Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 300 Song Xiaojian's Tears

Song Xiaojian thought that his dual abilities were already close to being invincible at the same level. Now that he had been promoted to level B, coupled with a set of top-quality equipment, he would definitely be able to crush Zhao Yin.

He never expected that Zhao Yin would have three abilities when he ‘casually’ sent out a mutant beast!

Moreover, the three abilities seemed to be all combat-related!

Song Xiaojian didn’t have time to think too much, the little monkey had already rushed over, and the city gate in his hand turned into more than ten meters long and seven or eight meters wide. The flames radiated from each city gate reached twenty meters...

A city gate smashed down on his head, and Song Xiaojian suddenly raised his head. In his dead fish eyes, the shadow of the city gate was reflected, gradually growing in his pupils, and gradually covering his sky...


Song Xiaojian shouted loudly and raised his shield to meet the city gate.

The next moment, the soil under his feet suddenly sank, and the city gate fell with a slap...

Directly nailed him into the soil like a nail!

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"How is it possible?"

Song Xiaojian was in the mud, but he could still feel the fatal high temperature. His knuckles were cracked and black blood was flowing.

After panicking, he activated his first superpower, the strange blood!

The black blood flowing out of his hand instantly drilled out of the mud and spread along the little monkey's feet.


The flames burned the blood that was swimming like a venomous snake, and it evaporated 70% in an instant, but 30% was still left, wrapping around the little monkey's ankle. The next moment, the little monkey roared, and the movement of his hand falling again slowed down.

The black blood was terribly corrosive, and in an instant, it burned a blood hole in the little monkey's leg, and blood flowed.


The little monkey roared in pain, mobilized the fire power, and completely burned the strange blood!

It swallowed the sandwich bread, and when the injury on its leg recovered, it looked at Song Xiaojian again.

The bald corpse demon had already used the speed of his shoes to soar into the sky and escaped to 20 meters away from the little monkey.

"Zhao Yin, what kind of mutant beast is this?"

Zhao Yin, who was on the opposite side, raised his head and drank a big mouthful of corn wine. As if he didn't hear what Song Xiaojian said, he ordered all the contracted beasts around him.

"Surround this place, don't let him run away!"

All the people and beasts immediately took action. At this time, all of Song Xiaojian's attention was on the little monkey, and he didn't notice it at all.

The contracted beasts quickly scattered everywhere and all hid.

At this moment, he also drank iced black tea. Facing the city gate smashed by the little monkey, he chose to fight it head-on.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The shield in his hand hit the city gate. Every violent collision was accompanied by a sonic boom, and Song Xiaojian retreated step by step.

"How is it possible? I am a great corpse demon, and even a B-level one. With the attack power of a set of top-grade equipment, how could I not be as powerful as a stinky monkey?"

Song Xiaojian couldn't believe it, his face flushed. Facing the angry little monkey, he didn't even have a chance to breathe as it was hit by a storm.


When the little monkey hit for the fifteenth time, the shield flew out of Song Xiaojian's trembling hand, and the tiger's mouth was completely torn apart, and a large amount of black blood flowed.

Song Xiaojian gritted his teeth, swung the broken sword directly, and cut off one of his fingers. The black blood gushed out and immediately turned into countless snake-like blood lines, which quickly entangled the little monkey's body.

How could the little monkey give him a second chance?

It had suffered a loss before, but it was just that it didn't expect the weirdness of the blood power.

The little monkey quickly closed his hands, and the two gates closed, forming a huge flame shield.

"Monkey, do you think that two broken doors can resist my alien blood?" Song Xiaojian laughed bitterly, with madness in his eyes.

However, the next moment, his eyes widened.

The alien blood fell on the city gate, but it had no effect at all. The next moment, the little monkey suddenly shook the city gate, and the alien blood was shaken into blood mist.

Before the little monkey was surrounded, it was evaporated by the flames.


The little monkey's eyes were more eager to fight. Its giant and frenzy abilities can increase strength and speed. Even if Song Xiaojian has a pair of A-level shoes, it is still difficult to surpass the little monkey in speed, and it is even more difficult to match in strength.

The little monkey's fire ability can also resist Song Xiaojian's alien blood very well!

This is why Zhao Yin sent the little monkey to fight!

The next moment, the huge door panel fell on Song Xiaojian's head again, and at this time, he no longer had a shield.


Song Xiaojian could only raise his broken sword and chop at the city gate. The terrible flames enveloped Song Xiaojian, and he could only use his alien blood to resist.

The next moment, Song Xiaojian was smashed into the ground again!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The little monkey did not give him another chance to use his alien blood, and the city gate in his hand fell like raindrops.

A big hole was smashed on the ground.

Song Xiaojian could only squeeze his body into the soil desperately, but as the soil around him was compacted, the terrible pressure made Song Xiaojian spit out black blood.

"Zhao Yin, Zhao Yin, I give up, don't let it kill me!" Song Xiaojian shouted loudly in the soil.

However, he did not get any response, and the little monkey was still smashing wildly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Once, twice, three times...

Song Xiaojian felt that every bone in his body seemed to be broken.

"Zhao Yin... Brother Zhao, no... Master Zhao, please ask the monkey to stop!"

"Master Zhao... Master Zhao... Can I recognize you as my father, godfather, please raise your hand...!"

Song Xiaojian was finally scared!

Since he became a corpse demon, he felt extremely happy.

Except for Zhao Yin and a few limited zombie kings, he did not meet any opponents.

The end of the world is basically not dangerous for corpse demons, but it can make him feel at home.

In addition, the lifespan of corpse demons is long, and he never thought that he would die one day!

The strong desire to survive made Song Xiaojian beg for mercy, which was extremely humiliating.

His tears fell straight down

Zhao Yin finally sent a telepathic message: "Monkey, enough!"

The little monkey stopped and stepped back a few steps, still holding the city gate tightly, ready to continue smashing at any time.

Zhao Yin jumped off the old bull's head, walked slowly, dug Song Xiaojian's bald head out of the mud, and pulled him out.


Song Xiaojian spit out black blood in large mouthfuls, trembling, took out a bottle of C-level healing potion and drank it directly.

Then, Song Xiaojian slowly recovered.

"What did you call me just now?" Zhao Yin asked.

"Godfather... No, Zhao Yin, don't push your luck!"

Song Xiaojian immediately turned hostile and climbed up from the ground.

Zhao Yin's face turned cold: "You turned hostile now?"

"So what?"

The next moment, Song Xiaojian turned around and fled. A B-level corpse demon, with amazing speed, plus a full set of equipment bonus, his figure turned into a residual shadow.

"Zhao Yin, you wait for me, I will come back!"

Zhao Yin stood there, not even moving, the next moment, Song Xiaojian's footsteps suddenly slowed down.

Then, a lion walked out from not far away, gravity field!

While Song Xiaojian was stunned, arrows and wind blades fell on him crazily, knocking him out directly.

It was a vulture king, flying slowly at low altitude opposite...

Song Xiaojian fell back to Zhao Yin's feet.

The monkey's door panel fell down again, and Song Xiaojian, who was in a daze, was hit hard.

Crack! