The large troops slowly evacuated from the mountain of corpses, and everyone's eyes were dim.

The key is that they don't dare to show any dissatisfaction at all, for fear of being abandoned by Zhao Yin.

That guy has a perverse and domineering personality, and no one can tell what he will do next.

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Especially a group of people from camps and bases. When they came, they fantasized about making a fortune with the military region!

When I left, I didn’t get rich, everyone was in debt!

Leaving the second mountain and stepping into the first mountain.

The strong leader of the Eastern Base couldn't help but look back.

More than twenty contracted beasts actually blocked the tide of corpses without leaking.

On the first mountain, there were almost no zombies anymore, and the ground was full of corpses left behind after the zombies died.

One of the corpse ridges was created by Meng Kean before.

The corpses of at least ten thousand zombies spread from the foot of the mountain to the second mountain, like a mountain.

There are many corpses of C-class zombies among them!

The strong man leader's eyes turned again and again.

How many corpse crystals and star crystals are there?

Isn't that what you are working so hard for?


The strong leader suddenly received a kick on his butt.

"Dear customer, what are you looking at?"

A little loli with twin ponytails stood behind him, not even as tall as his shoulders.

The little loli looked fierce: "If you look again, I'll dig out your eyeballs!"

"We killed these corpses...!"

"It's ours now, even your lives are ours!" The little Loli deliberately made a fierce expression, but it was inexplicably cute.


The strong man leader gritted his teeth, not even daring to let out a fart.

The little loli is not scary, but there is someone behind her.

Even if you fart, you have to hold it back in your stomach.

Some people who had the same thoughts as the brawny leader withdrew their gazes, and some raised their heads to look at the sky to avoid suspicion.

Finally leaving the first mountain, the zombie king has mobilized the sea of ​​corpses to chase them, but there is still not a single zombie that can take a step beyond the enemy.

The more than twenty contracted beasts are too terrifying, and each one has special powers.

Their basic attributes are incomparable to even B-level zombies.

Zhao Yin slowly got off Da Mao. He should be shocked, but he was already shocked, and there was no need to continue to show off.

The two female slaves also put away their fruit plates and picked up their weapons.

"Everyone, I have something else to announce." Zhao Yin suddenly spoke.


Everyone's minds suddenly roared.

They were all scared and looked at Zhao Yin with trepidation.

What kind of plane is this guy planning to build?

Zhao Yin's eyes fell on Meng Ke'an's face, mainly targeting her.

This woman is a thorn.

"I know that many of you are dissatisfied. Burning bridges across rivers is nothing new in the apocalypse."

"I believe Commander Meng already knows that my first SSS-level ability is called the Soul of Contract!"

"Actually, these twenty-odd contract beasts are only a small part of the contract beast army. I still have more than five hundred contract beasts in my army!"

"What...more than five hundred?"

Meng Ke'an's eyes widened.

Everyone looked at Zhao Yin in disbelief.

The two dozen contracted beasts are already invincible. If he really has more than five hundred...

Everyone's mind went blank.

At this time, Zhao Yin suddenly waved his hand, and a huge carp appeared out of thin air.


The ground suddenly collapsed.

Carp was also frightened and screamed: "Ah! Master... do you have any orders?"

Zhao Yin ignored the tool fish and then said loudly: "It's empty talk. Please see, everyone, the twenty contract beasts behind me are actually the weakest in the legion. A-level contract beasts like this are the The main force of the legion!"

"It's... it's really A-level!"

A person with powers who mastered the detection system trembled.

Everyone trembled.

As Zhao Yin expected, many of them actually had no intention of returning the corpse crystal.

As long as we leave here, in the last days, the world is vast, and as long as the camp moves, how can the creditor come to the door?

At this moment, everyone's hearts were beating.

"So, before you want to break the contract, you must think carefully. If anyone dares to escape, how long will it take for my army of contracted beasts to destroy you after I find you?"

Zhao Yin stared into Meng Kean's eyes.

