Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 289: Possessed by a Corpse Demon

In fact, no one here knows exactly what's going on.

Last night, Commander Wang Qiang suddenly ordered that all Evolved sergeants stay in the military camp to rest, and no one was allowed to go out.

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Just an hour ago, zombies suddenly broke out in the military camp, and then spread rapidly.

Those infected by the virus are all evolutionary sergeants.

By the time everyone reacted, there were only 10,000 or 20,000 evolved people left.

In panic, they rushed out of the military camp and saw all the senior military officials gathered in front of the headquarters.

Headed by General Niu Feng, he led everyone to launch a siege against the commander Wang Qiang.

When Niu Feng saw the sea of ​​corpses erupting, he ordered them to escort the ordinary sergeants to escape to the outer city. Along the way, nearly ten thousand evolved sergeants died, leaving only more than ten thousand of them.

Then, the scene that Zhao Yin had seen before appeared.

After Zhao Yin briefly asked, he stopped talking.

In fact, he had made a rough guess before.

Commander Wang Qiang is the person he is looking for!

Niu Feng and others must have discovered something, so this military mutiny ushered in.

Zhao Yin walked directly to the inner city.

After all the evolved sergeants looked at each other, someone finally said: "Follow up and take a look."

Including 50,000 ordinary sergeants, all followed Zhao Yin into the inner city.

The remaining 10,000 ordinary survivors stayed where they were.



In the inner city, the same corpse roars continued again and again.

From a distance, I saw a group of zombies in military uniforms besieging a person.

The man's uniform was shattered and covered in blood. On his body, a layer of black extraordinary energy formed the shadow of a buffalo.

Like a monstrous giant, it looks like it is crazy, constantly punching, attacking, staggering to dodge, and attacking again...

With every blow he struck, a zombie was knocked back...

The zombies have also fallen into madness, and they are rushing one after another, but that person is still unable to break through the encirclement... There are too many zombies, and each one is comparable to the zombie king of the same level!

[Human male: Awakened power, B-level evolver, evolution level 100/0: strength 920, agility 930, physical strength 780, spirit 750, power: SS-level bull, life countdown: 978908 days]

[Male zombie, B level, evolution degree 100/0, strength 980, agility 950, defense 1050, spirit 455, awakening ability: eye of true seeing, fire system]

[Male zombie, level C, evolution level 100/95, strength 650, agility 640, defense 700, spirit 200, awakening ability: iron armor]

[Male zombie, C level, evolution level...]

All the zombies have just been transformed by superpowers and have not yet had time to become the true zombie king. Most of them are still C-level, and there is only one B-level!

And that person is obviously Niu Feng, an SS-level combat power user!

"It's General Niu, why is he the only one left?"

"The other officers have turned into zombies!"

"Where is the Commander?"

The sergeants who followed Zhao Yin in all had pale faces.


Zhao Yin's figure suddenly accelerated, turned into an afterimage, set off a sonic boom, and crashed into the group of corpses with a roar.

He took action directly without any hesitation. Before the zombies could react, he chopped off the head of the B-level zombie with a lightning strike.

Immediately afterwards, seven contract beasts and corpse demon Zhang Jie also pounced on him.

It's just crushing and massacre!

Although the zombies are all comparable to the zombie king, most of them are C-level, and the difference in strength is huge.

In just an instant, more than a hundred zombies were slaughtered.

Niu Feng gasped for air and looked at Zhao Yin in horror: "You... you...!"

Zhao Yin also looked at Niu Feng. Apart from himself and Song Xiaodao, he was the only B-level evolver he had ever seen who had obtained a C-level evolution potion.

"Where is Wang Qiang?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Are you looking for him too?"

Niu Feng was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted and pointed at the largest military tent.

"Where is he!"

Zhao Yin didn't say much, and went straight to the military tent, raising his hand and pointing.

"Force him to come out!"


A huge tornado formed by wind blades suddenly condensed in the air, roaring and sweeping towards the commander's tent.

It was Bald Egg who took action.

Immediately afterwards, the military tent, which was not even equipped with extraordinary equipment, was cut into countless pieces and swept into the sky with the strong wind.

Everything was minced, but no one was there.

Zhao Yin's eyes narrowed and he turned back to look at Niu Feng.

"I just saw him go in...!" Immediately afterwards, Niu Feng seemed to suddenly remember something.

"It's the earth element! Wang Qiang masters the SSS-level earth element ability!"

