Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 279: A Sea of ​​Three Million Corpses

"I thought that the Pure Land Camp could do something for the country, share the spoils of killing the sea of ​​corpses, and get rewards from the Huangshan Military District...!"

After Tang Tang finished speaking, she lowered her head and thought of her dead friends.

Her lips were bitten, and her mouth was full of sweetness.

"Did the Huangshan Military District fail in the end?" Zhao Yin asked.

But Tang Tang shook her head: "There are still many forces rushing to the Huangshan Military District. There are more than a dozen major bases that are stronger than the Pure Land Base. At that time..."

"At that time, the Huangshan Military District asked us, the outsiders, to attack the sea of ​​corpses first... We agreed that once the outsiders attacked, the Huangshan Military District would attack from the rear with all our strength and force the zombie king out in one fell swoop!"

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"But after we attacked, the Huangshan Military District did not send troops for a long time, and our major camps were surrounded by the sea of ​​corpses... Wang Feng, Sister Li and others... They are all dead!"

Speaking of this, Tang Tang trembled violently.

Lao Qin and Hong Xiaotian also had bloodshot eyes.

Lao Qin added for Tang Tang: "They are a bunch of bastards. After Tang Tang sacrificed an arm and led the clean-up camp to withdraw from the sea of ​​corpses, we knew that the Huangshan Military Region had run away!"

"Run away!"

On the side, Song Xiaodao, one of the six girls who had not spoken since Tang Tang was brought in, screamed.

"Why did they run away?"

"Hehe...!" Lao Qin laughed bitterly and said, "After the end of the world, the soldiers are all a bunch of bastards. They asked us to attract the sea of ​​corpses and buy time for them to transfer, but they ran away, didn't they?"

"You are not allowed to say that!" Wang Xiaolei shouted loudly.

Three generations of the Wang family have sacrificed their lives for the country, and Captain Wang also died to save people.

In Wang Xiaolei's heart, the flag of the Daxia soldiers must not be tarnished by anyone.

Not only Wang Xiaolei and Song Xiaodao, but even Zhao Yin was slightly moved.

He had seen an army that fled without fighting, but he had never heard of an army that let others block the knife and then escape.

"It's the end of the world, and the military is no longer our haven. Is there any hope for this world?" Hong Xiaotian murmured, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Tang Tang still kept her head down and said nothing.

"I can only say that there are all kinds of birds in a big forest." Zhao Yin shook his head.

After the end of the world, there are heroic generals like Shen Lisui, and selfless veterans like Lao Quezi. Naturally, there will be some selfish bastards.

There's nothing strange about it.

Since ancient times, the most unpredictable thing is the human heart!

Zhao Yin no longer bothered about this matter and asked about the sea of ​​corpses.

Old Qin said with a pale face: "The number of corpses in the sea is unknown. It was estimated that there were more than three million zombies at that time. The most terrifying thing is that there are zombies of a type we have never seen before!"

"Some have wings, some are fast, some are offensive... The most terrifying type is that they all grow various bone armors on their bodies, and their strength is several times that of ordinary zombies!"

"As for the zombie king, no one has ever seen its appearance. Perhaps those who have seen it are dead...!"

"If it weren't for Tang Tang's sacrifice, we wouldn't be able to come back here."

Tang Tang, Old Qin and the other two subconsciously showed fear in their eyes. That was the shadow cast by the sea of ​​corpses on them.

On the other hand, Song Xiaodao and others were all very calm.

"Zhao Yin, Xiaotian's wind escape ability is faster than the speed of the sea of ​​corpses, so we can get here, and the sea of ​​corpses should be close to Guangzhou City." Tang Tang said in a low voice.

Zhao Yin couldn't remember what Wanzhou was like in his previous life, but the sea of ​​corpses definitely had never entered Zhongzhou.

Zombies will not attack each other. In his previous life, it was the sea of ​​corpses in Seoul that invaded Guangzhou City.

He didn't expect that after he solved the sea of ​​corpses in Seoul, the sea of ​​corpses in Wanzhou would attack so quickly.

"Zhao Yin, do you want to prepare immediately?" Song Xiaodao asked.

"No need to prepare!" Zhao Yin said.

There was no time for him to prepare.

He took out some food and drinks, gave them to Tang Tang, and walked out of the villa with six girls.

Tang Tang took the food and followed Lao Qin and the others: "Zhao Yin, are you going to stop that sea of ​​corpses?"

