Meng Ke'an was immediately shocked, and turned back to Liu Yi happily and said: "Mr. Liu, we have arrived at the Heaven Base!"

Liu Yi also showed a happy smile on his face: "With the help of an SSS-level superpower, although we cannot be 100% sure of destroying the sea of ​​corpses, it is possible after all!"

The military camp can be relocated, but the sea of ​​corpses will only gather more and more. Who can guarantee that there will be no B-level zombie kings in other places?

When that time comes, where can we migrate?

So, destroying this sea of ​​corpses is the top priority!

Liu Yi also thought of a possibility. The B-level zombie king has undergone a qualitative change and has extremely high intelligence. Maybe its purpose of gathering the sea of ​​corpses is to sweep away all life forms, devour flesh and blood, and accelerate the evolution of the corpse group...


Just like a snowball, once the corpse group grows, humans will no longer have room to survive.

But these things are just speculations, not confirmed, and saying them will only disturb the morale of the army.

This is also the reason why Liu Yi wanted to strangle the sea of ​​corpses at all costs.

"Commander Meng, I will go with you to welcome the superpower!"

Liu Yi stood up, his body still as straight as a javelin.

Although he is old, he is also a C-level peak evolver. Few people know that he also has superpowers, and...

"Commander Meng is here!"

Meng Ke'an and Liu Yi, one old and one young, the two commanders of the front and back military districts, walked out of the central military tent side by side.

Behind them, all the generals who followed to Taihang Mountain gave enough face to the Heaven Base.

All the evolvers took the initiative to make way.

Compared with the SSS-level superpower in the Heaven Base, Meng Ke'an, who has real power and is also an SSS-level superpower, makes civilian evolvers pay more attention.

Meng Ke'an is in her early twenties and has a perfect figure. Even if she wears a military uniform outside her equipment, it is still difficult to hide her amazing lines.

She has a layer of black ash on her face, and her eyes are sparkling, which makes her look more heroic.

But at this moment, tens of thousands of evolvers and psychics, no matter what level or rank, no one dared to have any evil thoughts.

A person's name is like a tree's shadow, the person in charge of the military region, an SSS-level psychic, any title is enough to shock everyone.


"Boss, is that the legendary Commander Meng?"

The young man Ye Zang, following closely behind Lu Ling, looked at the young female general who was leading a group of soldiers coming from the opposite side.

The young man's clear eyes showed surprise.

Ye Zang admires the strong, wants to be a strong man like the boss, and likes beautiful young strong women more!

After Lu Ling revealed her identity, a soldier led the way for them, and the nearby evolvers also automatically made way, with a look in their eyes.

"Why are there only two people?" Meng Ke'an showed confusion on his face.

Liu Yi smiled and said, "Maybe this is their confidence. The strong people in the Heaven Base must have combat abilities!"

In his opinion, the fewer people, the more it shows the strength of the Heaven Base!

At this time, on one side was Meng Ke'an, with a shocking momentum, and on the other side were Lu Ling and Ye Zang, only two people.

The two sides gradually approached along the road.


Meng Ke'an smiled from a distance, and just as he was about to speak, a general beside him suddenly frowned: "No!"

Meng Ke'an paused, turned back and lowered his voice: "What's wrong?"

"These two are both SS-level psychics, not SSS-level!" The soldier who spoke was holding an auxiliary equipment in his hand, like a mirror, with sixteen card slots on the back.

When Lu Ling and Ye Zang appeared, he stuffed sixteen C-level corpse crystals into the card slot, and at the cost of observing the information on Lu Ling and the others.

At the same time, there was a noise in the crowd.

"We've been waiting for so long, only two people came to the Heaven Base?"

"Combat SSS-level psychics, one person can defeat thousands of troops, that's enough!"

Someone with sharp hearing heard the young general's words

"These two are SS-level psychics, no SSS-level!"

"What, no SSS-level?"

"There are not many SS-level psychics in the entire Daxia continent, two people in one base are already amazing enough!"

"But that's a sea of ​​corpses, 400,000 zombies, including tens of thousands of C-level, and commanded by B-level zombie kings. If there are no more than two SSS-level psychics to suppress them, wouldn't we be sending ourselves to die?"

