"Ning Yue, grandma is happy today, so she will perform a dance to cheer up the fun!" Zhao Yin immediately spoke to Ning Yue.

Ning Yue blushed, her beautiful face showing shyness and hesitation.

"Don't worry, Grandma Emma is very wealthy. She just killed the female corpse demon and made a lot of money. I can still afford a few gifts!" Zhao Yin said.

The dead Duke was a powerful man who dominated countless worlds when he was young, and he was also an infatuated species.

I don’t know how many treasures I collected, but they were all used as gifts to make my wife happy.

Zhao Yin really didn't think that a rich woman like Emma could go bankrupt just by taking a few treasures.

"Yes, I can afford it. Grandma still has many treasures here!" Emma clapped her thighs and shouted in a loud voice: "Play music and dance!"

Ning Yue also knew that with Emma's status, any treasure she took out would be of endless use to her.

So, she got up and walked to the center of the invisible tent.

At this time, Zhao Yin spoke again: "Zhou Lili, Grandma Emma said to play music, didn't you hear?"

"Ah! I...I'm coming right now!" Zhou Lili was pleasantly surprised.

She rummaged through the space ring for a long time before taking out a suona.

I don’t know which military camp it was picked up from.

"I only have this, is it okay?" Zhou Lili asked Zhao Yin cautiously.

"Can you play the suona?"

"I can blow everything."

"Blow!" Zhao Yin nodded.

Zhou Lili asked Ning Yue in a low voice: "Can you dance the Dunhuang Feitian Dance?"

"As long as Sister Lili can play a dream of Dunhuang with the suona, I can dance!"

Ning Yue has always been very confident about dancing.


The sound of suona echoed melodiously.

Ning Yue took a deep breath and slowly twisted her slender waist. Under her gauze skirt, her snow-white arms were stretched like a water snake. Her legs were slender and white, like a magpie. Her dancing posture was light and beautiful...

Her curves are moving, like a stunning goddess who came from ancient time and space.

It's holy, but people can't help but think about it...

Zhao Yin knew about Ning Yue's dancing posture in his previous life.

What amazed him the most was Zhou Lili’s performance.

The suona is obviously a powerful instrument, but she played it so freshly and sweetly that it was like clouds rising and snow flying...

At this moment, Zhou Lili's whole body seemed to have a different kind of charm.

Different from her usual tenderness, her whole body is full of spiritual energy.

"Good boy, good boy!"

After the dance, Emma clapped her hands and looked very happy.

She threw out two bottles of potion and shouted with unfinished content.

"Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

Zhao Yin was also drunk and blurred, and said like a repeater: "Keep playing music, keep dancing!"

He quietly looked at the two bottles of medicine that fell in front of Zhou Lili and Ning Yue.

[Talent and superpower potion: SS level, high-level mental type superpower potion. After taking it, the hidden talent and superpower of the evolver's bloodline will be opened: Daoyin]

[Talent and superpower potion: SS level, high-level superpower potion of type element system. After taking it, the hidden talent and superpower of the evolver's bloodline will be opened: Ice and Snow Dance]

Zhao Yin was already having trouble breathing.

Today I have obtained three bottles of SS-level supernatural potions and an SS-level weapon!

"Wang Xiaolei, why don't you quickly pour wine for grandma?" Zhao Yin urged.

Wang Xiaolei stood up, not as weird as Song Xiaodao, but more well-behaved.

"Grandma Emma, ​​please use wine!"

Emma raised her head and glanced at Wang Xiaolei: "They are also good children, they are all good children!"

After finishing her words, she touched the space ring again and suddenly muttered: "Eh--where have all the SS-level supernatural potions that I have stored for nearly ten thousand years gone?"

She frowned and seemed to have been thinking for a long time, but did not remember that she had already given all the rewards to the good children.

"Grandma Emma, ​​no need, Xiaolei already has superpowers!" Wang Xiaolei said with a blushing face.

"No, no, you little girl doesn't care, but if others find out, they will still call me stingy!"

Even though she was drunk, Emma's face flashed with physical pain.

