Zhao Yin came to the space boundary and took out all the extra equipment.

[1236 pieces of F-level equipment, 745 pieces of E-level equipment, 484 pieces of D-level equipment]

As for the equipment above C-level, the macaques have not yet equipped themselves.

Zhao Yin threw all these equipment into the life space.


The space shook suddenly, just like before, the boundary slowly retreated, the sky slowly rose, and the earth gradually spread to the distance...

Zhao Yin breathed a sigh of relief. He was still worried about what would happen to the core of the world.

Since it can still be upgraded, everything is not a problem.

Two hours passed.

The diameter of the space returned to 62086 meters from the original 5,000 meters!

Compared with the original 700,000 meters, it is less than one-tenth.

Zhao Yin pondered for a while and took out four more animal traps.

Now, this kind of auxiliary equipment is not very useful to him.

Four animal traps were thrown into the boundary wall, and the diameter of the space increased by 40,000 meters again.

Breaking through the 100,000-meter mark, reaching 102,086 meters!

Zhao Yin faintly felt the wind flowing in the air again, and the light returned to its former brightness.

Even the faintly visible star in the sky above his head reappeared...

Zhao Yin suddenly felt that upgrading the life space was not difficult.

In the past, it was just because the equipment level he got was too low, and every time he got high-level equipment, he was reluctant to use it to upgrade the life space.

Zhao Yin took out a space ring from his pocket.

Storage equipment is extremely precious to others, but Zhao Yin has 51 A-level space rings and 8 S-level rings!

B-level equipment increases the diameter of the space by 10,000 meters, so A-level equipment is 100,000 meters, and S-level is... 1 million meters!

Zhao Yin took up an A-level space ring and waved his hand to throw it into the space boundary...


However, it was not absorbed by the boundary wall as expected.

The space ring bounced back directly!

With a ding-dong sound, it fell at Zhao Yin's feet, and he was stunned!

Is it not possible?

At this moment, a message appeared in his mind.

It was as if he was born with it, and he had known this information for a long time.

"The power of the dead world contains the death virus, which will assimilate the power of the life world. If it is forcibly absorbed, the core of the world will gradually stop growing and soon enter death!"

"The power of the dead world? Virus?"

Zhao Yin was shocked. A world can be infected and die by a virus?

He couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, but he understood that this was the core of the world conveying information to him, and it was impossible to fake it!

Zhao Yin looked at the pile of space rings in his hand.

In a vague way, he had a guess.

"Space rings cannot retain living things, and there is even no time law in them. So, is it made from the dead world space?"

The specific details are unknown.

At this time, he can only give up the idea of ​​using space rings to enhance the core of the world.

Zhao Yin was disappointed and murmured: "A diameter of 100,000 meters is not enough, it must be at least more than 800,000 meters...!"

"No, it must be at least 1 million meters. Annihilation may increase the price next time. It would be best if it can be upgraded to 1.5 million!"

Zhao Yin took out another random teleportation scroll and threw it at the boundary wall.

As soon as the scroll touched the boundary wall, it was immediately absorbed, and then the whole space shook again.

The diameter of the space increased by another 100 meters!

It is almost the same as a D-level equipment.

The random scroll is a B-level disposable item, and its function is directly reduced by two levels compared to normal equipment!

Zhao Yin's face showed joy. Since he can absorb disposable items, he can also absorb explosive arrows and sky-breaking arrows!

You know, the sky-breaking arrow is A-level!

Even if it is reduced by two levels, it is equivalent to a C-level equipment!

Zhao Yin immediately took out all the explosive arrows, sky-breaking arrows, and all the space teleportation scrolls.

[41 space teleportation scrolls, 74 explosive arrows, 63 air-breaking arrows]

These things are not very useful to him now.

After all, with Zhao Yin's strength improving, even the ordinary arrows he shoots are almost as powerful as air-breaking arrows.

As for the random teleportation scroll...it contains too much uncertainty, not to mention there is a directional teleportation scroll as a backup!

Zhao Yin threw all the props into the boundary wall.


Soon, the space reached 176,686 meters directly!

The entire life space finally looked vast.

"It's still not enough!"

Zhao Yin gritted his teeth and took out the monster-catching net again.

This is a genuine A-level equipment, which is still very useful to Zhao Yin.

