At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly felt hungry in his belly.

He waved his hand, and 24 yellow peaches and 27 boxes of canned beef appeared in front of him.

It was during this time that he accumulated it.

Deliberately wait for this moment, your reward.

Zhao Yin ate them all in one go.

The strength has increased by 24 points, the agility has increased by 27 points, and is about to exceed a thousand!

At this moment, Zhao Yin was satisfied and had the urge to immediately find a zombie king for a duel.

"No, I've been a little distracted lately, and I'm getting more and more bellicose!"

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Zhao Yin warned himself in his heart: "I am the master of the contract. The fighting and killing should be left to the contracted beasts."

"Today, I have no shortage of food and clothing, and my life span has exceeded three thousand years. As long as I can continue to live, I will only get stronger and stronger."

"I have life space. As long as I don't seek death, I can live forever!"

Three thousand years, for this universe, is just a blink of an eye!

But for a normal human being, it is an endless time. If possible, Zhao Yin would like to live like this forever.

He looked down at his body and felt sticky all over.

Now, his body shape has evolved very perfectly. This time he broke through the B level. Zhao Yin's appearance has not changed much, but he still has a layer of black sweat.

"Ning Yue, bring in a bucket of bath water." Zhao Yin shouted outside the tent.

Soon, the door curtain opened.

Zhou Lili, dressed in OL, with long hair hanging down her waist and slender legs, walked in with steps.

"Master." Her voice was soft.

Zhao Yin was stunned and asked, "Where is Ning Yue?"

"Master, Ning Yue has just tasted the chestnut wine that Song Xiaodao has just brewed. She is drunk and is resting in the wooden house with Song Xiaodao."

Weren't they asked to store cooked food? Why did they go out to drink?

Zhao Yin was helpless for a while and didn't pay much attention. He looked at Zhou Lili and said, "Take out the bath water!"

"Yes, Master."

Zhou Lili took out a huge bathing bucket from the space ring.

Hot water had already been filled inside, and in an instant, the heat spread throughout the invisible tent.

"Master, let me undress for you!"

Zhou Lili walked over gently, and at some point, she wore a pair of black stockings on her straight legs.

A black OL set off her amazing waistline, and the snow-capped mountains in front of her were about to emerge, trembling with her footsteps.

No man can help but have thoughts about such a woman.

Zhao Yin is no exception, no man can help but covet her.

But Zhao Yin has always had a rule that women who sleep with him must be given certain benefits.

Therefore, he has always been unwilling to give Zhou Lili the chance to rise to power.

Zhou Lili raised her snow-white arms, and her white fingers were slender and fair.

Gently unbutton Zhao Yin's suit...

She found that Zhao Yin did not refuse, his face slowly became rosy, and his big eyes were covered with a layer of water.

Zhao Yin stood there, opened his arms, and soon, Zhou Lili took off all his clothes.

Looking at Zhao Yin's perfect figure.

Zhou Lili's face turned even redder, and her body was trembling slightly.

In fact, she only looked wild. Before the end of the world, with her identity and status, not many men dared to approach her.

She is worth hundreds of millions at a young age, has peerless beauty, and there are even fewer men who can match her.

Even after the end of the world, the only man she could look up to was Zhao Yin...

Over the past six months, Zhou Lili had fantasized countless times that one day she would be able to defeat Zhao Yin. Today, she finally waited for this moment... However, she suddenly felt retreat in her heart.

"No, Zhou Lili, now that you've reached this point, you can't leave even if you want to."

Zhou Lili warned herself in her heart: "In the end of the world, is there anyone who can give you a greater sense of security than the man in front of you?"

"Being his woman is the greatest luck in your life. Look at Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue, how many women are envious of them!"

"This man is cruel and ruthless, but he never treats his woman badly. Becoming his woman is the only way out for you two sisters!"

"Besides, he is so handsome and powerful...!"

In the end, Zhou Lili convinced herself to let go of the shame that shouldn't exist.

"Master, let me rub your back!" Zhou Lili trilled.


Zhao Yin lay half-lying in the tub with his eyes closed. Ever since he had Ning Yue, he was used to having someone waiting for him to take a bath.

Zhou Lili stood behind him, trembling, and untied her OL...

Pieces of clothes fell on the white carpet...

Zhou Lili slowly raised her legs, stepped into the tub, and slowly approached Zhao Yin... [One million words omitted here]

At noon, Zhao Yin woke up from the bathtub, and the water around him was already cold.

Looking back, he saw that his clothes had been cleaned by Zhou Lili, folded neatly, and laid flat on the edge of the tub.

The woman has left.

Zhao Yin didn't care about sleeping with Zhou Lili. In the apocalypse, this kind of thing should be taken for granted.

What's more, from any point of view, it is impossible for Zhao Yin to sell those two female slaves in the future. As long as the two sisters do not betray, they will always be his women.

Zhao Yin got up, put on his clothes, and walked out of the invisibility tent.

At this time, except Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue, everyone and the corpse demon were busy.

Hundreds of large pots had already been set up by the lake, with fires blazing under them. The aroma of the cooked food drifted in the air and spread far away with the breeze in the space.

Zhou Lili was wearing an apron and was teaching a few people and two corpse demons cooking skills.

When everyone saw Zhao Yin coming, they put down their work and greeted him.

Zhou Lili bowed slightly as if nothing had happened and said respectfully: "Master."

Zhao Yin nodded, very satisfied that this woman did not take advantage of her favor.

"You guys are busy, don't worry about me."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he strode over and came to the cornfield next to the pond.

All the contracted beasts still used to live there.

At this moment, 521 macaques and little monkeys have all been promoted.

[Adult Tongtian Monkey: A-level mutant beast, strength 1510, agility 1560, stamina 1300, defense 1880, spirit 1020, bloodline talent: gigantism, frenzy, fire control]

[Adult macaque: grade B, strength 325, agility 315, stamina 210, spirit 145, mutated by zombie virus infection]

[Adult macaque: grade B, strength 315, agility 325, stamina 200, spirit 142, mutated by zombie virus infection]

[Adult macaque...]

The attributes of the little monkey were within Zhao Yin's expectations.

After countless investments by Zhao Yin, it can now fight even if it encounters an A-level zombie king.

Ordinary A-level mutant beasts and evolvers are even more difficult to shake it.

And the 521 macaques, because they were directly upgraded from ordinary animals to B-level pseudo-mutant beasts, did not have any accumulation, and even did not eat a few meals of mutant crops.

Their potential has not been developed at all, and their attributes are garbage.

However, their bodies were several times larger.

Each macaque was four or five meters tall, like a giant, scattered in the cornfield, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

As their mental strength increased, the wisdom of all macaques also increased greatly, and their eyes became more humane.


"Master!" "Master!" "Master...!"

One after another, Zhao Yin's voices rang in his heart.

At this moment, the group of monkeys that he didn't like before made Zhao Yin feel close to him, just like seeing his own children.


Zhao Yin smashed the huge golden crystal directly.

He had already selected 87 macaques with slightly stronger attributes, all of which were male monkeys.

Because male monkeys are stronger than female monkeys, with better physical strength and endurance.

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