"Didn't Commander Meng open up a trading market in the city? Recently, all the private bases in Zhongzhou have come to trade with us, and they have all left their addresses!"

Liu Yi continued: "The sea of ​​corpses has erupted, and no one in Zhongzhou can be spared. Why not inform them?"

"Mr. Liu, in these last days, people's hearts are unpredictable. Those bases have their own agendas and are no longer under the control of the government and the military!"

A middle-aged general said: "Even if the sea of ​​corpses wants to attack, there is still a big man like the Military District in front. Even if they send evolutionaries, how many of them can be sincere?"

The words are very clear. The leaders of the major bases in the apocalypse are accustomed to being local emperors, and most of them are selfish.

Even if the military area is gone, they can still move. Is there any need to fight hard?

In the worst case scenario, we are still afraid that someone will stab the military region in the back.

Liu Yi smiled, flicked the cigarette ashes from his fingertips, and fell on his army green pants.

"Under heavy rewards, there must be warriors. I have received news that the former Glory Base was killed by an SSS-level superpower and was renamed Paradise Base."

"I heard that one of the subordinates of that SSS-level superpower is also an SS-level superpower. They are now using precious mutant crops to exchange evolutionary potions."

"If we take out a thousand bottles of evolution potion, can we ask Paradise Base to take action once?"

After speaking, Liu Yi looked at Meng Kean with a smile.

Everyone was stunned.

"Mr. Liu, those evolution potions were all obtained by the soldiers working hard for them!" Meng Ke'an said.

"Compared to giving up this city, do you think it's not worth it?" Liu Yi asked back.

Meng Kean was silent.

All the generals had a look of frustration on their faces.

After the end of the world, the majesty of the political and military forces has been lost, and now they are asking for a civilian base!

Liu Yi continued: "As long as the Paradise Base is willing to take action, other bases will definitely take action. The harvest from this killing of the corpse sea will be evenly distributed according to the size of the battle, and their interests will be tied together!"

"When the time comes, there will be no need for the military region to intervene too much. The major bases will also supervise each other. Whoever dares to stab you in the back will offend everyone!"

A thousand bottles of evolution potion, in exchange for not one shot from Heaven Base, but letting the SSS-level superpower take the lead, plus Meng Ke'an, the SSS-level superpower, and the huge profits from killing the sea of ​​corpses... …

So in exchange, all the bases in Zhongzhou will take action together!

Everyone looked at Liu Yi with admiration.

"If all the bases in Zhongzhou are united, what does a sea of ​​300,000 corpses mean?"

"Mr. Liu, I will send someone to find the Paradise Base right now!" Meng Ke'an said.

Xincheng is 460 kilometers away from the Taihang Mountains. Zhao Yin rushed on the road with all his strength. Early the next morning, he appeared in the pre-apocalyptic macaque nature reserve.

At this time, the eyes of the little monkey walking in the front were bright, holding two door panels.

"Master, I feel that this place is very familiar."

Zhao Yin nodded and smiled.

The little monkey is also a macaque. Although Zhao Yin found it at the Gwangju Zoo, it seems that its ancestors also came from the Taihang Mountains.

When the little monkey returns to the Taihang Mountains, it is equivalent to returning to the ancestral land.

Zhao Yin went straight to the place where he found the monkeys in his previous life, but the place was deserted. There was not a single monkey within a radius of thirty miles.

In his previous life, he arrived in the third year of the end of the world, but now the monkey group is not here.

"Monkey, the task of finding the monkey group is left to you." Zhao Yin said while sitting in the beast's golden house.

Beside him, Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue sat on both sides. Wang Xiaolei held a wine bottle and served Zhao Yin to drink.

Winnie, on the other hand, stood on the head of the bull outside the beast's gold house, her big eyes shining, curious about everything she looked at.

Zhao Yin looked at Winnie's perfect back, thinking of her status as an SSS-level powerhouse, and felt a headache again.

Corpse crystal! Still a corpse crystal!

