Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 324 Desperate Meng Ke'an

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao!"

In the end, Lei Bing accepted Zhao Yin's extraordinary food.

Zhao Yin smiled, sweeping away the previous gloom, and suddenly Lei Bing felt like a spring breeze.

It seemed that I had returned to the pre-apocalyptic world, facing an ordinary college student who was harmless to humans and animals, clear and stupid.

Zhao Yin patted Lei Bing's shoulder gently: "Come on, General!"

After saying that, he ignored Lei Bing and looked towards the second mountain.

At this moment, the endless sea of ​​corpses has surrounded Meng Kean and others.

There are so many C-level zombies that there is no end in sight, and each one is terrifying in strength.

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Often two or three C-level zombies working together can make it difficult for C-level evolvers to resist.

From a distance, the 17,000 Evolved Ones, in the sea of ​​corpses, are like a solitary boat in the wild waves, ready to be overturned at any time.

Even if Meng Kean's powers were fully activated and the equipment of everyone in the army was upgraded to a higher level, people in the army would still continue to die.

After those C-level soldiers died, they soon turned into zombies that were more terrifying than ordinary C-level zombies. They turned around and attacked their comrades who were fighting side by side just now...!

This kind of zombie was called a new zombie in its previous life!

They are powerful only because they had the physique of an evolver during their lifetime, and after death they were strengthened again by the virus...

The more advanced the evolver is, the more powerful he will be after death... If a powerful superpower dies, he may be comparable to or even surpass the Zombie King...

This is also the most despairing part of the apocalypse.

In the last days, you never know how many unknown crises there will be.

Even Zhao Yin, seven years into his previous life, still has a lot he doesn't know.

"Hadron...uh uh...ah!"

An evolver in a certain camp was turned into a zombie by his best brother. His dark nails pierced his neck. Black tears were shed in his eyes, still in disbelief.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of the evolver quickly turned into dead fish eyes, and he turned to attack the other person next to him...

At this moment, panic spread wildly among the troops.

Everyone thought that the apocalypse they had seen before was enough to make people despair, but they did not expect that the sea of ​​corpses led by the B-level zombie king would be the real despair!

The virus on the B-level zombie king has begun to advance. It is no longer a low-level virus, but an intermediate level virus!

Intermediate zombie viruses will transform the bodies they kill into zombies faster.

Moreover, F-grade canned tuna has no solution to this virus!

At this moment, there were still a large number of C-class zombies, constantly pouring towards the troops. As the Zombie King roared on the third mountain, the D-class zombies automatically moved out of the way.

The entire Second Mountain has been completely filled with C-class zombies, and an endless sea of ​​corpses surrounds the Second Mountain...

The zombie king finally disappeared into the sea of ​​corpses. Even though victory was determined, it still chose to hide!

At this moment, as the casualties of the troops increased, Meng Kean's eyes turned red.

"Shrink your troops, get closer to me, retreat and break out with me, go all out and go at full speed!"

Zhao Yin was a peerless female general in her previous life, with a desolate voice.

At this time, she was completely panicked, her hair was disheveled, and she kept stuffing extraordinary food into her mouth. The bright golden light continued to spread around.

But the Golden War still couldn't contain all 17,000 people, and people kept dying on the periphery.


Around Meng Ke'an, thousands of extraordinary weapons turned into war whirlwinds, rushing towards the densest group of corpses with terrifying momentum.

She personally led the way and rushed out, trying to clear a bloody path for the soldiers behind her.


In an instant, dozens of C-level zombies were strangled into pulp. Meng Kean immediately led the troops to break through the encirclement for more than ten meters, and then they were once again surrounded by the zombies.

Meng Kean kills again and breaks through again...

She didn't notice that several weapons in the whirlwind of war had escaped her control. Several C-level zombies were holding the weapons and stabbing them into their bodies, holding on to the weapons with both hands.

As Meng Kean strangled him all the way, there were fewer and fewer weapons around him.

At this moment, not only did she have to kill zombies, but she also had to support an army of tens of thousands. It was difficult for her to master every weapon accurately.

