The idiot punched the old squad leader on the head.

But the old squad leader held his head and remained motionless.

"Stupid, okay, stop fighting!"

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Anzi stepped forward and hugged the idiot: "What's the point of hitting the old squad leader? The matter has nothing to do with him!"

"Anzi, when Li Wei was about to leave, he was the one who reported to the superiors and caused Li Wei's tragic death. I'm going to beat him to death!"

"You fool, I didn't know that Li Wei and the others would die...!" The old squad leader wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Do you still remember Jiang Lian?"

Mentioning Captain Jiang, the idiot instantly calmed down.

Anzi said: "Of course we remember Captain Jiang. When we encountered a large group of corpses, he sacrificed himself and gave us a chance to survive!"

"Li Lian told me before he left that in the apocalypse, the only thing we can trust is the military region. No matter what, we must trust the commander!" The old squad leader looked decadent.

"But we still trusted the wrong person."

"You still have the nerve to say it when you're riding a horse!"

The idiot's anger grew again, and he rushed forward to beat someone again. At this moment, a tall figure suddenly walked around the corner.


The idiot was still holding on to the collar of the old squad leader and turned around after hearing this.

I saw that it was a young officer with the rank of major general on his shoulder.

"General Niu!" Anzi saluted immediately, but his voice couldn't help but tremble.

The faces of the idiot and the old squad leader turned pale instantly.

"General Niu, we... idiots are kidding me."

The old monitor slapped the idiot's hand away, wiped the blood from his face, and forced a smile.

The idiot stood there trembling, unable to say a word.

He knew that what he just said had been heard by General Niu.

Thinking of the group of soldiers who had been shot to death for 'spreading rumors' recently, the fool felt despair for a moment.

General Niu's real name is Niu Feng, and his nickname is Mad Cow General.

Before the end of the world, he was a civilian in the headquarters.

After the apocalypse, Niu Feng opened a bottle of SS-level combat potion and became an SS-level warrior!

At the same time, Niu Feng is also the most trusted person by Commander Wang Qiang.

He was even appointed as the quartermaster of the Huangshan Military Region...

Such a person could easily kill little soldiers like them.

Regardless of emotion or reason, Niu Feng could not let him go.

Unexpectedly, Niu Feng said with a cold face: "I'll pretend I didn't hear anything like this. If you want to live well, just watch your mouth!"

The whole person was stunned.

Mad cow doesn't kill itself?

Immediately afterwards, Niu Feng took out a space ring and threw it into the old squad leader's hand: "These are some mutated crops that I got secretly, crushed them into powder, and mixed them with water to send to those 'prisoners'!"

The old squad leader was also stunned. Ever since they were asked to guard these 'prisoners', they have seen countless people starve to death every day, and the military region has never provided any food to the 'prisoners'.

Niu Feng added: "No fire is allowed. The smell will attract hungry wolves and let the 'prisoners' eat raw."

After saying that, Niu Feng turned and left, disappearing around the corner.

After a long while, the three of them came back to their senses.

"Isn't he the most trusted person by the commander? Why didn't he kill me?" the idiot said hoarsely.

"Mutated crops are all under the unified management of the military region. Although they are in the hands of the quartermaster, embezzling such scarce materials will cause you to lose your head!"

The old squad leader checked the space ring and found that there was a thousand kilograms of mutated rice inside.

"Did these senior military officials also discover something unusual about the commander?"


Niu Feng's tall figure walks in the wind and snow.

Snowflakes turned white on his head.

He stepped into a military tent.

At this time, more than a dozen people had gathered here.

"General Niu!"

"General Niu!"


The group of people all looked tired. When Niu Feng stepped in, everyone stood up and saluted.

They are all senior military officers.

Niu Feng nodded and asked, "Have you thought about everything?"

"General, we have thought about it, even if we die!"

Recently, they have too many questions and too many unwillingnesses...

The commander asked them to abandon the Huangshan Military Region and abandon the 400,000 survivors. At that time, the commander said that it was to preserve their strength and arranged a backup team to escort those survivors to evacuate...

But in the end, the news was that 400,000 people were annihilated by the sea of ​​corpses the next day...

They came to Yuhuo Base. Commander Wang Qiang killed several leaders of the base. In Wang Qiang's words, they were selfish and unruly people who blocked the development of the military region.

Although this kind of thing is unacceptable, it is the end of the world after all, and sometimes extreme measures need to be taken.

Everyone still trusts Wang Qiang...

But...but why do we want to kill those evolved people and why do we starve to death hundreds of thousands of innocent ordinary survivors?

Where did their bodies go?

Until last night, a sea of ​​corpses appeared outside the city. Niu Feng led a group of people to climb the city wall to investigate.

He actually saw the corpses of the killed superpowers and evolved beings among the corpses.

And the two A-level zombie kings are actually the two leaders of the Yuhuo Base more than ten days ago...

At that moment, Niu Feng understood everything, but the matter was important and he had to confirm it!

The price of confirmation is very likely to be life!

As a soldier, Major General Daxia should not take life so seriously.

So he arranged it all.

Niu Feng waved his hand, and large pieces of corpse crystals scattered.

These are all the corpse crystals that he, the quartermaster, keeps.

"Everyone, now that you have thought about it, let's start advancing according to the original plan!"

Advancement without evolution potion is self-destructive.

At this moment, all the officers, no one hesitated, immediately followed the assignment and crushed the corpse crystals piece by piece.

Niu Feng, on the other hand, turned around and walked out of the military tent.

He had a different mission from these officers. He had to question Wang Qiang on his own.

The Daxia Military Region has always had a mountain of military orders. Impeaching the first person in the military region is a serious crime... But so what?

The generals who stayed behind were prepared to lead their subordinates to mutiny and flee here once his impeachment failed...

As for what will happen in the future... Niu Feng didn't think about it.

This is all he can do.

In the wind and snow, a tall figure walked towards the largest military tent in the center of the military camp.

Niu Feng stepped on the snow, his eyes were firm and his voice was low.

"Quartermaster Niu Feng, please come out and see Commander Wang Qiang!"

"General Niu, do you want to mutiny?"

Several soldiers with superpowers walked out of the military tent with stern expressions on their faces.

They are all Wang Qiang's guards, and several of them are Niu Feng's friends.

Niufenggu is full of extraordinary energy, and its sound echoes over the military camp.

"I met the commander to ask on behalf of all my dead comrades, why did we give up 400,000 people?"

"Why do you want to kill so many innocent people?"

"Why starve one hundred thousand survivors to death?"

"Why do their corpses appear among the corpses?"

When the guards heard this, their expressions changed drastically.

Why is Niu Feng's question not their question?

It’s just that the military orders are like mountains.

Obeying orders is the mission of every soldier.

"The commander must have his reasons for doing this." One of the leading guards said.

"General Niu, the commander doesn't care about you, just leave quickly and don't cause a fire!"

"Starting a fire?"

Niu Feng lowered his head slowly and smiled bitterly, his hoarse voice floating in the cold wind.

"Give me the truth and let me set myself on fire, so what?"

Then Niu Feng slowly raised his head and looked at the military tent: "Commander, you haven't left the military tent for three days. Now that the sea of ​​corpses is coming, as the highest commander of the military region, why can't you escape from the battle?"

"To answer everyone's questions, I, Niu Feng, am willing to commit suicide and apologize!"

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