Zhao Yin looked at the remaining water in the lake. There was less than one percent, barely enough for carp and black carp to survive.

Zhao Yin was going to collect water from the Huaihe River tributary after returning to the Heaven Base.

Next, he looked at the contracted beasts who were resting.

The beast suits obtained from the Seoul Military Region had not been distributed yet.

Zhao Yin took them all out.

Zhao Yin chose to give the A-level wall-breaking horn helmet to Lao Niu, and the nine-headed crown was exclusive to bird-like mutant beasts and was given to Bald Egg.

As for the fire dragon collar, only the little monkey could not replace it!

The four pieces of black scale armor were given to Lao Hei, Xiao Bai, Damao and Da Huang.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

The remaining 27 C-level beast suits, Zhao Yin replenished all the ones that the seven contracted beasts did not have, and distributed them equally to the vultures and giant rats together with the other beast suits replaced by the mutant beasts.

At this point, Zhao Yin's contracted beast army...

The strength has soared again!

Next, Zhao Yin left the life space alone with Xiao Bai, and rushed all the way to the Heaven Base.

With all his strength, Zhao Yin appeared outside an isolated city in half a day.

In the wind and snow, the big flag with the words "Heaven Base" embroidered on it fluttered in the wind.

At this time, two evolvers stood on the sentry tower on the top of the city.

"Look, what is that?"

One of them suddenly spoke up, pointing at a white shadow approaching at a high speed in the snow.

The second person also saw clearly in an instant that it was a snow-white tiger with a human youth on its back.

Before the two of them could react, the man and the beast had already arrived at the foot of the city.

"This is the Heaven Base, and the owner behind it is the SSS-level superpower Zhao Yin. Who is the distinguished guest, and what do you want?" One of them asked tremblingly.

The man and the beast gave them a feeling that it was too dangerous, as if the other party only needed a thought, and the entire Heaven Base would fall.

The cold wind was a bit dazzling.

Zhao Yin raised his head and squinted his eyes, looking at the top of the city.

The two evolvers were unfamiliar.

They were both C-level evolvers. Judging from their basic attributes, they had used a complete set of evolutionary potions below D-level.

"It seems that Lu Ling and Jiang Shan have developed very quickly recently!" Zhao Yin smiled.

The two people on the city were stunned when they heard his voice.

Zhao Yin did not want to cause any misunderstandings, so he waved his hand to summon everyone in the space.

The two evolvers looked at the group of people who suddenly appeared, and they were like seeing a ghost.

"Brother, why did I see Boss Lu Ling? Is it hallucination?"

"I heard that our real boss does have a white tiger contract beast, and a glance can make people hallucinate... white tiger... then... that heroic gentleman is our boss?"

The second person opened his mouth wide.

At this time, Lu Ling and Ye Zang walked out of the crowd.

"Li Da and Li Er, why don't you open the city gate quickly? The boss is back, what are you still standing there for?" Ye Zang shouted.

Li Da and Li Er reacted and rang the alarm bell immediately. Then, they quickly got down from the sentry tower and opened the city gate.

Lu Ling personally led the way, and Zhao Yin and his party slowly stepped into the city.

The Heaven Base has not taken in ordinary people recently, but has recruited many evolvers with the mutant crops that Zhao Yin had left behind.

Many people heard that the boss had returned and walked into the streets. No one dared to disturb them, but they all saluted.

The outer city has been renovated again, and many stone houses have been added, which has greatly improved the living environment in the city.

Zhao Yin saw a large open space from a distance, planted with mutant corn, but with the arrival of winter, the corn seedlings did not wither like ordinary crops, but also showed signs of yellowing.

Zhao Yin was a little worried, wondering if they could survive this winter.

Some farmers were busy in the fields, making piles of fire to increase the temperature in the corn fields. Some people used rags and plastics collected from nowhere to build tents to cover the corn seedlings to keep them warm...

The entire Heaven Base regarded those thousands of corn seedlings as the hope of the future!

Zhao Yin suddenly felt sad. In the end times, he was used to seeing life and death, and he didn't care about the life and death of others.

Perhaps it was because of the four words "Heaven Base" that made his emotions fluctuate.