"not good!"

Finally, Meng Kean realized something. She found that without her realizing it, the war whirlwind had been reduced by nearly half.

At this moment, roar!

A huge zombie roar came from the direction of the fourth mountain, it was the zombie king.

Immediately afterwards, all the zombies immediately changed their direction, stopped attacking the troops, and all swarmed towards Meng Ke'an.

She strangled one batch, and another batch was quickly added. Soon, a wall of corpses was piled up around them, and Meng Kean could no longer move a step.

Her face was already pale, and her body had reached the point where she could no longer hold on after consuming a large amount of extraordinary food.

At this time, some zombies that were blocking the way jumped up high and fell towards Meng Ke'an from above their heads.

As a result, there was no room for breathing around her. Meng Kean wanted to protect herself, so she could only use all her strength to activate her powers.


When all the soldiers saw this, they were all jealous.

Lei Bing is dead, and Meng Ke is dead. Even if they can escape, the Luocheng Military Region is over!

Everyone rushed towards Meng Kean desperately.

But there were too many zombies. At this time, Meng Kean had no time to activate the supernatural assistance. The strength of the troops was greatly reduced, and it was difficult to get close except for only increasing casualties.

"Commander Meng, I'll come in behind!"

At this time, a deep voice sounded, it was the sturdy leader of the Eastern Base.

He held a huge hammer in his hand that was bigger than his body, and the SS-level divine power was unleashed. Every time the hammer fell, more than a dozen zombies were smashed away.

Just as the sturdy man was about to approach Meng Ke'an, in the center of the war whirlwind, the only B-level long sword among all of Meng Ke'an's weapons was suddenly held in the hands of a zombie.

The size of that zombie was a circle larger than that of an ordinary C-level zombie.

B-level zombie?

Meng Ke'an was shocked, and then he was furious: "Die!"

The war whirlwind strangled it crazily, and the B-level zombie was immediately cut all over, but it still did not die, and dragged the B-level long sword out of the war whirlwind. Then, the second B-level zombie appeared, took the B-level long sword, and quickly fled...

Meng Ke'an lost the central long sword, and the power of the war whirlwind was immediately reduced by half.

She wanted to chase, but the sea of ​​corpses surged again, filling up all the space in her sight in an instant.

At this moment, with the excited roar of the zombie king, even the strong leader of the Eastern Base became unable to move.

"I, Meng Ke'an, am I really going to die here?"

Meng Ke'an stood in the raging war whirlwind and turned around to look at her comrades.

But in her eyes, there were only endless zombies.

She suddenly remembered the beginning of the apocalypse, when ordinary zombies were completely vulnerable to the army.

At that time, she helped treat the wounded and was rewarded with three star crystals by Liu Yi, which opened up her SSS-level supernatural power!

She jumped from a marginal person in the army to the first female general, and she was also full of vigor and vitality...

She had imagined countless times that with her SSS-level supernatural power, she could rebuild Luocheng and Daxia...

Half a year after the apocalypse, everything seemed to be going smoothly and developing as she expected.

"God, are you really going to destroy my Luocheng and my Daxia?"

The peerless female general looked up at the sky and let out a desperate roar... She had too much reluctance and too much to let go!

"Who can stop the B-level sea of ​​corpses?"

"Who will protect Daxia without me, Meng Ke'an?"

"Why is the heaven so heartless?"

The peerless female general shed tears at this moment. She was arrogant and conceited, but also compassionate.

This is not contradictory, everything is caused by the environment.

In this battle, Meng Ke'an knew that he had lost!

A complete defeat!

At this moment...


Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, there was a roar all around, and the high wall of corpses was suddenly knocked open by a huge black shadow.

The tall body of the C-level zombie was like paper, and was smashed and flew up, and countless black blood and limbs were scattered everywhere.


Roar! Roar! Roar!

Roars more terrifying than those of zombies came one after another. Meng Ke'an turned around suddenly and found that the wall of corpses around him had been completely broken.

Dozens of extremely terrifying mutant beasts were scattered around the troops and were launching a counter-massacre against the zombies.

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