She gritted her teeth, took out another bottle of potion, and put it into Wang Xiaolei's hand.

"Little girl, this bottle of potion is of a higher level. It is the bottle that grandma has treasured for the longest time, and it is also the most precious bottle!"

Wang Xiaolei knelt down gratefully and kowtowed three times to Emma.

"Xiao Lei, thank you grandma and wish grandma a long life!"

Emma smiled and showed her gums.

She doesn't have much time left, and this is what she likes to hear the most.

Immediately afterwards, Emma was so happy that she drank three more bowls of wine.

Then Emma closed her eyes, lay on the table, and fell asleep.

At this time, Zhao Yin had time to look at the potion in Wang Xiaolei's hand.

[Talent and superpower potion: SSS level, top-notch superpower potion in category and field. After taking it, the hidden talent and superpower of the evolver bloodline will be opened: killing field]

Zhao Yin's eyes almost fell off.

SSS level super potion, and it is a domain type!

"Boss, is the potion my grandma gave me a high level?" Wang Xiaolei didn't have any detection powers, and she still looked confused.

At this moment, Zhao Yin's eyes were a little complicated.

No one can avoid being greedy when faced with a bottle of SSS-level domain-level potion!

For a while...

"Very strong!" Zhao Yin said.

He suppressed his inner feelings forcibly.

Zhao Yin can almost trust Wang Xiaolei 100% now.

Besides, this is Emma, ​​something given to her.

"Boss, I..."

Wang Xiaolei held the supernatural potion and was a little at a loss.

"Go and activate the superpower immediately!"

Zhao Yin interrupted, then looked back and glanced around: "I won't ask for the potions you got, just go and activate your powers!"

Finally, Zhao Yin added: "Lest you have long nights and lots of dreams!"

Several girls who wanted to donate the potion stopped.

After getting along for a long time, they all understand Zhao Yin.

Since he said he didn’t want it, he definitely wouldn’t want it again.

They all also knew that once Emma woke up, she would most likely get the potion back.

Several girls immediately left the invisibility tent and looked for cabins.

Only the drunk Emma, ​​Song Xiaodao and Winnie were left.

Winnie still sat there quietly, looking at Zhao Yin with gentle eyes.

Song Xiaodao came to Zhao Yin and sat down.

She played with the blasting knife in her hand.

"Zhao Yin, I think you have changed."


Zhao Yin smiled. He was always in the most relaxed state in front of Song Xiaodao.

"That bottle of SSS-level superpower potion is also very important to you." Song Xiaodao lowered his head and said.

"I have so many contract beasts, it's just a bottle of potion!"

Zhao Yin lowered his head and lit a cigarette, took a puff, and looked at Song Xiaodao amid the smoke.

She raised her little head and held out the explosive knife in her hand.


"Are you stupid? You don't want such a good weapon?" Zhao Yin asked with a smile.

"I'm different from them. What's mine is yours, you're welcome." Song Xiaodao laughed: "A good weapon can be more effective in your hands!"

"I do not need!"

Zhao Yin shook his head.

He also realized that he had indeed changed, and in this end of the world, he had concerns again.

At first, when he learned that Wang Xiaolei died, he was heartbroken... At the sacrifice in Tangtang, Hong Xiaotian and Lao Qin were willing to die... Zhao Yin almost went crazy!

Looking back now, when he met Lao Hei and killed the White Rat King, it was the first time in his life that he fought for Song Xiaodao...

Perhaps, from beginning to end, he was still the same Zhao Yin from his previous life.

The difference is that in this life, I have more sense and forcibly hide my true heart.

Zhao Yin became serious: "Even you guys belong to me, Zhao Yin. As you become stronger, my strength is also increasing!"

"Do you really think so?" Song Xiaodao laughed.


Zhao Yin said matter-of-factly.

Song Xiaodao stopped mentioning this matter and asked again: "Zhao Yin, when Grandma Emma wakes up, will she ask me for a reward? If she learns that all the treasured magical potions have been used, Will he get angry?"

"So, hurry up and distill some more wine. The more, the better. We have to compensate Grandma Emma!" Zhao Yin said.

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