Soon, Zhao Yin understood.

This is flattering himself!

In life, fame and fortune are two things, and fame comes before profit.

The title of Zhongzhou War God is too impressive, and most people find it difficult to refuse. After the end of the world, the military region is the only political department in Daxia, and it does have the right to confer titles on civilian strongmen.

If he really accepts the title of Zhongzhou War God and protects Zhongzhou, it will become his responsibility.

Then, saving the troops and major base camps before will also become part of his job!

No matter how thick-skinned Zhao Yin is, at least he can't force them to pay all their debts.

What a retreat to advance!

Zhao Yin also looked up to the veteran Liu Yi.

"I'm not a Zhongzhou War God, I'm also a businessman full of money. Dear Gods, are your corpse crystals ready?"


In the wind and snow, Zhao Yin stood high in the bull's head and asked calmly.

A flash of disappointment flashed across Liu Yi's cloudy eyes, but he returned to normal in an instant.

"Mr. Zhao, how about a chat in the city?"


Zhao Yin nodded. Dealing with smart people can save a lot of trouble.

Zhao Yin got off the old cow and waved his hand. The two corpse demons, seven girls, and Ye Zang immediately gathered behind him.

Zhao Yin turned back and ordered: "Monkey, you come in with me. The other contracted beasts, rest where you are."

"Yes! Master!" "Understood, Master!"

A series of thoughts rang in Zhao Yin's heart.

Previously, the little monkey turned into a normal size and mixed in the monkey group, and did not attract the attention of Liu Yi, Meng Ke'an and others.

At this moment, an officer who mastered the detection ability suddenly widened his eyes.

"A... A-level mutant beast? Three... three kinds of A-level mutant beasts with abilities!"

The officer's words instantly set off a huge wave.

"What, three superpowers?"

"A-level? How is that possible?"

Meng Ke'an suddenly turned around and looked at a monkey that seemed to be smaller than an ordinary macaque walking out of the monkey group.

In an instant, she recognized it as the monstrous fire monkey that held two door panels that day.

But it didn't know how it had shrunk in size at this time.

I still remember that Lei Bing said that this monkey was only B-level!

Meng Ke'an remembered the corpse crystals in the sea of โ€‹โ€‹400,000 corpses.

I immediately understood that Zhao Yin's strength had probably increased a lot in the past three days!

The idea of โ€‹โ€‹revenge on the little thief suddenly began to waver.

The mutant beasts' strength enhancement is not restricted by the evolution potion. They can eat food at any time to enhance their potential.

In other words, as long as Zhao Yin has enough corpse crystals, even if he does not upgrade himself, his strength can continue to grow!

At this moment, Meng Ke'an felt jealous.

It turns out that the SSS-level contract soul is so powerful.

Is the difference between the same level really that big?

In the complex dream, Zhao Yin has already taken a step, and the crowd in front has already made way.

"Continue playing the music!" Lei Bing shouted.

Behind him, the cheerful music reverberated above the military district again.

A group of soldiers held bayonets in their hands and set up a knife array on the road in front of Zhao Yin. With Zhao Yin's footsteps, the knife array slowly dispersed one by one...

Zhao Yin understood that this was the highest etiquette in the army.

Before the end of the world, he always felt that those political people always liked to do some ceremonies that he thought were dull and boring.

At this time, Zhao Yin actually felt a sense of pleasure in his heart.

In the wind and snow, groups of ordinary people walked out of the stone house, not daring to approach the army guarding on one side, all staring at the young man coming from outside the city with wide eyes.

They all knew that the young man must be a great man to be received by the military district in this way.

Many of the children and teenagers had brilliance in their eyes, fantasizing that one day they could become such a great man.


The major base camps also brought a lot of people today, most of whom were the top combat forces in their respective forces.

They also stood outside the army. Some of them had seen Zhao Yin before, and some did not come to Luocheng three days ago. At this time, they all stared at the legendary strong man who could press Meng Ke'an to the ground.

"Su Huan, why do I feel that the name Zhao Yin sounds familiar?"

In the restart base, two female evolvers stood there, blocked by the crowd in front of them.

Even if they stood on tiptoe, they could not see the team entering the city.

The woman who asked the question was tall and dark.

The woman called Su Huan had white skin and clear eyes, giving people a pure feeling.

"By the way, when you were in middle school, there was a boy who pursued you, wasn't he called Zhao Yin?" The dark and thin girl suddenly thought of something.

Su Huan heard the words, and her eyes flashed with reminiscence and bitterness.

Everything before the end of the world, now thinking about it, is like a big dream.

She is from Gwangju and stayed in her hometown before college.

In high school, Zhao Yin was her deskmate. The boy was handsome and sunny.

Later, when Su Huan graduated from high school, Zhao Yin actually applied for the same university and followed her around every day.

At the age of first love, Su Huan actually liked him. After all, there were so many shining points in him.

However, Su Huan's parents strongly opposed it at that time. Zhao Yin was just an orphan without anyone to discipline him, and the Su family only had her as a daughter, so it was impossible for her to marry an orphan.

Although Zhao Yin inherited her parents' inheritance, it was still far behind the Su family's wealth.

Her parents even threatened to die.

So, her relationship with Zhao Yin ended before it officially began.

Later, she heard that Zhao Yin dropped out of school.

He became a playboy, hanging out in nightclubs all day, enjoying the bright lights and women, living a life of drunkenness and dreams...

Only Su Huan knew that everything was because of herself, and it was she who harmed Zhao Yin.

Later, Su Huan's father failed in business, so he planned to use Su Huan as a tool for marriage and let her marry a divorced middle-aged man.

In anger, Su Huan agreed to the pursuit of a black student from Africa and went to Africa...

Half a year ago, Su Huan's grandfather died of illness, and she returned to Gwangju. As for the black boyfriend, it was originally to fight with her parents.

She went to Africa just to avenge her parents, and gave him a sum of money after arriving.

The other party was overjoyed and went to pursue another black girl.

A few days before the end of the world, Su Huan dealt with his grandfather's funeral and secretly visited Zhao Yin once.

At that time, the other party was hugging a girl and coming out of the nightclub, so Su Huan did not go forward to say hello...

"There are many people with the same name and surname. He may have died a long time ago." Su Huan smiled.

Now, after half a year of the end of the world, she thought that she had already seen the love between men and women lightly.

But when she thought of it at this time, she felt a sharp pain in her heart again.

She knew Zhao Yin best. Although the boy was smart, he was powerless.

In the end of the world, people like him died the fastest.

"What if it's him? Nothing is impossible!"

The dark and thin woman held Su Huan's hand and said excitedly: "What if it's him? Maybe he can cancel our indenture with just one word!"

"Zhang Li, don't pull me!"

Su Huan frowned and was pulled out of the crowd by the dark and thin woman.

Finally, through the gap in the army, he saw the tall young man striding in front of the sword array.

Su Huan was stunned for a moment.

"It's really him!" Zhang Li shouted loudly.

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