Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 258 Attacking the Sea of ​​Corpses

Meng Ke'an and others looked up at the huge figure flying in the air. ơɱ

It was the first time they saw Xiaobai flying.

Along the way, they had no idea that the terrifying white tiger actually had a pair of flesh wings.

"This tiger with two super powers can actually fly!"

"Extreme speed superpower, coupled with the ability to fly... It turns out that Zhao Yin has more than just the means of escaping as the Rat King!"


At this moment, hundreds of super zombies with flesh wings took off from the sea of ​​corpses and rushed towards Xiaobai at high speed.


In the air, Xiaobai's hair was blown by the strong wind, and a flash of anger flashed in his blue eyes.

Its figure suddenly accelerated, and it suddenly crashed into the group of flesh-winged corpses, as fast as an afterimage!

Puff puff puff!

Zombies kept falling, and black rain fell all over the sky. Xiaobai's figure quickly swept across the sky and disappeared in an instant.

The attributes of the A-level mutant beast have completely surpassed those of the B-level zombie king. Although these zombies are super, they are only C-level!

They wanted to turn back and snipe, but found that Xiaobai had already escaped from the encirclement.


In the distance, a huge corpse roar was heard again.

Then, another group of flesh-winged zombies flew up and appeared in front of Xiaobai.

This time, there were five thousand of them, densely packed, covering the sky.


Xiaobai didn't want to delay too long, and activated his extreme speed ability again. His claws left afterimages, and the sharp claw blades cut the heads of the flesh-winged zombies one by one.

Corpses kept falling from the sky.

There were too many zombies, and for a moment, Xiaobai couldn't get out of the battle.

But the zombie king's corpse roar just now was enough for Zhao Yin to determine its location.

"The zombie king didn't hide!"

Zhao Yin was shocked.

He raised his hand and threw out six barrels of chestnut wine.

"All contracted beasts, get ready for the next battle!"

Meng Ke'an and others knew that the battle was about to begin, and immediately stepped forward to help the contracted beasts share chestnut wine.

Zhao Yin also took out a large amount of compressed biscuits, iced black tea, and sandwich bread for treating injuries.

Several large sacks were filled and hung on Lao Hei's back.

"Lao Hei, I don't need you to fight after you lead the entire team to approach the zombie king. Your mission on the battlefield is to provide supplies for the contracted beasts!"

"Yes! Master!"

Lao Hei said seriously.

Zhao Yin took out dozens of bottles of chestnut wine and distributed them to all humans and corpse demons.

Then, he asked the entire team to drink iced black tea in advance.

"This zombie king already has the ability to change the evolutionary direction of his subordinates. There are not only a large number of super zombies in the sea of ​​corpses, but also flesh-winged zombies!"

"It is very likely that there are also defensive zombies, speed zombies, and...bone-suit zombies!"

On the way before, Zhao Yin had popularized the abilities of the B-level zombie king to Lu Ling and others.

Just now, they all saw the flesh-winged zombies with their own eyes. All the superpowers below S level all turned pale.

Their evolution level is all C level, and so far, no one has obtained C level evolution potion.

Under the same level, they will be wiped out in an instant when facing the corpse formation formed by special zombies.

At this moment, everyone felt unprecedented pressure.

There are more than 1.5 million zombie corps, and countless super zombies!

"Don't worry, everyone, the main force of the battle is my contracted beast corps, all of you just need to cover the contracted beasts!"

"I will use the beast group to surround and kill the zombie king as soon as possible. Without the zombie king's command, the corpse formation cannot be formed!"

"During this period, everyone is responsible for preventing the sea of ​​corpses from disturbing the actions of the contracted beasts!"

Zhao Yin continued.

Meng Ke'an immediately asked: "Zhao Yin, what about me, will I accompany you to hunt the zombie king?"

She was actually a little excited.

She didn't even see the last B-level zombie king.

