"You're not dead yet, how could the monkey die?" Zhao Yin asked loudly.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π“ˆπ’½π“Š.𝓃ℯ𝓉

These words were ruthless, but they were his truest thoughts at this time.

"Woo... little monkey, little monkey is here to protect me... Wuwu...!" When Song Xiaodao saw Zhao Yin, he seemed to have found support and cried out of breath.

"Master, there are too many zombies, and we almost can't get back. It was the monkey that turned on its madness ability and led us to the edge of the industrial park, but it also ran out of energy and drew away the swarm of zombies for us... "

Lao Niu felt very depressed.

Zhao Yin didn't expect that monkey to have the spirit of sacrifice.

"Did you see it die?"

"No... I didn't see it!" Song Xiaodao quickly shook his head.

"Master, although I didn't see it either, the monkey had no supplies at that time. It was a monkey that blocked the group of corpses by itself. I'm afraid it would be difficult to survive...!"

Zhao Yin calmed down and suddenly thought of something. He closed his eyes and felt the soul of the contract in his mind.

After a while, Zhao Yin opened his eyes and said with certainty: "The monkey is not dead yet!"

In my mind, the aura belonging to the little monkey is still there!

Lin Tianfeng in his previous life mentioned to Zhao Yin that the contract owner and the contract beast could sense each other's life and death.

It was just that it was so long ago that Zhao Yin almost couldn't remember it, and he had never paid attention to this aspect recently.

"Really?" Song Xiaodao stopped crying immediately and raised his pear-shaped face.

Lao Niu also became energetic and looked up at Zhao Yin.

Although they have only been together with the little monkey for a short time, they have experienced life and death together.

Nothing can enhance friendship more than living and dying together!

"Come and have something to eat. When the old cow recovers from his injuries, we will go find the monkey." Zhao Yin said.

A few hours passed. Since the little monkey was not dead, he should have left the group of corpses.

Now the only powerful fighting force around Zhao Yin is Lao Niu. It has not recovered from its injuries. It is very dangerous to approach the corpse group rashly.

Zhao Yin took out chestnut leaves and piled them in front of the old cow. It immediately lowered its head and started eating.

The chestnuts in the pot have been cooked into a paste.

Zhao Yin took out two large bowls from the old cow's back and filled one bowl for Song Xiaodao: "Eat it."

Song Xiaodao wiped his tears and took the rice bowl, but stared at the fire with dull eyes without taking a bite.

Zhao Yin also filled a bowl himself, leaving all the remaining chestnut paste for Lao Niu.

Seventy or eighty roasted chestnuts were already ripe. Zhao Yin gave Song Xiaodao three, and kept five for himself. The rest was divided into two parts, half for the old cow, and half... he left for the little monkey.

"E-level mutant beasts eat a lot, and I don't know if that monkey is hungry." Zhao Yin muttered in his heart.

Shaking his head, he lowered his head and started eating.

"Zhao Yin, I can't eat it." Song Xiaodao said after a while.

"If you can't eat, don't eat. If you are surrounded by corpses later and don't have the strength to run away, don't expect me to save you." Zhao Yin drank the chestnut paste and said vaguely.

"If you encounter danger again, will you still leave us and run away alone?" Song Xiaodao asked with complaint.

"Do you want me to die with you?" Zhao Yin said.


Song Xiaodao was silent, lowered his head and drank the chestnut paste.

After a meal, the old cow's injuries were almost healed. Although the chestnut leaves were not as effective as sandwich bread, the old cow's injuries were not fatal.

Zhao Yin did have a piece of sandwich bread, but he planned to leave it to the little monkey.

"Let's go back to the industrial park." Zhao Yin didn't intend to rest.

Even though I haven't slept for two days and one night.


Three hours ago.

In the endless tide of corpses, the little monkey looked at the back of the old cow carrying Song Xiaodao away, and a touch of human sadness appeared on the monkey's face.

A zombie bit the little monkey on the neck, tearing off a large piece of flesh.

It roared to the sky in pain, squeezing out the last bit of its potential to maintain its madness ability, and swung its stick to smash all the zombies around it away.

