Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 330 General Manager of Paradise Security

The figure was broken, without a single intact piece of skin. The collapsed chest had broken bones and bloody flesh, and the blood was dried by the high temperature...

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But the boy's momentum was unprecedented, and the white light on the long stick in his hand was dazzling and blinding.

"Ants - can break the sky!"


The flesh and blood on the back of the zombie king's head, which had just been petrified, was instantly smashed and turned into dust.

Immediately afterwards, a crack spread across the skull...

At this moment, Song Xiaojian was also excited, and rushed forward with the corpse demon Zhang Jie.

When the zombie king was about to get up, he suddenly heard an obscure voice in his ear.

It seemed to come from nothingness, not real, but truly passed into the soul of the zombie king.

The supernatural power is bewitching!

The insidious Song Xiaojian has been hiding this supernatural power. The last time he used it was to bewitch his sister Song Xiaodao.

Because Song Xiaojian knew that Zhao Yin, who had the soul of the contract, was not afraid of this supernatural power at all, so he chose to hide it when he fought.

Until this time, in order to have pants in the future, Song Xiaojian had to use it.

"Sleep, sleep...!"

The voice was hoarse, like a call from the abyss, and the zombie king felt his head sink.

At this time, the black blood on Song Xiaojian's bald head flew up instantly, and sank directly into the cracked skull of the zombie king.

Then, the skull was corroded, revealing the dark brain inside.


Under the huge damage, the zombie king finally broke free from the bewitching, and the flames all over his body rose again, sizzling.

Song Xiaojian's blood was evaporated instantly, and then he was punched out by the zombie king.

Fortunately, the powerful defense of the corpse demon prevented him from being seriously injured like Ye Zang.


The corpse demon, still in anger, hugged the zombie king directly, and his ten fingers grew rapidly, turning into a bone prison, tightly binding the zombie king.

The zombie king wanted to break free with great force, but the corpse demon Zhang Jie was already madly releasing his petrification ability.

Layers of stone skin spread and covered the zombie king, then were quickly broken, and then grew again...

At this moment, a zombie king and a corpse demon formed a tug-of-war.

But at this time and place, the corpse demon Zhang Jie was not fighting alone. At this time, Ye Zang, who should have been lying down long ago, swung his stick again, one by one...

"Ants can shake the mountain!"

"Ants can split the earth!"

"Ants can break the sky!"

Boom! Boom!

One stick after another!

If it were an ordinary person, with such a serious injury, it would be difficult to swing a stick, let alone such a high-intensity battle.

As Ye Zang's injury worsened, his strength and speed increased several times.


The zombie king's head was finally completely smashed by Ye Zang!

A large amount of dark brain matter slowly flowed out.

At this time, the corpse demon Zhang Jie was excited, with a silly smile on his face. He directly retracted his bone-changing ability, reached into the zombie king's head, and took out eight zombie star crystals and a B-level corpse crystal...

At this moment, Song Xiaojian was also happy: "Zhao Yin, we killed the zombie king and have pants to wear!

Ye Zang also smiled on his dark face and reached out to touch the space ring.

But he found that there was no healing potion at all.

Ye Zang's eyes darkened. The Heaven Base was still too poor!

At this moment, there were less than 50,000 zombies left in the entire sea of ​​corpses.

With the zombies With the death of the king, the sea of ​​corpses immediately became chaotic.

But after all, zombies still don't know how to panic. More than 20 contracted beasts are distributed in all directions. The smell of flesh and blood on them is still enough to attract tens of thousands of zombies.

Ye Zang slowly turned his head and looked down the mountain.

A man strode over, wielding a kitchen knife in his hand, leaving a residual shadow, leaving a mountain of corpses...

At this moment, Zhao Yin can't stand it, and doesn't care about Ye Zang's life or death!

With the strength and loyalty of the boy, he is already qualified to enter his eyes.

"Boss, I... now, am I qualified to follow you?"

The boy smiled, and as his supernatural powers dissipated, the whole person staggered, but never fell down.

"From today on, I appoint you as the general manager of Heaven Security! "

Zhao Yin walked slowly, swinging his knife non-stop, but his eyes were fixed on Ye Zang.

In his previous life, he saved everyone he saw, and as a result, there were good and bad people around him.

In this life, he deliberately ignored everyone for fear of repeating the same mistake.

The few people around him, except Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue, were all coincidences and fate.

Now, in Zhao Yin's eyes, there is one more person from now on.

Just because this young man is very useful!

He is different from others, such as the old cripple at the beginning. He has a heart to save all living beings, which conflicts with Zhao Yin's choice.

So, the old cripple never became Zhao Yin's own person until his death.

For example, Lu Ling and Jiang Shan, both of them have the obsession of creating civilization, which conflicts with Zhao Yin's wishes, so they are always outsiders.

If they want to become Zhao Yin's own people, they must give up their obsession, or Zhao Yin gives up his oath...

For example, Wang Xiaolei, after the death of the old cripple, she has no worries and is even more loyal to Zhao Yin.

So in the end, the death of the old cripple became an opportunity for Zhao Yin to treat her as his own...

The young Ye Zang is the same as Wang Xiaolei, so he has a possibility.

And today's strength has infinitely magnified this possibility.

Zhao Yin's plan to create a security company also became an opportunity.

Ye Zang can work hard for Zhao Yin!

He is better able to lead Paradise Security, which is about to be officially established, and earn him a lot of money...!

The young man was so excited that his whole body trembled.

After the end of the world, he soon lost his home and everything. It was Zhao Yin who killed Luo Guanghui and avenged him.

He was grateful to this man who looked cold but had clear grudges.

Zhao Yin's power made the ignorant young man admire him even more.

Now, in the young man's heart, all that is left is to follow in this man's footsteps.

He feels that only people like the boss are suitable to live in the apocalypse.

Only the boss is worthy of being followed.

Apart from that, the young man didn't know what else he could do in this apocalyptic world.

"Boss, can I... really follow you?" the young man asked tremblingly, still in disbelief.

Zhao Yin took out a bottle of C-level healing potion and handed it to Ye Zang.

"Treat your injuries as soon as possible. The zombies haven't been cleaned up yet, so don't be lazy!"

"Thank you boss!"

Ye Zang was surprised and wanted to say something, but Zhao Yin had already taken a step and walked past him.


Next to the corpse of the Zombie King, the zombie demon Zhang Jie held eight pieces of the Zombie King Star Crystal and a B-level zombie crystal.

Zhao Yin raised his hand to take it, put it away, and turned to look at Song Xiaojian.

The bald corpse demon was touching the wound on his head, smearing black blood all over his face, looking extremely miserable.

Then, Song Xiaojian took "weak" steps and came to Zhao Yin.

"Brother-in-law, I...are lucky to live up to my fate!"

If Zhao Yin didn't have the soul of the contract to open his eyesight, and if he hadn't witnessed the scene of killing the Zombie King with his own eyes, he would have thought that Song Xiaojian had done a lot.

The character of the corpse demon is insidious, cunning, and vicious.

"Brother-in-law, I almost died trying to kill this zombie king. That fool was so stupid that he couldn't help at all. It was me and that kid who helped!"

Song Xiaojian knew that Corpse Demon Zhang Jie couldn't speak, so he tried his best to grab the credit.

Corpse Demon Zhang Jie didn't seem to care about this at all, and was still smiling happily.

Zhao Yin's voice suddenly dropped: "The bewitching power is good, you should use it earlier."

Song Xiaojian was stunned for a moment and realized that Zhao Yin already knew.

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