"Commander Meng, we believe in your character, you can't hurt us, right?"

Someone mustered up the courage to question.

There was an uproar in the crowd.

The military region has always maintained the discipline before the end of the world, and the person who questioned felt that he was right, and Meng Ke'an would not do anything to him.

Meng Ke'an's face darkened, and he lowered his voice again to confirm: "Are you sure there are no SSS-level psychics?"

In the eyes of ordinary people, SS-level is already the top, but in Meng Ke'an's eyes, although it is rare, it is still far behind.

"Commander, I won't be wrong."

Just then, Lu Ling and Ye Zang came.

Their faces also changed.

"What happened?" Ye Zang asked with a confused look.

They heard the noise around them clearly.

Jiang Shan just said that if they came to help the military region strangle the sea of ​​corpses, they would not only get the 1,000 F-level evolution potions promised by the military region, but also get corpse crystals and star crystals.

Jiang Shan meant that they should kill as many zombies as possible. Even if they were defeated in the end, with Lu Ling and Ye Zang's abilities, they could fully protect themselves.

So they came.

I never thought that it would cause a stir.

"It turns out that there are no SSS-level psychics in the Heaven Base!" Meng Ke'an looked unhappy, staring coldly at Lu Ling and the others who were walking over.

If there were no SSS-level psychics, it would be equivalent to the Los Angeles Military District breaking its promise to all the camps that came.

This battle that had to be fought would also become extremely difficult.

Lu Ling paused and quickly understood something.

Jiang Shan, that old man, coveted the military district's medicine and let them fish in troubled waters?

But Jiang Shan would not lie to them!


At this moment, the Heaven Base.

Jiang Shan rolled up his trousers and stood in a field full of mutant corn, with a smile on his face.

"The boss and Ye Zang should have arrived."

"The military district only said to ask the Heaven Base for help, but did not say that the SSS-level must take action!"

"Even if the military district regrets it, I don't believe it. Two SS-levels, even if they can't earn back a thousand bottles of evolution potions, they should have five hundred... one hundred bottles!"

"The boss is kind and easy to talk to, but Ye Zang is not easy to talk to. The military district wants them to take action..."

Jiang Shan faced the sunset and squinted: "The military district will have to bleed a little!"


Lu Ling bowed slightly to Meng Ke'an: "Commander Meng, there is indeed an SSS-level psychic in the Heaven Base, but he is not in the base now. The information we have received does not require the SSS psychic to take action."

Meng Ke'an was stunned and looked back at a young general who was heading to the Heaven Base.

The young general saluted: "Commander, before I left, Mr. Liu deliberately told me to be polite to the Heaven Base, so..."

Liu Yi's original words were that there might be places where the Heaven Base might be useful in the future. If you say it too clearly, it's easy to offend people, so just stop at the right time.

I believe that as long as the words are conveyed, even a pig should understand that the military district wants SSS-level strongmen to take action.

But is the Heaven Base really worse than a pig?

It's obviously impossible.

Liu Yi frowned immediately.

In an instant, Liu Yi understood everything. If the previous reputation of the Heaven Base was just a bluff, and the two small fish were sent, they could be driven away directly.

But the other party sent two SS-levels!

Now the military district is in urgent need of people, are they willing to drive them away?

Since the military district has made a promise because of the SSS-level, and the two SS-levels have also taken action, if they can't give a thousand bottles of evolution potions, they must have 300 bottles, right?

Knowing that it's a trap, the military district has to jump!

At this moment, Liu Yi looked down on the Heaven Base from the bottom of his heart. What SSS-level superpowers are there? They are just two SS-level superpowers bluffing!

"Commander Meng, I'm sorry, the boss of our camp is not here now. If he must come, we... we will leave!" Lu Ling said.

Zhao Yin is now wandering around!

Besides, Lu Ling just borrowed his reputation and promised not to cause trouble for him.


At this moment, Zhao Yin suddenly heard Baldy's voice in his heart.

"Master, there is a sea of ​​corpses forty miles ahead, with about 400,000 zombies. Judging from the size of the zombie king, it should be B-level!"

Zhao Yin's expression condensed.

Finally, he met the B-level zombie king!

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