The overall appearance of the heavy armor is that of the Qin and Han Dynasties. The material is made of a pitch-black extraordinary metal, which Zhao Yin estimated to be at least one to two hundred kilograms.

He could wear it himself, but it was very difficult and would actually reduce his combat effectiveness. Therefore, Zhao Yin also prepared to let the little monkey use it.

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It can be imagined that after the little monkey activates the power of giantization, he wears an indestructible armor and holds a mace, and he is invincible among the zombies. He kills powerful zombies for himself and collects them one by one. The picture of the star crystal...

Zhao Yin wiped his saliva and finally remembered that it was time to give the dress to Song Xiaodao.

He himself wears at most two tops, and if he wears more, he will have difficulty moving.

The military uniform jacket must be worn outside. The women's suit I just got is E-level, and its attributes are not comparable to those of a dress.

So the dress is ready for Song Xiaodao, who has been coveting it for a long time.

After Zhao Yin thought about how to distribute, he turned back to look at Song Xiaodao.

She had eaten all the chestnuts she had just peeled, and had already passed out. It would take at least five or six hours for her to wake up.

He put on all the equipment that he needed to change, and divided the equipment for Little Monkey and Song Xiaodao into two piles.

Then Zhao Yin called the little monkey: "Monkey, this heavy armor and mace are both D-level. They are the best equipment in my hand. I originally planned to keep them for myself to save my life, but when I thought about you, I was like a piece of shit." I’ll give it to you if you have a big pee.”

The little monkey's eyes widened, staring blankly at the heavy armor and mace pointed by Zhao Yin.

It remembered clearly that the terrifying zombie king was killed by its owner with a mace.

It had no idea that the owner of the usually picky Sosou would actually give him such a killer weapon.

"This heavy armor is a good thing. Defensive equipment is more rare than weapons. It is 60 points strong, which is only slightly inferior to that Zombie King. When you wear it, even armor-piercing bullets will not be able to hurt you!" Zhao Yin added.

The little monkey looked up at Zhao Yin, and was so moved that there were tears in his eyes: "Master, you are so kind to me, you should wear this heavy armor yourself!"

It almost shed tears when it saw that its owner was only wearing a military jacket and a pink women's suit underneath.

"I'll give it to you, put it on, go out and kill zombies now, and don't come back until dark!"

A look of majesty appeared on Zhao Yin's face, and he said with awe-inspiring righteousness: "Bring me all the star crystals and corpse crystals!"

Before Song Xiaodao wakes up, how can he let the little monkey relax?

With this set of D-level equipment, every minute and every second of the little monkey's life is filled with corpse crystals and star crystals!

Before the little monkey left, Zhao Yin thought for a while and gave it thirty chestnuts, a bottle of Nongfu Spring, and a piece of sandwich bread.

Zhao Yin warned: "You can eat chestnuts if you are hungry. This bottle of Nongfu Spring is enough for your water consumption for a day. You don't need to bring other supplies. However, the sandwich bread and the bottle of iced black tea given to you are both good things to save your life. Don’t use it casually at critical times!”

The little monkey nodded repeatedly. Although it was very greedy for extraordinary food, now it was also influenced by Zhao Yin and knew how precious extraordinary food was. It would save as much as possible.

Extraordinary defensive equipment can change size at will according to the wearer's body shape.

After the little monkey put on the heavy armor, it struggled to walk out of the tent dragging the mace without turning on its powers.

The invisibility tent fell silent.

Only Zhao Yin, the unconscious Song Xiaodao, and Lao Niu were left.

"Master, I... I also want to make meritorious deeds!" Lao Niu said angrily.

The little monkey, who is also Zhao Yin's contracted beast, has a mace and heavy armor, as well as extraordinary food and water.

The old bull was so greedy.

"You also want to earn star crystals and corpse crystals for me?" Zhao Yin turned around and asked.

The old cow lowered his head and looked at his front hooves. It had no problem killing zombies, but even if it killed them, it had no hands to help dig up corpse crystals and star crystals.

"Master, Lao Niu is willing to kill zombies for you, but Lao Niu also has a big secret to tell you." Buffalo said in his heart.

Zhao Yin was slightly surprised: "Big secret?"

There seems to be a secret hidden in this buffalo. Only a few days have passed since the animals mutated in large numbers, and it has evolved to level E, even faster than the little monkey who followed Zhao Yin. There is definitely something wrong.

"Lao Niu almost killed you, my master, because of this secret. The story starts with how I became enemies with those zombies..."

This buffalo is not the plowing cow that Zhao Yin imagined, nor did it live in this village before the end of the world.

It was just a beef cow purchased from the Gwangju City Slaughterhouse. It had been matured by technology and harsh labor in the cattle farm. In fact, it was just over a year old.

In the slaughterhouse, he saw his companions being killed one after another. Before death, the cow hides were cut open, water was injected into the muscles, and eventually they were made into various beef products.

That kind of scene makes him live in fear every day. He already hates human beings in his heart, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Finally, late at night more than a month ago, it was led into the production workshop. It thought it was going to die.

But he didn't expect that meteorite rain to come.

The production workshop collapsed and the buffalo was crushed under the rubble.

Fortunately, there was a slaughterhouse to support it, leaving some living space for it. At the same time, there were several cows nearby that were slaughtered and left behind their stomach pouches, which contained a lot of fodder residue and moisture.

The buffalo survived a month with difficulty. Finally, a few days ago, it suddenly had the strength to knock open the roof of the workshop above its head.

Entering this apocalypse!

The buffalo saw the butchers of the past at first sight. They all changed their appearance and wandered in the ruins of the slaughterhouse.

The buffalo didn't know what was going on. In anger, it rushed over and knocked them all over, trampling them with its iron hooves until they were crushed into meat paste.

It found that its strength was ridiculously strong. It killed madly all the way. Slowly, it finally understood that those humans seemed to have become another kind of monster, and their strength was gradually increasing.

Slowly, the buffalo began to get hurt when it killed. When it met a large group of zombies, it could only avoid them. When it was thirsty, it looked for dirty water to drink, and when it was hungry, it ate the newly grown grass sprouts.

Until two days ago, the buffalo accidentally broke into the industrial park and found a shrub with two bright red fruits on it.

The buffalo smelled the fragrance from a distance.

The strange fragrance still fascinates the buffalo.

It only ate one fruit, and then it felt a sharp pain all over its body. Finally, it fell to the ground and fainted. When it woke up, it found that it had become much stronger and had an additional armor ability.

The buffalo became confident again and was ready to eat the remaining fruit. Unexpectedly, the zombie king, the overlord of the industrial park, suddenly appeared.

So the cow and the zombie started a war, and finally the buffalo fled to the suburbs with injuries, which was when he met Zhao Yin last night.

At that time, the buffalo smelled the leaves of the chestnut tree from afar. It just felt that the chestnut leaves were similar to the shrub in some places, so it ate them and found that it could actually heal its injuries.

The buffalo knew that the leaves were taken down by Zhao Yin, so it did not choose to kill Zhao Yin in the end. After the injury was healed, it left and prepared to return to the industrial park to seize the remaining fruit...

The little monkey saw what happened later and told Zhao Yin.

"Does the shrub have needle-like leaves, colorful branches, a layer of golden hair, and bright red fruits with faint golden threads?" Zhao Yin asked.

The old cow looked surprised: "Master, how did you know?"

Zhao Yin's breathing became heavy, and he understood in an instant.

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