Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 294 I, Zhao Yin, don't care about my life

It seems that time and space did not expect Tang Tang to be so resolute.

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Its voice is trembling.

"Break this space confinement, what do you want, is my life enough?"

"Not enough!"

Time and space said hoarsely: "I also want your most precious thing, everything!"

"My everything?"

Tang Tang thought for a long time, and did not think of what precious things she still had.

Her blood relatives have long died.

Everything she had before the end of the world has long been annihilated.

There is only a little left of the supplies after the end of the world...

"I want the person you care about most!" The voice of time and space sounded.

Tang Tang was stunned.


At this moment, Hannah put one hand in Zhao Yin's chest, crushed his internal organs, and still did not find the space pendant.

"Where is the space key?" Hannah's mood has become unstable.

Not only was she confused, but Zhao Yin himself was also confused.

He clearly remembered that he had buried the space pendant in the flesh and blood on his chest, and he didn't understand why Hannah couldn't find it.

Just then...

An ancient and mysterious copper lamp came out of Tang Tang's pocket by itself.

"Not enough! Your vitality is not enough for me to break through this space confinement. Quick... Quickly give me their lives!"

The evil voice was heard by not only Tang Tang, but everyone else.

At this moment, Zhao Yin's vision suddenly became blurred, and he understood.

The pain in his heart at this moment was better than Hannah's crushing his internal organs!

At this moment, Tang Tang was finally able to move.

She was still crying, and did not look at Zhao Yin, but turned around and looked at Lao Qin and Hong Xiaotian, smiling and crying sadly...

"It's a forbidden treasure!"

The two female corpse demons all changed their expressions.

"Not good, her sacrifice is not simple, hurry, kill her...!" Hannah shouted loudly.

Lavra pointed at Tang Tang, and the terrifying energy exploded.


The energy seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and then cracks appeared in the space, spreading like a spider web.

But Tang Tang on the other side was fine.

At this moment, the space opened by time and space seemed to only cover Tang Tang and a few others.

On the other side of the space barrier, Lao Qin, Hong Xiaotian and Niu Feng could move.

Tang Tang said nothing, but with just a look, Hong Xiaotian and Lao Qin seemed to understand something.

Hong Xiaotian smiled, his eyes slightly red, but with an unimaginable calmness.

"Sister Tang Tang, when you saved me, I said that this life is yours."

After Hong Xiaotian finished speaking, he walked towards time and space, but his eyes never left Tang Tang's face.

With deep affection.

"Sister Tang Tang, do you know that you are the second girl I have ever liked."

"I, Hong Xiaotian, am a love-brained person, always so easily moved, this... is not good."

As Hong Xiaotian spoke, he walked in front of time and space, and his eyes finally moved away from Tang Tang's face.

"Come on! Spacetime!"

A bean-sized flame slowly rose from the wick and landed on Hong Xiaotian.

In an instant, it enveloped him.

The next moment, Hong Xiaotian disappeared from the spot, never to be seen again...!

There was no trace of him in this world.

It seemed that this big boy who always kept his original intention and pure love had never been here.

From beginning to end, he was always calm and smiled slightly...

Tang Tang covered her face with both hands and burst into tears.

The wind and snow could not fall into the space barrier. In front of Tang Tang, it seemed that she could still see Hong Xiaotian's figure.

At this moment, Spacetime laughed hoarsely: "Hehehe... Hehehe...!"

The space barrier that was hit into a spider web by Aphra instantly recovered as before and spread out again.

Old Qin looked up at the sky and exhaled a long breath of white air.

"Tang Tang, we don't blame you. If we don't sacrifice, everyone here will die!"

Old Qin is different from Hong Xiaotian. Maybe the older he gets, the more he knows how to cherish life. Or maybe it's for some other reason...

He has a fondness for life.

"It's a pity that the pure land created by the three of us is still just a dream..."

Old Qin sighed and took a step forward.

His gray hair was messy and his beard hadn't been shaved for a long time.

"Zhao Yin, please do me a favor...!"

Old Qin's voice echoed slowly, as if only his voice was left between heaven and earth.

So clearly, it reached Zhao Yin's ears.

There were no tears in Zhao Yin's eyes, but they were burning hot.

It was as if I had returned to my previous life, seeing the three girls falling before my eyes one by one...

"I have been retired for 30 years, and have been a cook for 30 years. I have no money and am no longer young... I am just a small person, and I shouldn't have too many regrets..."