Although she knew that Zhao Yin was very strong, Tang Tang was still unbelievable because of her fear of the sea of ​​corpses.

Zhao Yin nodded and strode forward.

"I'm just short of corpse crystals. Since the sea of ​​corpses took the initiative to attack, it saves the energy of actively looking for them!"

Zhao Yin walked to the front of the beasts. Without speaking, all the contracted beasts were excited.

They could feel the vague killing intent in their masters' hearts, which seemed to be gradually magnified.

Zhao Yin jumped up and stood on the top of the old cow, looking towards the east of Guangzhou.

That was the direction to Wanzhou.

"All contracted beasts, within five minutes, rush to the east of Huanglong Mountain!" Zhao Yin ordered loudly.

The next moment, several girls all climbed onto the old cow, and even Winnie slowly grabbed the black hair on the old cow and climbed up with difficulty.

Song Xiaodao grabbed Winnie's collar and took her into the beast-carrying golden house.

Ten seconds later, the beasts started moving at a high speed. In the snowy night, they rumbled to the east, like thousands of troops.

Lao Qin was stunned: "So fast?"

"Sister Tang Tang, do you want to go over and help?" Hong Xiaotian asked.

Tang Tang nodded: "Don't get too close, he has a bad temper."

"Got it, Sister Tang Tang!" Hong Xiaotian activated his supernatural power, and a gust of wind swept Tang Tang and Lao Qin up, and they quickly followed the contracted beasts.

However, after all, Hong Xiaotian was only C-level, and he didn't have the bonus of extraordinary food. After a while, sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Old Qin, why haven't you seen Zhao Yin's contracted beasts replenish extraordinary food so quickly?"

"Replenishment is a fart, they are at least B-level, more than a hundred A-level, and their agility attributes are terrifyingly high, they don't need it at all!"

"What? All B-level?"

"More than a hundred A-level?"

How is it possible?

No wonder Brother Daya said that Zhao Yin destroyed a sea of ​​corpses, no wonder Zhao Yin was so confident!

Soon, Zhao Yin's contracted beasts ran away, and Hong Xiaotian couldn't catch up at all.

"Xiaotian, can you be faster? If you lose it, Tang Tang will have to live with you for the rest of her life?" Old Qin scolded.

Hong Xiaotian's face flushed instantly. He glanced at Tang Tang secretly. Seeing that she had no reaction, he panted and said, "Don't worry. There are footprints of contracted beasts everywhere. How can you lose them?"

Who knew that not long after, all the footprints in the snow disappeared.

Hong Xiaotian was stunned: "Where did they go?"

Lao Qin also widened his eyes: "Could it be that Zhao Yin's contracted beasts have all grown wings?"

Of course, they didn't know that in order not to expose the life space, Zhao Yin put all the contracted beasts into the life space after leaving their sight.

In order to save time, Zhao Yin rode Xiaobai alone and flew dozens of kilometers away.

"He is going to snipe the zombies. At this time, Zhao Yin can't leave Guangzhou City!" Tang Tang said affirmatively.

"Xiaotian, just go to the east, you will definitely find him!"

Hong Xiaotian activated his supernatural power and rolled Tang Tang and Lao Qin to continue to go east.

Not long after, Zhao Yin and the group of mutant beasts were seen again.

However, at this moment, a huge city wall rose from the east and spread over dozens of kilometers.

The city wall was thirty meters high, and Tang Tang could not see how thick it was.

I saw a huge rat passing by, and the surrounding soil disappeared one after another, forming a huge wall not far away, and outside the huge wall, leaving a gap of tens of meters deep, one high and one low, a full sixty or seventy meters...

Zhao Yin, with all the people and beasts, was standing on the city wall, looking to the east. The wind in the snowy night blew Zhao Yin's colorful armor. In the faint fluorescent light, it was like a god standing above the world.

A corpse demon spread its bone wings, while frantically swallowing compressed biscuits, while releasing superpowers on the city wall.

Large areas of earth walls were petrified and hard as iron.

"Is this building fortifications?" Lao Qin said in shock.

Tang Tang and Hong Xiaotian were silent for a while, feeling eye-opening.

After the end of the world, can superpowers still be used like this?

Buzz buzz buzz...!

At this moment, the violent sound of breaking through the air has already echoed in space.

A group of flesh-winged zombies are approaching at a very fast speed. Below them is an endless sea of ​​zombies, which spreads all the way to the end of the earth.

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