Although she is a soldier, with this woman's character, it is not impossible for her to put down her bottom line for the huge interests of the military region.

Meng Kean felt hairy all over.

She suddenly recalled the scene of hundreds of terrifying mutated beasts approaching the city.

The scene of the Luocheng Military District being breached in the blink of an eye...

All her arrogance disappeared in an instant!

"Everyone, if any force among you escapes from debt, other forces must repay it together." Zhao Yin's voice was cold.

Everyone's expressions became even uglier.

The brawny leader bravely fought against the epidemic: "Boss Zhao, this is against the rules. If someone wants to evade debt, we can't control it!"

"This is my Zhao Yin's rule!" Zhao Yin said calmly.


At this time, the giant ape with its body covered in flames suddenly turned around and bared its teeth at the strong leader.

A terrifying momentum swept over him.

The brawny leader suddenly trembled all over and felt a chill on his back.

Never dare to speak again.

What Zhao Yin wants is for them to supervise each other.

If they cover up for each other and escape debt collectively, Zhao Yin can't go around the world to find them one by one.

Now, the sea of ​​corpses is about to be cleared by Zhao Yin, and the Taihang Mountains have become one of the few safe areas in Zhongzhou.

Like the military district and the three major bases, it is impossible to give up here and leave.

With them, they can restrain other camps!

So, Zhao Yin directly put away the carp, turned around with confidence, and led everyone to step towards the mountain of corpses.

At this moment, in Meng Ke'an's eyes, Zhao Yin's tall back was like a towering mountain.

The sea of ​​corpses that was enough to make anyone tremble seemed to be insignificant in front of him and could be crushed at any time.

He was so powerful and mysterious, but also so hateful!

Until Zhao Yin took out the kitchen knife that seemed a little ridiculous to ordinary people again and rushed into the group of corpses...

Then someone dared to speak.

"Commander Meng, what should we do? Should we... wait here?"

"Everyone, the military district is sorry for everyone. The debt owed this time is too heavy. Sorry, the military district can't help you now... either."

Meng Ke'an had a guilty look on his face.

"However, if the little thief Zhao really clears the mountain of corpses, your base camp will have no worries for the time being, and you can continue to stay and develop next."

So, although the major camps owed a lot of debts, they also took advantage.

Everyone finally felt better after hearing this.

Meng Ke'an continued: "When the military district pays off the debt, it will definitely help you pay it back. Everyone, please be patient for the time being. You will follow the military district to take risks, and the military district will not abandon you."

Some people's faces were swept away by the haze and smiled.

It is not unacceptable to save your life and have someone to help pay off the debt.

Meng Ke'an changed the subject: "In the future, when we become stronger... the little thief Zhao Yin, I will make him spit out the interest on what he ate!"

The last sentence was spoken by Meng Ke'an.

Everyone was shocked.

As SSS-level psychics, they didn't have much idea of ​​the difference between them.

After all, the military region has always been the most powerful existence in everyone's mind.

Maybe in the future, Zhao Yin can really bow his head.

Lei Bing looked at Meng Ke'an with fascination hidden in his eyes.

He felt that after what happened today, this female commander had grown a lot.

In fact, in the end times, everyone is constantly adapting.

Meng Ke'an's few words made everyone no longer complain, not only because of her speech skills, but also accompanied by the majesty of the superior.

Next, Meng Ke'an ordered the whole army to camp on the spot.

"The injured, start treatment immediately, don't save sandwiches and healing potions!"

After everyone got busy, Meng Ke'an hid in the military tent alone, not allowing anyone to approach.

Two hours later, she issued three military orders in succession.

"The commander said that from now on, no one can offend the Heaven Base, and no one can provoke Zhao Yin's people!"

"The commander said that from now on, stay away from the Heaven Base, and do not do business with Heaven Security!"

"The commander also said that from now on, the entire Luocheng Military Region is not allowed to mention Zhao Yin's name behind his back, and he must be called a little thief!"

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