"Zhao Yin, you are a capable person. My father said when he was alive that people don't need to be so selfless, but... if you are poor, you should take care of yourself, and if you are rich, you should help the world...!"

"Zhao Yin, you are a big man in the end times. When you meet someone, help him if you can...!"

Old Qin's voice gradually became ethereal, and finally disappeared...

All his breath also disappeared at a very fast speed...

Zhao Yin recalled the scene when he accidentally saved Lao Qin. At that time, he would not have thought that this man would eventually die for him...

They are the closest people to Tang Tang after the end of the world, and in the end of the world, they are the only ones left.

At this time, Tang Tang was the only one left in this lonely world. She kept crying and couldn't stop crying.

"Xiaotian, Uncle Qin...why are you so stupid...?"

"I'm not going to ask you to sacrifice... Come back, come back to me...!"

Tang Tang cried out heartbreakingly, the sound seemed to be able to penetrate the space and echo in the world filled with ice and snow.

At this moment, the laughter of time and space is getting louder and louder...


"No, the power emitted by the forbidden thing is stronger, kill him quickly!" Aphra shouted loudly.

Even the two female corpse demons were very afraid of forbidden things.

At this time, Aphra's attack landed on the space barrier, and it was difficult to leave any cracks.

Hannah's face was ugly. She still hadn't found the space key yet, so she hesitated.

"If we kill this human kid, we may miss the biggest opportunity in our lives!"

While hesitating, Hannah raised her hand and tapped Zhao Yin's forehead.

At this moment, Tang Tang suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, which was absorbed by the flames of time and space.

At the same time, the power of the unsealed space spread out instantly and was close to Zhao Yin...

"Not enough! Not enough!" Shikong shouted excitedly.

Tang Tang took out a butterfly knife without hesitation and pointed it at his shoulder, poof!

A snow-white lotus root arm, together with half of the shoulder, was cut off directly by her.

A large amount of blood sprayed out, and Tang Tang's arm rushed into time and space at the same time...

"Not enough! Not enough! Hurry, the corpse demon is going to kill your lover, hurry up and sacrifice him!" Shikong shouted loudly.

Tang Tang held the butterfly knife with one arm, poof!

He stabbed it into his own eye socket, and one of his eyes was gouged out by her.

In an instant, the flames flew out at an extremely fast speed, swallowing up the blood and eyeballs impatiently. Then, in time and space, the power of space emitted became a little stronger.

"Not enough! Not enough!"

"Puff puff!"

Tang Tang dug out another eye, cut off his ears, nose, soles of feet...

She cut it with knife after knife!

With each stab, her body trembled more and more.

The beauty who was like the female star before the end of the world was as ugly and terrifying as an evil ghost. Her vitality was passing by at an extremely fast speed...

"Not enough, not enough...!" Shikong's voice became more and more excited.


Suddenly, a loud shout came, with endless anger.

While Hannah was hesitating, Tang Tang was hysterical, and the power of time and space finally enveloped Zhao Yin.


Zhao Yin's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes and his face was ferocious. His chest was wide open and his internal organs were healing rapidly.

At this moment, he didn't look much better than Tang Tang.

Zhao Yin took a quick step and rushed to Tang Tang. The next moment, Tang Tang, who was as angry as a gossamer, was brought into the life space.

Next is Niufeng...

Before the two female zombie demons and Time and Space could react, Zhao Yin was the only human left in the place.

Zhao Yin's mind was filled with confusion and the miserable appearance of Tang Tang.

All I can think about is the scene of Hong Xiaotian and Lao Qin offering sacrifices...

At this moment, he couldn't return to the living space. It wasn't that he couldn't do it, but when reason and impulse were intertwined in his mind... he didn't want to leave.

Even the price of staying is beyond his ability to bear!

Even if he values ​​his life like gold, even if he has made an oath...

Zhao Yin slowly turned around and slowly flew out a black metal card from his space ring.

The black energy was rolling and floating in front of him.


Zhao Yin also has one of the forbidden things!

After using it, it was equivalent to slow suicide, but Zhao Yin still summoned it.

Apart from that, he couldn't think of any other means that he could use to deal with the situation in front of him!

"You guys, die for me, Zhao Yin!" Zhao Yin said hoarsely.

As if falling into madness, his blood-red eyes were full of revenge.

"I, Zhao Yin, why would I care about my life?"

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