"You will also cover the rear!" Zhao Yin glared at Meng Ke'an, somewhat dissatisfied with her interruption.

Meng Ke'an was immediately discouraged and dissatisfied.

She was an SSS-level psychic, and her mission was just to cover the rear?

Zhao Yin pointed at a lion in the herd again: "It will accompany you to cover the rear. No one can go out of the perimeter of it within a kilometer. If anyone can't hold on, get as close to it as possible."

Everyone looked in the direction of Zhao Yin's finger, and the lion was also staring at them.

But in the lion's slightly narrowed eyes, there was a king's domineering aura, which looked very cool.

It seemed that he was also very disdainful of them.

Meng Ke'an, Lei Bing and other three SS-level psychics suddenly felt humiliated.

Even if their strength was not as good as Zhao Yin's contracted beast, was it necessary to let a lion protect them?

"Zhou Dandan!"

Zhao Yin's eyes fell on a girl in the crowd.


The girl bowed respectfully to Zhao Yin.

"You will be the main force to cover the rear later!"

"Yes, Master!"

"All A-level psychics, your mission is to remove arrows for Zhou Dandan in addition to killing the enemy!"


A group of A-level psychics were all stunned.

Why do they feel that Zhao Yin is using them as minions?

You know, although A-level psychics are nothing here, they are kings in their respective forces!

And Zhou Dandan is not even a psychic.

But they want a group of A-level psychics to serve?

However, no one dared to disobey Zhao Yin. Although they were dissatisfied in their hearts, they all knew Zhao Yin's dominance.


Everyone responded in unison.

"Ye Zang!"


"Your task later is to protect Zhou Dandan closely. If she is injured by zombies... you can do it yourself!"

"Before Ye Zang dies in battle, I will never let Zhou Dandan get hurt!" The bald boy said loudly.

Finally, Zhao Yin looked at Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao.

"You stay by my side."

"Okay Zhao Yin!" "Got it Zhao Yin!"

Song Xiaodao smiled, his eyebrows curved.

Ning Yue's eyes also showed happiness.

In the current team, their strength is no longer considered strong.

But Zhao Yin still regards them the most!

Even Lu Ling can't compare with them at all.

Everyone in the team knows that these two girls are the most special.

Zhao Yin arranged everything, and the contracted beasts have already distributed all the chestnut wine.

All the beasts looked erratic, but they were full of fighting spirit.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Among the macaques, 110 super pseudo-mutant beasts were already a little uneasy, with a look of drunkenness and murderous eyes.

They looked at the sea of ​​corpses in front of them and were very irritable.

Zhao Yin did not delay any longer and stuffed ten compressed biscuits into Lao Hei's mouth.

"Enter the sea of ​​corpses and kill the corpse king!"


An unprecedented huge energy fluctuation rose under Lao Hei's feet, and orange ripples spread within a thousand meters.

A huge light shield suddenly rose, instantly covering the entire team, and then sank at a high speed.

At this time, Xiaobai in the sky also broke away from the encirclement of the flesh-winged zombies and pointed the direction for Zhao Yin with his voice.

"Master, the zombie king is in front, 600 meters away from you, surrounded by special zombies!"

"There is a man in white, fighting alone, and can't get close to the zombie king!"

"Master, there are still 300 meters...!"

Zhao Yin took out the butcher knife and the golden bell shield, raised his head and drank a bottle of glutinous rice wine, and burped.

Being drunk, Zhao Yin felt that there was a surge of killing intent in his mind.

At this moment, he was full of pride!

Now, he himself has evolved to B level, and 7 mutant beasts have all evolved to A level!

There are also 124 B-level super pseudo-mutant beasts and 411 ordinary pseudo-mutant macaques!

All the contracted beasts have also changed their equipment!

At this moment, Zhao Yin just wants to fight a big battle to test his strength and see what kind of situation he has reached!

"Old Black, get on the ground!"

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