At this moment, the herd of beasts behind him is not far away!

Zhao Yin's eyes were filled with murderous intent. He raised his hand and threw a bottle of healing potion to Shen Lisui: "General Shen, bless me!"

"Okay!" Shen Lisui nodded, without asking Zhao Yin's plan.

Zhao Yin, who seemed to be afraid of death before, held the butcher knife in one hand and the golden bell shield in the other. He stepped on the ground, and his figure turned into a residual shadow. He directly passed Da Huang and rushed towards the zombie king.

He gritted his teeth and said: "If Da Huang sacrifices his clone again, I'm afraid it will really hurt the foundation. I, Zhao Yin, am now a figure. How can I hide behind a dog?"


The zombie king punched, and Zhao Yin couldn't dodge it with his speed.

This punch hit the golden bell shield, making a huge roar!

𝟔𝟗 Book Bar

Zhao Yin's hand holding the shield was shaking violently.

The phantom of the golden bell from the golden bell shield, which instinctively protects the body, has begun to activate...

At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly let go, allowing the basic defense of the shield to block the fist of the zombie king. The moment the golden bell shield was out of his hand, there was a loud bang and hit his chest...

In fact, the activation of the phantom of the golden bell shield against the B-level zombie king before was not because the shield itself could not defend, but because Zhao Yin's physique could not withstand the huge impact.

So, the golden bell shield passively activated the phantom of the golden bell to protect the master.

At this moment, the golden bell shield was out of the control of the master, so it naturally no longer activated the phantom of the golden bell. The basic defense of the golden bell shield was as high as 8,000 points, so it would naturally not be broken by the attack of the zombie king.

At this moment, although the golden bell shield buffered most of the power from the zombie king, there was still a cracking sound.

That was Zhao Yin's chest, which collapsed directly.

His figure was also directly knocked out.

"Mr. Zhao!"

Shen Lisui behind him was horrified, and the three contracted beasts rushed forward regardless of everything.

"Stand there and wait for Da Mao to come!"

Zhao Yin's weak voice came, with sternness.

The three contracted beasts immediately stopped.


Zhao Yin fell to the ground, raising a large layer of dust, and turned over quickly with a cough.

His chest recovered visibly.

"Zombie King, can you fight, or can I resist?"

At this moment, in Shen Lisui's eyes, Zhao Yin seemed to have changed.

That kind of fearless temperament was frightening.

For a moment, he suddenly couldn't tell whether the guy in front of him was still the cowardly and greedy Zhao Yin?

Zhao Yin rushed forward again, full of fighting spirit, he raised the butcher knife, suddenly jumped high, and chopped the head of the zombie king.

"A gentleman should have a place to stand!"

At this time, Shen Lisui made a move, and a dazzling white light rose from his body, and then sank into Zhao Yin's body.

The next moment, a white energy shield rose on Zhao Yin's body.

Shen Lisui felt that Zhao Yin at this time had some of the temperament of a gentleman.

"Let me see, where is the limit of the self-healing ability?" Zhao Yin shouted frantically.

The Zombie King punched Zhao Yin, and snapped!

The energy shield cracked immediately, and then it exploded inch by inch, and then the Zombie King's fist fell on the Golden Bell Shield.


After a dull loud noise, this time, Zhao Yin's tiger mouth holding the shield cracked, and the blood flowed, and it was also healing at a very fast speed.

After all, he still blocked this attack.

Then, Zhao Yin's butcher knife also fell on the head of the Zombie King!

This knife actually produced a dissection effect!


A hideous wound spread from the zombie king's forehead to the corner of his mouth, and one of his eyeballs was chopped off.

A large amount of black blood flowed, and Zhao Yin slashed with the second knife, with a bloodthirstiness in his eyes that was even crazier than the zombie king.


The dissection effect was produced again, and the wound went straight into the skull...


Severely injured, the zombie king swung his fist wildly, and his fist instantly pierced Zhao Yin's chest and came out from his back.

Because the zombie king's fist was too big, Zhao Yin's entire chest cavity was smashed empty.

His body flew away like a kite with a broken string.

At this moment, boom!

Da Mao, who was thousands of meters away, finally arrived, and the gravity field enveloped the battlefield.

The zombie king wanted to chase his body, but he slowed down immediately!

"Fuck it, kill it, kill it!"

Zhao Yin's internal organs were smashed, but after he landed, he immediately climbed up again.

The huge vitality quickly repaired his body, and after more than ten seconds, it was restored to its original state.

"It's a pity that my suit was destroyed!" Zhao Yin lowered his head and looked at the suit with a hole on his chest, with a bitter smile on his lips.

Self-healing ability has never been tried to the limit, because every attempt requires life.

This time, he finally knew...

"As long as the head is not broken, I will not die!"

Shen Lisui opened his mouth in shock and even forgot to participate in the battle.

Is this still a human?

Because of Zhao Yin's desperate efforts, the arrival of the beast group was finally delayed, and Da Huang was protected from losing his strength.


The little monkey went crazy, and the terrible flames swept towards the zombie king crazily.

"Go to hell, Lord Niu!"

The old cow also went crazy and rushed towards the zombie king with all his strength.

They had already burst into tears when they saw their master, regardless of their own safety, and wanted to protect themselves behind him.

Da Huang also split into six clones again, and instantly surrounded the zombie king.

With the gravity field of Damao, the speed of the zombie king is no longer as fast as that of several mutant beasts.


The little monkey hit the zombie king's head with a door panel, and black blood burst out immediately. The zombie king punched the little monkey, but hit nothing.

"With my big hair brother, zombie king, you are nothing!" The little monkey squeaked and became arrogant again.

The next moment, Lao Niu activated the giant power at the same time, took out three bottles of iced black tea and a large bowl of chestnut wine from the beast armor, and then activated the silver skin fruit to increase the power.

At this moment, Lao Niu's momentum reached its peak and hit the zombie king's chest!

Puff, a huge blood hole appeared on the zombie king's chest!

The power of Lao Niu is enough to easily tear open the defense of the zombie king.

When the zombie king punched, Lao Niu seemed to be prepared, turned around and quickly dodged.


The zombie king roared, and it felt the inexplicable gravity around it, as if it had fallen into a quagmire, and its agility was directly reduced by half.

That slow buffalo could easily kill it.

The zombie king wanted to turn around and escape from the gravity field...

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The seven earth dragon dogs directly blocked all the retreat routes. Da Huang remembered the scene of being abused before, and the seven giant dogs all had bloodshot eyes.

Da Huang was still afraid of the power of the zombie king, and attacked from a distance with seven dragon tails. The zombie king was too slow and was stopped.

The next moment, the whole herd arrived.

Xiao Bai, the vulture group, and the corpse demon Zhang Jie in the distance also arrived!

All the contracted beasts rushed towards the zombie king with anger, and countless attacks fell on the zombie king.

In an instant, the zombie king was covered with blood.

Whether it was the 110 super pseudo-mutant macaques, the six giant rats, or the eight vultures, their strength was not as good as Zhao Yin's seven mutants, but compared to other single-power B-level mutants, there was no difference, and even the basic attributes were above most B-level mutants.

All the macaques had equipment in their hands. Although they were not top-notch, they could increase their combat power.

A few seconds later, the zombie king's stomach was broken and his intestines were spilled. The skin on his body was torn by the seven mutants, and the flesh under his skin was torn off piece by piece by other people and beasts...

Everything happened within a few seconds.

The invincible super A-level zombie king felt like he had a nightmare. It was too crazy.

Where did such a group of terrible mutants come from?

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