boom! boom! boom!

The armor-piercing bullets raged inside the Zombie King's body, tearing apart its internal organs crazily. At this moment, the Zombie King's whole body began to tremble, and a large stream of black blood, mixed with fragments of internal organs, flowed out of the large hole in his abdomen.

Despite this, the Zombie King was still not dead. He grabbed Zhao Yin's one arm and threw Zhao Yin directly with force.

Zhao Yin felt as if his chest had been hit by a heavy hammer. While he was still in the air, he spat out a mouthful of blood again and rolled a few times before falling heavily to the ground.

He wanted to get up immediately, but found that all the strength seemed to have been drained from his body.

Every time I took a breath, I felt a sharp pain in my chest.


The sniper rifle on the Zombie King's belly slipped to the ground.


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It rushed towards Zhao Yin angrily, as if it wanted to completely kill this little ant that had hurt itself.

At this time, it was too late to save the little monkey.

"Zhao Yin, get up quickly!"

Song Xiaodao's young face was full of fear. He hugged the Zombie King's leg and stabbed it out with the butterfly knife in his hand.


Even the extraordinary weapon only cut a little bit of skin on the Zombie King's leg.

Song Xiaodao's strength was also too weak.

Under the Zombie King's powerful defense, he couldn't even be truly injured.

At this time, the zombie king was angered by this weaker ant, turned around and kicked him out.

"Ah...! Zhao Yin...!"

Song Xiaodao's petite body spun in the air, fell twenty or thirty meters, fell into the mud in the distance and never moved again, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

It was Song Xiaodao who blocked him, and the little monkey rushed over again. The steel rod in his hand had already flown away.

The giant little monkey suddenly jumped on the Zombie King's head, squatted on its shoulders, and dug its long nails into the Zombie King's two eye sockets.


The Zombie King swung out one arm and slapped the little monkey on the head.

Half of the little monkey's cheeks immediately deformed, and he still hugged the Zombie King's head tightly and dug out his eyes desperately.

boom! boom! boom!

The zombie king hit the little monkey's body one by one, and blood was sprayed with every blow. The thick monkey skin couldn't bear it at all, and it was torn to pieces, exposing the meridians and bones...

"Master, get up, get up and run...!"

The little monkey's heart was trembling, the bloody monkey's face had a painful expression, and his eyes dimmed.

Two puffs.

The zombie king's eyes were finally dug out by it.


The Zombie King's voice became shrill, his sharp claws suddenly penetrated the little monkey's abdomen, he grabbed the belly from the inside and pulled it forward suddenly.

The little monkey, who was already exhausted, suddenly felt like he was having a convulsion before dying. He was thrown out by the zombie king and rolled in the mud, twitching for a few times and became motionless.

At this time, Zhao Yin stood up unsteadily and stuffed a handful of chestnut leaves into his mouth, which made him feel better.

He looked at the little monkey and Song Xiaodao who didn't know whether they were alive or dead, and his heart was still extremely calm, thinking about where to find a way out.

To him, the E-level zombie king is like an insurmountable mountain that cannot be shaken or resisted.

The frailty of the human body was fully exposed. Zhao Yin only withstood two blows. At this time, he could not even lift the Tang Dao.

The little monkey fell! The sniper rifle is at the feet of the Zombie King! He lost his two biggest sources of support.

What else can he use to fight this zombie king?

At this time, the zombie king lost two eyeballs, and his huge body was swaying. Zhao Yin suddenly discovered that this zombie king had evolved eyesight and could actually see things with his eyes. The zombie king without eyeballs seemed to have survived. The blind man among them stumbled towards Zhao Yin.

Even if the zombie king is blind, even if he stands there motionless, he still has no ability to kill at this time.

Thousands of thoughts flashed through Zhao Yin's mind in an instant, conjuring up all the possibilities of flipping cards.

In the end, all he could think of were those fourteen star crystals!

Although the chance is slim, it is Zhao Yin's only hope at this time. If powerful equipment is released, he may survive!

