Zhao Yin was stunned for a moment, was it Liu Yi's old guy's idea again?

Damn it, the top hat of Zhongzhou God of War failed, and he got another Zhongzhou King?

Zhao Yin looked at Meng Kean. This woman had mentioned it when she begged him before.

I just don’t know if she also had the idea at that time.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

At this time, Meng Ke'an seemed not to have seen Zhao Yin's eyes at all. He knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and clasped his fists, and raised his voice: "Luocheng Military Region, Commander Meng Ke'an, pays homage to the King of Zhongzhou!"

"Meet the King of Zhongzhou!"

"Meet the King of Zhongzhou!"

The neat voice, with the unique momentum of a soldier, became completely high-pitched as Meng Kean knelt down.

this moment……

In the inner city of the military region, Liu Yi suddenly jumped up from his bed when he heard the sound coming from outside the city, and then walked out of the military tent barefoot...

"Greetings to the King of Zhongzhou!" Liu Yi almost broke his voice.

Following the veteran's shout, all the nearby soldiers were alerted and walked out of the military tent one after another.

Seeing the veteran's actions, he didn't think much about it and immediately followed and knelt down.

"Meet the King of Zhongzhou!"

"Meet the King of Zhongzhou!"

At this moment, like a plague spreading, more and more people are...

Soon, the voices of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the entire military region gathered together.

"Meet the King of Zhongzhou!"

There are many survivors in the outer city who don't know why or who the king of Zhongzhou is.

But the soldiers have all done this. As a group of people who are protected for survival, they naturally need to follow.

Soon, the entire Luo City was echoing in the sky.

"Greetings to the King of Central Continent...!"


Tie Hui, Xiang Tomorrow and others all stood there blankly.

Listen to the voices of hundreds of thousands of people gathering together to form a wave that sweeps across heaven and earth!

Seeing the spectacle of hundreds of thousands of people kneeling down, facing one person... At this moment, their blood was slowly ignited...

He looked at the expressionless Zhao Yin with envy.

In the end of the world, with strong strength, suppress all parties and regain the lost land for Great Xia... Who doesn't want to ascend to the throne and become the king, and have thousands of people worship him...?

"I'm not the king of Zhongzhou!" Zhao Yin said in a low voice.

The whole world suddenly became silent.

Meng Kean looked up at Zhao Yin, with disappointment in his eyes.

Liu Yi suddenly raised his head, Zhao Yin's voice was clearly heard in the inner city, and the excitement on Liu Yi's face slowly disappeared...

At this moment, in the outer city, two women were kneeling in the crowd.

"Su Huan, it's Zhao Yin, it's Zhao Yin they're kneeling on!" Zhang Li whispered in Su Huan's ear.

Su Huan trembled. After many years, she heard the man's voice again.

His voice has long been engraved in the soul, how can he forget it?

Su Huan's eyes grew darker when he learned that he was the one kneeling in the entire military region.

The higher he stood, the humbler she became. Now, even the qualification to look up to him has been completely wiped out...

Zhao Yin's voice came again, calm and ruthless.

"I'm just a businessman. I take people's money and eliminate disasters for them. I don't have such great feelings, let alone ambition."

"I, Zhao Yin, just want to protect the people around me and do my own thing. Liu Yi, I know you are listening. I don't want what happened today to happen again!"

Liu Yi trembled all over and felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

He took the opportunity to stage such a big battle, didn't he just want Zhao Yin to hang him up?

He still underestimated Zhao Yin.

"Mr. Zhao, if you are willing to contribute to Daxia's political power, what if Daxia honors you as the king of Zhongzhou? Although our Luocheng Military District has calculations, we are also sincere!"

"My man, why don't you take Wu Gou's place and collect the fifty states in Guanshan!"

Liu Yi said loudly and sincerely.

This time, he didn't use any scheming and spoke from the bottom of his heart.

This kind of important matter should have been carried out in secret, but the conversation between the two at this time was allowed for everyone to hear.

Everyone was stunned.

Only then did they realize that it was Liu Yi who wanted to forcefully place the crown on Zhao Yin's head, but was rejected by the other party.

The king of Zhongzhou is such an honor, but some people don't care at all. It's incredible.

