It was noon, the sky was gloomy, and the wind was still chilly.

Zhao Yin wanted to find out the situation, so he had to bypass the sea of ​​corpses first. He simply took away all the people, beasts, and corpse demons, leaving only Lao Hei.


Lao Hei's eyes flashed with excitement.

It had been a long time since it had carried its master.

Zhao Yin stepped on the golden saddle and pointed to the opposite side of the sea of ​​corpses: "Go underground, don't alarm the zombie king for the time being."

"Understood, master."

Ripples appeared under Lao Hei's feet, and he sank into the ground in an instant, and a light shield protected Zhao Yin.

Speaking of mounts, Lao Hei is now the safest, fastest, most convenient and magical in Zhao Yin's hands.

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But escaping underground consumes too much energy, and Zhao Yin is unwilling to use it unless necessary.

The underground scene flew by, and soon Lao Hei's voice was transmitted: "Master, you have left the range of the sea of ​​corpses."

"Go up!" Zhao Yin ordered.

Lao Hei slowed down, slowly rose up, and appeared on the ground with Zhao Yin.

"Is it the military district?"

Zhao Yin saw at a glance that most of the people in the large army were wearing military uniforms.

Most of them were C-level evolvers, and there were 87 superpowers. The strongest one was actually an SSS-level superpower!

That was a female general!

[Human female, superpower awakener, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/5: strength 352, agility 358, physical strength 250, spirit 425, life countdown: 495210 days]

Zhao Yin couldn't see the specific superpowers, which meant that her superpower level exceeded the SS level!

This was the first time Zhao Yin had seen an SSS-level superpower other than himself in this life.

He immediately thought of a famous superpower female general in his previous life, Meng Ke'an from the Luocheng Military District.

Yes, at this time in the previous life, Meng Ke'an was attacking a sea of ​​corpses, but was defeated and could only lead the remaining troops away. Later, he rebuilt the military region in Beihai and became a giant among the human survivors...

But Zhao Yun was busy at that time and didn't know where Meng Ke'an was attacking the sea of ​​corpses. Now that he thinks about it, it should be Taihang Mountain.

Zhao Yin still remembers that it was rumored that Meng Ke'an's SSS-level ability was called "Golden War"!

He only knew that it was very scary, but Zhao Yin didn't know what effect it had.

In addition to Meng Ke'an, the entire army also had four SS-level ability users!

When Zhao Yin saw two of them clearly, he was very surprised. They were Lu Ling and Ye Zang!

What surprised him most was that Ye Zang also awakened the SS-level ability.

This shocked him more than seeing the legendary Meng Ke'an.

[Human male, awakened superpower, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 330, agility 335, physical strength 300, spirit 320, superpower: SS-level ant will! Life countdown: 475926 days]

There are not many SS-level superpowers. Zhao Yin had never heard of ant will in his seven years in his previous life!

It is definitely an extremely rare superpower among SS-level.

No wonder Ye Zang walked with the wind at this time.

One of the remaining two superpowers belongs to the military and is a young general walking behind Meng Ke'an.

[Human male, awakened superpower, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 330, agility 345, physical strength 270, spirit 280, superpower: SS-level, wood system! Life countdown: 495716 days]

The last SS-level superpower is a middle-aged man in his early thirties, with a face full of scars and a burly figure.

Behind him, there was a young evolver, carrying a big flag with the words: Eastern Base!

This man was obviously the leader of the Eastern Base, either deliberately disguised or really a flamboyant type.

[Human male, awakened superpower, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 360, agility 340, physical strength 300, spirit 270, superpower: SS-level divine power! Life countdown: 498562 days]

At this time, with the appearance of Zhao Yin and Lao Hei, Lu Ling and Ye Zang immediately recognized him.

"Brother Zhao...!"


As the two people's voices fell, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

At this time, Meng Ke'an and others saw that in front of the left side of the army, under a huge meteorite, a burly man was riding on the back of a big rat, looking at them indifferently.

Lu Ling and Ye Zang immediately rushed towards Zhao Yin.

"What do you want to do? Are you going to run away with the potion?" The young man who restarted the base shouted loudly.

Meng Ke'an's face immediately showed anger when she heard it: "Heaven Base, do you want to be enemies with the military?"

However, Lu Ling and Ye Zang seemed to have not heard it at all.

Zhao Yin listened to Meng Ke'an's words and frowned unconsciously.

The image of the heroine known to everyone in the previous life slowly collapsed in Zhao Yin's heart at this moment.

This has nothing to do with right or wrong, right or wrong, just because of the four words "Heaven Base".

Lu Ling's face was full of smiles, and her smile was very sweet, like a little girl who was not familiar with the world and suddenly found her lover.

And Ye Zang, in front of Zhao Yin, swept away the previous foolish look, and bowed deeply to Zhao Yin respectfully.


The two came to Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin asked calmly: "Why are you here, what happened?"

Lu Ling did not speak, and the young boy Ye Zang told the story again, his words were concise, but he said all the key points.

At this time, Meng Ke'an had already strode towards this side, with the momentum of taking action to teach a lesson if there was a disagreement.

The peerless female general in the last life is now just a young person who has just obtained SSS-level supernatural powers and has ascended to the sky in one step without taking any detours.

After all, she was just a former art troupe, with nothing but supernatural powers.

In the last few months of the last days, everything in the military region was presided over by Liu Yi.

At this time, Liu Yi had just returned to the military region to take charge, and Meng Ke'an wanted to show her ability in front of her subordinates intentionally or unintentionally.

It seemed that she wanted to prove that she could lead the military region without Commander Liu...

"I asked you to come back, didn't you hear?"

Meng Ke'an said word by word: "Before the battle, if you violate the military order, you should be severely punished!"

Zhao Yin raised his eyes and looked at her, his eyes were already cold.

Although Lu Ling and Ye Zang were not his people, they could barely be considered half of his "own people"!

Since he is nominally the master of the Heaven Base, even if outsiders want to beat a dog of the Heaven Base, they are also hitting Zhao Yin's face.

"My face, Zhao Yin, is still worth something now." Zhao Yin muttered to himself.

At least he thinks so.

Meng Ke'an strode over: "Old Liu, I don't want to bother with you. Today's battle is related to the fate of the entire Zhongzhou. I can't let me not uphold the military order!"

In Zhao Yin's hand, a golden bell shield and a butcher knife appeared, and his eyes were murderous.

"Locheng Military Region, want to go to war with me?"

"It's none of your business!" Meng Ke'an scolded with a cold face: "Stray people, disperse!"

"I am the master of the Heaven Base, Zhao Yin!"

Zhao Yin's voice was not loud, but it was heard far away, so that everyone could hear it.

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