As an SSS-level superpower, Wang Qiang rarely used superpowers to escape, so Niu Feng didn't think of it for a moment.

Zhao Yinquan understood that whether it was the zombie sea's active attack or the zombie virus breaking out in the base, it was Wang Qiang who was blocking him.

Wang Qiang's real purpose is to buy time to escape.

But since Wang Qiang had known about his arrival for a long time, why did he only start preparing last night?

I could have escaped earlier, but I stayed one day longer, and finally had to escape in this way!

What on earth was he doing during the extra day?

Also, why is Wang Qiang, a human being, able to command the sea of ​​corpses?

A mystery has been solved, and it seems that there are more secrets hidden in Wang Qiang.

If these secrets are not solved, it will be like a thorn stuck in Zhao Yin's heart.

"Master, I feel the aura of Earth Escape!"

Lao Hei walked around the open space left by the commander's tent and conveyed his heartfelt message to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin turned around and asked Niu Feng: "Does Wang Qiang have speed powers?"

Niu Feng shook his head: "He only has earth and exploration abilities!"

Lao Hei mastered extreme speed, and his Earth Escape speed was definitely faster than Wang Qiang's.

Zhao Yin hesitated slightly, but still did not bring the other contract beasts, Song Xiaodao and others.

This time I'm just chasing down one person, so I don't need too many people.

If there is a real danger, if the seven mutant beasts and the zombie demon Zhang Jie are unable to deal with it, it will be in vain for the other contracted beasts to go.

Zhao Yin took out a few compressed biscuits and threw them to Lao Hei: "Follow me!"

Lao Hei swallowed the compressed biscuit, and then ripples appeared under his feet. The next moment, an orange-yellow light shield rose.

In an instant, Zhao Yin and the other six contracted beasts, the corpse demon Zhang Jie and Tang Tang, and Niu Feng... were all wrapped up.

Zhao Yin was stunned and wanted to ask Lao Hei why he brought Tang Tang and Niu Feng with him, but Lao Hei had already started to sink.

Therefore, Zhao Yin simply stopped talking.

"Master, I feel that the aura of the earth element is getting stronger and stronger."

Ten minutes later, Lao Hei heard his voice.

Zhao Yin asked: "How far is it?"

"It's just ahead, about ten kilometers away!"

More than ten kilometers!

With Lao Hei's speed, he could catch up in the blink of an eye.

Zhao Yin immediately took out the Golden Bell Shield and the Butcher's Knife, and ordered all the contract beasts to replenish the ice tea and compressed biscuits.

"Everyone is ready, the battle is about to begin!"

All the mutated beasts became excited, and the little monkey said in his heart: "Old Hei, keep chasing him, let that human traitor see how powerful our beast gods are!"

"Beast God Heavenly Group?" Zhao Yin was confused.

"Master, you are the great beast god, and we are the most powerful and loyal force in your hands!"

The little monkey took advantage of the situation and flattered him: "Always loyal to the great beast god!"

Zhao Yin's heart suddenly wandered, and he felt it was very appropriate.

"Master, the traitor discovered us. He just gave up his earth escape and reached the ground!"

At this time, Lao Hei's voice came again.

"He knows he can't escape. Is he planning to fight me head-on?"

Zhao Yin raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, and ordered: "Follow me!"

Soon, Lao Hei landed on the ground, the light shield dispersed, and he saw a tall middle-aged man standing three hundred meters away.

In the wind and snow, he was wearing a brand-new military uniform, swinging in the wind. His dark eyes looked indifferently at Zhao Yin and a group of mutant beasts, and finally fell on Niu Feng's face.

"Niu Feng, I'm glad you're not dead." The man suddenly smiled heartily, like meeting a brother he hadn't seen for many years at the dinner table.

But Niu Feng's face was gloomy and he ignored it. He turned to Zhao Yin and said, "He is Wang Qiang!"

Zhao Yin did not attack immediately, but first opened the Eye of Insight.

[Human male: Awakened power, A-level evolver, evolution level 100/0: strength 1820, agility 1830, physical strength 1000, spirit 750, power: B-level eye of true seeing! Life countdown: 0.1 days!

Note: Possessed by the A-level zombie demon ‘Masada Xianju’, he shares the superimposed zombie demon attributes: strength 1280, agility 1250, defense 1300, spirit 1200, awakening abilities: possession, shadow, corpse raising! 】

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