Some time ago, he was still using this net to restrain the pseudo-mutant beast shrimp.

However, with the disappearance of the lake, the shrimp that Zhao Yin raised had long gone to an unknown place, leaving behind this net.

In order to save his life, he didn't care so much,

Zhao Yin threw it into the boundary wall again.


Sure enough, just as he guessed, an A-level equipment increased the diameter of the space by 100,000 meters, reaching 276,686 meters!

It was still far from the plan.

Zhao Yin did not hesitate at all and took out the more precious Dali Pill.

He had accumulated 15 Dali Pills recently!

"The pills should also be absorbed!"

Zhao Yin scattered all the Dali Pills into the boundary wall like scattering beans.


What surprised Zhao Yin was that the energy contained in an A-level Dali Pill was actually equivalent to a B-level equipment!

The living space skyrocketed again by 150,000 meters, reaching 426,686 meters!

At this moment, the only thing Zhao Yin can still use is the evolution potion, but...

But any bottle of evolution potion is a guarantee for the inheritance of the entire human race!

If it were in the past, Zhao Yin would definitely not think so.

At this time, he remembered what Lao Qin said before he died.

"Zhao Yin... people don't need to be so selfless, but... if you are poor, you can take care of yourself, and if you are rich, you can help the world...!"

"Zhao Yin, you are a big shot in the apocalypse. When you meet someone, if you can help, just help...!"

After all, Zhao Yin still didn't take out the evolution potion.

He looked back at Song Xiaodao in the distance.

The girl was fiddling with several large pots there intently, as if she was ready to continue brewing wine.

Song Xiaodao felt Zhao Yin's gaze, looked back, and then smiled playfully.

"Zhao Yin, is something wrong?"


Hearing this, Song Xiaodao put down what he was doing and walked towards Zhao Yin.

"What's the matter? Are you too embarrassed to speak to me?"

"Give me the Bright Moon Mirror!" Zhao Yin said.

When Song Xiaodao heard this, he immediately put his hand into the top of the horse-faced skirt and took out a mirror on his bulging chest.

It was the disposable S-class equipment that Zhao Yin had given her to save her life.


"Don't ask me why I ask you for it?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Since you're asking for it, there must be something very important." Song Xiaodao squinted and smiled.

Her lips are red and her teeth are white. She is wearing a horse-faced skirt and looks delicate and smart.

Zhao Yin also smiled and took out his own Heavenly Thunder.

He threw two pieces of S-level disposable equipment into the boundary wall together.


The diameter of the space has once again increased by 20,000 meters.

Reaching 446,686 meters!

At this moment, Zhao Yin threw almost everything he could into the space boundary wall.

It was impossible for him to use extraordinary food and medicine.

Next, all we have to do is pick up equipment!

"Most of the equipment on the macaques is C-level, and they haven't been collected yet. Even if they are all taken off to upgrade their life space, it will still be difficult to achieve the goal!"

Zhao Yang said.

"In comparison, he looks like a little monkey with a treasure on his body!"

Those two city gates!

In addition to its strong defense and staggering weight, the city gate has no special effects.

Now, the little monkey's fighting power has been limited!

But the city gate was once an SSS-level city defense equipment after all.

Although too much energy was lost, not even as good as Song Xiaodao's SS-level explosive knife, what remained was still much stronger than an ordinary S-level piece of equipment.

Zhao Yin waved to the little monkey, and it immediately ran over carrying two city gates.


The little monkey handed the city gate to Zhao Yin directly.

This monkey is getting smarter and smarter. In fact, Zhao Yin didn't ask for anything from it at all.

It could sense the master's urgency to upgrade its life space, and said in its heart: "Master, these two city gates should be put to their best use. It is the little monkey's blessing that they can be favored by the master."

Zhao Yin was moved when he heard this.

He raised his hand to rub the little monkey's head, but found that it had not shrunk in size. Now its normal body is several meters tall.

Zhao Yin put down his hand, took the two city gates, and threw them into the space boundary wall.


The space was shaking violently like never before. At this moment, even the gray mist outside the boundary wall began to roll violently.

The boundary wall slowly retreats...

The diameter of space has skyrocketed to 500,000 meters... 600,000 meters... 800,000 meters...

Three hours later!

It has exceeded the area before the sacrifice!

And, it is still continuing to grow!

900,000 meters...1 million meters...

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