Zhao Yin took out fourteen star crystals without hesitation and crushed them all at once.

[Nongfu Spring: Grade F, extraordinary variety of drinks, replenish water consumption for 24 hours after consumption]

[Sandwich Bread: Grade F, an extraordinary type of food, which replenishes energy consumption for 24 hours after consumption, and also has the effect of treating injuries]

【Nongfu Spring……】

【Nongfu Spring……】

[Compressed biscuits: grade F, extraordinary food, replenishes energy consumption for 24 hours after consumption, has the added effect of boosting energy, lasting for 24 hours]

[Instant noodles: Grade F, an extraordinary type of food. After consumption, it replenishes energy consumption for 24 hours. It also has the effect of resisting severe cold and lasts for 24 hours]

[Canned tuna: grade F, an extraordinary type of food, which replenishes energy consumption for 24 hours after consumption, and also has the effect of immunizing against viruses below level B, which lasts for 24 hours]

[Iced black tea: grade F, an extraordinary beverage, replenishes water consumption for 24 hours after consumption, and has the additional effect of doubling physical attributes, lasting for one hour]

[Mace: grade D, extraordinary weapon type, toughness 54, attack 52, with effect power +20]

[Women's suit: Grade E, defensive equipment, solidity 31, agility 28, with effect of charm +5]

[Nongfu Spring...] [Nongfu Spring...] [Nongfu Spring...] [Sandwich Bread...]

All the white light faded away, and items fell to the ground from Zhao Yin's hands.

When he saw the mace clearly, he was excited.

He actually got a life-saving equipment!

A D-level extraordinary weapon!

With 52 attack points and 20 strength, if Zhao Yin's own 15 strength points were added, it would not be a problem to smash the E-level zombie king in front of him.

Zhao Yin stuffed another handful of chestnut leaves into his mouth, and then tore open a piece of healing sandwich bread without hesitation, chewed and swallowed it directly.

This was not over yet, he opened a bottle of iced black tea and drank it in a gulp.

The sandwich bread fell into his stomach, and the healing effect was several times stronger than that of the chestnut leaves. A warm feeling instantly spread throughout his body.

The numbness and severe pain in his limbs were rapidly subsiding at this time.

At the same time, the attribute doubling effect brought by the iced black tea broke out, and a majestic force spread in Zhao Yin's body.

At this moment, Zhao Yin smiled, and his eyes were blood red.

He bent down, grabbed the mace, and lifted it up.

"The Zombie King is amazing!"

"Today, I'm going to kill a Zombie King and see!"

"I almost died, just a little bit, you fucking die!"

At this time, the Zombie King strode over, clenched his fist with one arm, and smashed towards Zhao Yin fiercely.

This time, Zhao Yin did not dodge, his body suddenly flew into the air, and the mace in his hand also smashed towards the Zombie King fiercely with a fierce momentum.


The fist and the mace collided with each other, and a sonic boom sounded in the air.

Then, accompanied by the sound of bone cracking!

The Zombie King's fist was directly deformed by the smash!

Its terrifying face could not see any expression, but it was obviously stunned.

Zhao Yin landed on his feet, bounced up again, and hit hard.


The Zombie King instinctively raised his one arm to resist, and the forearm bone was smashed!

The zombie king roared, instinctively wanting to raise his hand to kill Zhao Yin, but his one arm was so limp that he couldn't swing it at all.

At this time, the mace came again, aiming at the zombie king's head.

The zombie king dodged quickly, and the mace hit his neck directly, boom! The zombie king's mountain-like figure fell to the ground.

"What a stinky bastard!"

Zhao Yin stepped on the zombie king's chest and smashed it down with the mace.

Again and again, until the zombie king's head was smashed, there was no movement.

Zhao Yin was sure that it couldn't die any more, so he stopped.

Zhao Yin gasped as if he was exhausted, and the mace weighing three or four hundred pounds in his hand fell to the ground. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked up at the little monkey and Zhao Xiaodao.

In the mud, two small figures, like mud figures, did not move at all.

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