"Liu Yi, after I go to Seoul, you'd better order people to kill the zombies with all their strength. Three million corpse crystals are not that easy to repay!"

Zhao Yin said coldly: "Major General, your thoughts are on plotting against me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

If it weren't for Liu Yi's calculations, and there was not much malice mixed in, Zhao Yin would have beheaded him regardless of whether he was a veteran in the army or not.

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he looked back at Meng Kean: "Did you hear that?"

Meng Ke'an knew that the task assigned by Liu Yi was no longer possible.

Although Zhao Yin is young, he is smarter than everyone thinks.

She stood up slowly and waved her hand: "Everyone, get up. From now on, he will still be Boss Zhao!"

Zhao Yin nodded and slowly left the outside of the military area city with the contracted beasts.

A man's life is all about money and power.

What man doesn't dream of one day being able to lie drunk on the lap of a beautiful woman and wake up to take over the world?

But if you want to wear his crown, you must first bear his weight, Zhao Yin understands.

Zhao Yin also understands the principle of shooting the first bird.

He knows better than anyone how deep the water in this apocalyptic world is!

I once saw two female corpse demons with my own eyes. His detection ability could not even read basic information.

This shows that outside the starry sky, or in another parallel world, strong people may come at any time.

Therefore, although Zhao Yin seems to be very strong now, the more he becomes like this, the more he needs to keep a low profile.

Before reaching that height, Zhao Yin just wanted to live well.

"Zhao Yin left, are you really not going to see him?" Zhang Li asked.

Su Huan shook her head: "It's better not to see him."

Sometimes, if you miss it, you miss it. If you regret it, it will always be a regret.

It can't be made up, and there is no need to make up...

Some people, once you let go, he will spread his wings and fly high, and will never appear in your sight again, but will always exist in your memory, and you need to spend a lifetime to recall it.

"I don't see the same person in his eyes."

Su Huan slowly lowered her head. No one knew the former Zhao Yin better than her.

He was gentle and kind, but he cared about the world. Today's Zhao Yin has long been a different person...

Su Huan seemed to be comforting himself, and also seemed to be saying to Zhang Li: "We are living better than most people now, and the restart of the base has not treated us unfairly."

"His world should not be entered by us, and we can't integrate into it."


Roar! Roar! Roar...!

The sea of ​​corpses surged like an endless flood, surrounding an isolated city.

In the endless sea of ​​corpses, there was a ‘thin’ zombie, two meters tall, and only one-third the size of an ordinary C-level zombie.

But around it, no zombie dared to approach.


The ‘thin’ zombie suddenly roared, and several zombies immediately rushed over, carrying several living people on their shoulders.

There were old people, children, and a woman.


The short zombie stepped forward, pierced an old man’s chest with sharp nails, dug out a beating heart directly, opened his mouth wide, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

As the zombie chewed, bright red blood dripped from the corners of his mouth.


The woman wanted to scream, but her voice was hoarse like a mosquito’s hum.

Then, the ‘short’ zombie raised his hand and threw the old man, who was not completely dead, into the sea of ​​corpses.

Suddenly, like a drop of water falling into a boiling oil pan, all the zombies around started to scramble for it.

And the short zombie king walked towards the woman, poof...

Outside the sea of ​​corpses, there was actually an open space surrounded by zombies, where thousands of human survivors were kept.

There were even a few zombies carrying clean water and wild vegetables to feed these humans.

Just like before the end of the world, humans raised cattle and sheep...

All people were ragged. After all, the zombies' IQ was too low. In the snowy weather, no clothes were sent to them, and people kept freezing to death here.

The whole world was in despair.


In the city.

A strong man in his thirties, his military uniform was stained with black blood, his hair was messy, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Behind him were several equally embarrassed generals, shuttling through the outer city that looked like a rotten civilian camp.

"The city has been without water for three days. Last night, an old man died of thirst in the city."

"Too many people have starved to death in the city recently, and a plague has occurred. Many young and strong people have been infected and it is impossible for them to help defend the city."

"Fortunately, the Zombie King has not ordered another attack on the city in the past two days. This is good news..."

The quartermaster introduced to the middle-aged man in the lead as he walked.

"Good news?"

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