In the black rain of blood that filled the sky, the huge monkey trembled all over.

After it took a brief breather, the corpses surrounded it again.

With the bloody smell on the monkey, all the zombies became more and more crazy.

At this time, the remaining energy in the little monkey's body can support swinging the mace a few times at most.


The corpses beside him were smashed away again, and the little monkey was trembling more and more violently. At this time, it no longer had the extravagant hope of leaving, but only hoped to last a few more minutes.

It is just an F-level mutant beast. Its insane superpowers have exceeded its endurance limit, swallowing up its internal organs and shrinking them, consuming its vitality all the time.

Just when the little monkey thought he was going to die...

Suddenly, all the zombies around him became quiet.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to have stopped.

All the zombies stood motionless, as if they had turned into stone sculptures.

The little monkey didn't know what was going on. At this moment, a hoarse and unpleasant voice came from his ears.

"Still not leaving?"

The little monkey looked back. There were zombies everywhere, and where were there any human figures?

At this time, the voice became urgent: "Let's go, quickly...!"

The little monkey didn't dare to hesitate. He stepped out with his long legs, spanning seven or eight meters in one step, and rushed out of the industrial park desperately.

Without any hindrance from the zombies, the little monkey rushed out of the industrial park in less than a minute.

At this time, its last potential was finally exhausted, and the next moment, its huge body shrank rapidly.

The originally thin body became even thinner due to the forced activation of the second power. From a distance, it looked like a child's skeleton stained red with blood.

The little monkey couldn't even lift the mace, and the heavy armor weighed on him like a mountain.

Ho ho ho!

At this moment, the group of corpses behind him suddenly started to move again!

It was as if they had just slept, and for a moment, every breath of air was filled with a terrifying and depressing atmosphere!

The little monkey turned around and saw zombies rushing towards him like a swarm of ants.

It steeled itself, immediately threw away its mace, took off its heavy armor, and ran forward with difficulty on its short legs.

It was so confused that it couldn't figure out its direction.

The group of corpses was already a long way away from the little monkey. The slow-running zombies gradually lost the aura of the little monkey. In addition, the little monkey was too small. From time to time, it would duck into the gaps between the ruins and follow the little monkey to escape forward. The zombies chasing behind him gradually fell behind.

In the end, only a dozen zombies were left hanging behind them.

The little monkey ran for an unknown amount of time. It squinted its eyes dejectedly and wanted to continue walking, but suddenly everything went dark.

There was a pop.

The little monkey fell to the ground.

It was already bright at this time, but its vision was blurry.

In this desolate world, it doesn't know where the only human being who can depend on it is at this time.

It was lying on the ground, still bleeding, vaguely aware that it was going to die.

The little monkey turned his face sideways, wanting to see the world again, but a meteorite on the ground blocked all sight.

It suddenly missed Zhao Yin!

Somehow, the little monkey can feel that the master is still alive.

It's great that he's alive!

The little monkey slowly closed his eyes.

"Look, what is that thing in front of you?"

At some point, several people came not far from the little monkey, four men and one woman, all in ragged clothes. Their age and appearance could hardly be seen through the black and gray on their faces.

"It's a child."

"No, it's a monkey!"

"What a monkey. How did it survive that meteor shower?"

"Don't worry about how it survived, just take it back."

"Great, I haven't eaten meat for more than a month. Although this monkey is thin, one or two pieces of meat for each person is still enough!"

"Can monkeys eat it? Why do I feel like a human being?" the woman said.

One of the middle-aged men stepped forward, grabbed the little monkey's tail, held it in his hand and said, "If you don't dare to eat, we will share an extra portion."

"It's the end of the world, let alone a monkey, even if it is really a child, I would still dare to eat it." The woman suddenly laughed.


When Zhao Yin arrived outside the industrial park, the group of corpses had become much thinner, and they were back to wandering aimlessly.

"Lao Niu, when you and the monkey separated, were you here?" Zhao Yin asked in his heart.

"Master, it's in the industrial park in front." Lao Niu responded in his heart.

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