From a distance, Zhao Yin saw that a 30-meter-high statue stood in the square of the inner city.

The whole statue was made of gold. In the wind and snow, someone climbed the scaffolding to keep the statue clean as much as possible.

Although the statue was also Zhao Yin's face, it was different from the Seoul Military District. The whole statue was golden, and only the facial features were colored, similar to the color of human faces.

At first glance, it seemed that there was no difference from Zhao Yin, but if you look closely, the three-dimensionality of the facial features is much more three-dimensional than Zhao Yin himself, and it looks more handsome!

Lu Ling blushed: "Boss, this is Uncle Jiang who insisted on pouring it. He personally supervised the work and poured it five times before he was satisfied with this one, so he stood it here."

Zhao Yin immediately understood that the old Yin bitch was looking forward to his return, and there was already a thunderous flattery waiting for him!

Zhao Yin sighed in his heart, not knowing when he had fallen!

He had no resistance to this meaningless ritual.

A group of people were queuing in front of the statue. If one person came forward to kowtow, he would get a portion of food and leave happily...

"This is the new rule set by Uncle Jiang. If ordinary survivors want to get food, they must contribute to the base and worship the boss's statue!" Ye Zang explained to Zhao Yin.

At this time, Jiang Shan had heard the news and ran all the way.

"Boss, you're finally home. I missed you so much!"

He walked barefoot in the snow, leaving a trail of black footprints.

When he came to Zhao Yin, Jiang Shan suddenly knelt down with tears in his eyes.

"Boss, I heard that you really went to Taihang Mountain and destroyed the sea of ​​corpses. The whole Zhongzhou knows that there is a boss with great power in the Heaven Base. I know, I know that you... are the savior that the people are looking forward to in this end of the world!"

Zhao Yin frowned, too lazy to act along.

"Okay, I still have business to do!"

Jiang Shan stood up quickly and regained his usual calmness.

As long as the boss is happy, he can act for a lifetime. If the boss doesn't need him, he will do business immediately.

Jiang Shan welcomed Zhao Yin into a newly built stone hall.

I don't know where he found the decoration materials before the end of the world, and the decoration is magnificent.

Without asking, Jiang Shan took the initiative to take credit: "Boss, this is your residence. I urged people to build it!"

"I won't stay here for a few days. I'll leave after arranging things."

Zhao Yin directly told him about the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce and the security company.

It's called a Chamber of Commerce, but it's just for the sake of grandeur.

Jiang Shan frowned and thought about it for a long time before speaking seriously.

"According to what you said, with your deterrence and material foundation, it's not difficult to establish a Chamber of Commerce, but we don't have enough manpower for the security company!"

"Lu Ling has a batch of equipment and evolution potions, enough to train a group of evolvers, and you can solve the corpse crystals by yourselves." Zhao Yin said.

Jiangshan still said anxiously: "But boss, although there are many low-level evolutionary potions, the foundation of the Heaven Base is too shallow and lacks top-level combat power! Otherwise... you let the monkey master and the others... you can send out 20 or 30 mutant beasts at random...!"

"It really doesn't work, two or three will do...!"

"Ah...! This won't work either, then the Marquis will do, I like the Marquis, let it come..."


Zhao Yin's eyes gradually turned cold, and he refused.

He realized that this old cunning guy was trying to take advantage of his contracted beast!

Zhao Yin couldn't send the little monkey out. After careful thinking, Jiangshan's words were not unreasonable.

The Heaven Base now has a shallow foundation, and the people sent to the major bases must also be evolvers, and a group of people must be left behind to guard the city. There is simply not enough manpower to set up a security company.

"The affairs of the Chamber of Commerce are in your charge, Jiangshan, and you don't have to worry about the affairs of the security company!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he looked at Ye Zang and took out a thick stack of A4 paper from the space ring.

"These are the IOUs written to me by all the major forces. Since you are the general manager of the security company, you have to use these IOUs to gather the manpower yourself!"

Yezang was stunned. Wasn't he appointed as a manager?

When did he get promoted to 'general manager'?

As a general manager, I have to gather the manpower myself?

At this moment, Yezang suddenly panicked.

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