
Song Xiaodao looked back at Zhao Yin and pouted, "I'm still a child, can I kill less?"

She hesitated there, thinking about how to kill a zombie to report to Zhao Yin, and that would be enough.

"There are no children in the apocalypse, only life and death!"

"If you don't have the ability, you will die. Those who can survive are the strong!"

Zhao Yin said loudly: "You are now an evolver, which is stronger than most survivors!"

"I'll give you one minute to kill the first zombie. If you can't kill it, I'll let you replace the monkey as the pioneer tonight!"

Song Xiaodao's legs softened. Let her be the pioneer?

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Wouldn't that mean she would be dead?

She drew out her Tang sword, bravely stepped on her short legs, and approached the group of zombies fighting with the little monkey.

Song Xiaodao was going to sneak attack a zombie when it wasn't paying attention, but she didn't expect that as soon as she got close, the zombie gave up besieging the little monkey and rushed directly to her.

She was so scared that she waved her Tang sword in panic.


The zombie's shoulder was cut off by the Tang sword, but the zombie seemed to have no feeling at all and continued to hug her with one arm.

At this time, Song Xiaodao was too late to react and fell to the ground: "Zhao Yin, help me!"

Zhao Yin had expected it, stepped forward and kicked the broken-armed zombie over, swung the sword to chop off the head, and pulled her up from the ground.

"To kill a zombie, you must chop off the head. Remember to swing the sword fiercely. Don't let the skull clamp your sword, and don't get scratched or bitten, otherwise you will become a zombie like them!" Zhao Yin taught seriously.

Song Xiaodao was still in shock, and his trembling body clung tightly to Zhao Yin, crying and saying, "Can you please not let me kill zombies? I... I can work for you."

"Work needs to be done, and zombies need to be killed. I told you at the beginning that since you have followed me, your life belongs to me. If you want to leave me again, I will kill you!"

Zhao Yin pushed Song Xiaodao away and pointed at the zombies not far away: "Go and kill again, this is your only way out!"

He had experienced all this in his previous life.

When killing zombies for the first time, many people couldn't even pick up their weapons, and in the end they could only be torn to pieces by zombies in their pants.

Song Xiaodao was still a child, at least she hadn't wet her pants yet.

She shed tears and glared at Zhao Yin fiercely. The good impression she had previously had was gone at this moment.

At this time, the dozens of zombies nearby had been killed by the little monkey and the old cow, and there were only a few left. Song Xiaodao didn't dare to disobey Zhao Yin's order, and rushed up with the Tang sword.

A zombie roared and rushed towards Song Xiaodao, and she swung the sword and chopped the zombie's head.

The strength of an F-level evolver is simply not something an ordinary zombie can resist.

Because she used too much force, the zombie was directly split in half, black and green, and its internal organs flowed all over the ground, accompanied by a foul smell.

At this time, all the zombies nearby were killed by Lao Niu and Xiao Houzi, and Song Xiaodao stared blankly at the corpse she had killed.

Since the zombie outbreak, in her cognition, zombies are the most terrifying species in the world!

Later, she saw Zhao Yin could easily kill zombies, and she was shocked.

Unexpectedly, she has done it now.

Did she really kill this zombie?

Song Xiaodao felt like she was dreaming.

Suddenly, a warm palm gently stroked her head, and Zhao Yin's voice came to her ears: "Well done."

Song Xiaodao felt a little warm inexplicably in her heart. After all, she was just a child and didn't hold grudges.

"Zhao Yin, shouldn't you think I'm useless?"

"Those words hurt a little, but I have to make it clear to you. People always have to grow up. Sometimes, if we don't push ourselves, how can we know how much potential we have?"

Zhao Yin rubbed Song Xiaodao's hair with one hand, and put his other hand behind his back, raised his head 45 degrees, looked up at the night sky, and his stubble-covered jawline was clearly defined.

At this moment, Song Xiaodao looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"I'm sorry, Zhao Yin, it's all because I'm too timid and let you down."

Zhao Yin didn't answer, but ordered: "Go to work, dig all the corpse crystals back for me."

After that, he bent down and dug up the head of a corpse in front of him, and quickly took out a gradeless star crystal. He was too lazy to wipe it, and directly crushed it and absorbed it.

Song Xiaodao quickly put away his Tang sword, took out his butterfly sword and did his old job.

"Old Cow, go crush all the heads that haven't been broken! Monkey, you also go dig for corpse crystals!" Zhao Yin raised his head and ordered.

His master was working personally, but the two mutant beasts were just watching. Is there any respect for hierarchy?

The two mutant beasts had just finished fighting, and they quickly put away their superpowers when they heard this.

The little monkey smashed a head next to him with a stick, and directly reached in to take out the corpse crystal. The old cow had no hands, but it didn't prevent it from helping Song Xiaodao crush the head. Song Xiaodao only needed to take out the star crystal.

In just a few minutes, 157 non-grade corpse crystals were absorbed by Zhao Yin, increasing the evolution rate by 0.0157 percentage points.

Next, the two people and two beasts continued to walk towards the industrial park, and corpses were everywhere along the way.

All the F-level zombies in Guangzhou City were summoned by the zombie king and killed by Zhao Yin outside the southern suburbs this morning.

Therefore, no zombies with grades were encountered along the way.

The group gradually approached the industrial park.

Dozens of zombies appeared again among the ruins ahead, but the difference was that they all lay on the ground, motionless.

The bodies of these zombies were all broken.

"Zhao Yin, are those zombies sleeping?" Song Xiaodao asked.

"Zombies don't need to sleep."

Zhao Yin frowned. These zombies were obviously killed.

Wondering who dared to come here to kill zombies? The little monkey said in his heart: "Master, it was Lao Niu who did it last night."

Zhao Yin suddenly realized and ordered the two beasts and Song Xiaodao to open the skull and take out the corpse crystal.

Next, they encountered several waves of corpses killed by Lao Niu, and finally found that there was an F-level among them, and the star crystal and corpse crystal were still there.

Zhao Yin opened the star crystal directly.

[Nongfu Spring...]

He smacked his lips and put it into the space ring.

At this time, the evolution degree rose to 100/0.3215.

The zombies in front gradually became denser, and occasionally a large group of thousands of zombies appeared.

After several hours of high-intensity fighting, the little monkey and Lao Niu were exhausted and panting.

Zhao Yin had to let them stop and rest, and then they could continue to move forward after regaining their energy. However, Zhao Yin never asked them to kill zombies on their own initiative.

If they were surrounded by a large number of zombies here, Lao Niu and Xiao Houzi would die with their strength.

As they went deeper into the industrial park, the zombies became more and more dense, almost to the point where it was difficult to move. Zhao Yin no longer dared to make any noise.

After asking Lao Niu, he was told that since the appearance of the zombie king, there have been more and more zombies here, and it has not been deep here for a long time.

The industrial park is not big, but it has been summoned by the zombie king. There are about 100,000 zombies. Even if a D-level mutant beast is trapped in the siege, it is probably difficult to get out.

The mutant beast is just a flesh and blood body. Once the superpowers are exhausted, they will be piled up to death by the zombies.

Going deep into the industrial park, zombies are wandering everywhere, and there is no end in sight. They are so dense that it looks like a temple fair before the end of the world.

Zhao Yin and a few guys stopped under a broken insulation tile.

"Lao Niu, how far is it?" Zhao Yin asked in his mind without daring to speak.

"It's just over the concrete pile in front." Lao Niu responded in his mind.

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