If he has enough corpse crystals, he can restore Winnie's strength as soon as possible.

Zhou Dandan has made more than a thousand arrows, but all the C-level corpse crystals have been exhausted.

As for the Corpse Crystal, Zhao Yin is now at a loss.

The corpse crystals that were not accumulated enough for the contracted beast to evolve to level A were all consumed instead.


The little monkey rushed forward, trampling all the withered shrubs into flat ground.

Along the way, the little monkey made monkey sounds from its mouth, climbed directly over a mountain, and flew downwards.

Zhao Yin ordered the beasts to follow closely.

Sensing from the bloodline and being sensitive to the same kind, Zhao Yin soon heard the voice of the little monkey in his heart.

"Master, I found a group of monkeys." The little monkey was very excited.

"Very good, wait for my contract soul to let you choose a wife among the monkeys!" Zhao Yin responded in his heart.


The little monkey's screams became louder.

For contracted beasts, the biggest obsession is to obey their master and make him happy.

The second is to eat, you can eat delicious food every day, and the third is... to reproduce and reproduce!

Little monkeys are no exception.

Lao Hei and Lao Niu, who had been promised a wife by Zhao Yin, both looked envious after hearing this.

Especially Lao Hei, he looked back at the six giant rats beside him. Why wasn't there a female rat?

Zhao Yin coughed dryly: "Don't worry, there will be bread, and the mother contract beast will be there soon. As long as you are willing to work hard, my strength will become stronger and stronger, and the speed of conquering the contract beast will also increase." The sooner!”

At this moment, not only Lao Niu and Lao Hei, but also all the contracted beasts present, except Xiao Bai, the little female cat, and Winnie, were all excited.

Marry a wife!

What a happy thing.

The most excited one was Da Huang, who was always more focused on this kind of thing.

"Master, your beast-carrying golden house is dirty, I will lick it clean for you."

After Da Huang said this, he licked Zhao Yin directly across the beast-carrying golden house.

Zhao Yin ignored the licking dog and looked at the monkey in front of him.

At this time, the little monkey flashed and passed into a valley. Then, Zhao Yin heard countless squeaking sounds!

"All the contracted beasts who want to marry a wife, surround this valley for me, and don't let any monkey go!" Zhao Yin immediately gave orders.

All the contracted beasts were all energetic and dispersed in an instant, heading to all directions of the valley.

Only the old cow was left, still carrying the beast-carrying golden house on his back, and walked into the valley, followed by Xiao Bai who didn't want to marry a wife.

At this moment, the little monkey has turned into a normal monkey size. It even combed the hair on its head with saliva to make a middle-parted hairstyle according to the handsome god in its heart... the master.

Opposite the little monkey, there are two monkey groups, one of which has about 200 monkeys.

Unlike Zhao Yin's memory, the monkey group here is not 300, but more than 500.

At this time, both monkey groups are watching the little monkey, the outsider, with vigilance.


The little monkey shouted happily. It was originally a social animal, but it had been lonely for too long.

Its instinct is to integrate into the monkey group, save them, and bring them into the arms of the master...

However, squeak--

A big male monkey suddenly shouted loudly.

Then, countless stones were thrown at the little monkey.

One of the female monkeys couldn't find a stone, so she threw a monkey baby in her arms at the little monkey.

The little monkey subconsciously caught the monkey cub, but the monkey cub not only did not appreciate it, but also opened its mouth and bit the little monkey's finger.

The little monkey's eyes showed confusion.

Watching the monkey cub run back to the monkey group, watching countless stones thrown at him.

The little monkey stood there, motionless, stunned.

It seemed that everything was different from what he imagined.

"This is the nature of animals. They don't have your wisdom. They are just ordinary macaques."

Zhao Yin got off the beast-carrying golden house, saw the loss of soul in the little monkey's eyes, and walked slowly.

He raised his warm big hand and stroked the little monkey's head: "Don't worry, when they become pseudo-mutated beasts, their wisdom will improve."

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