

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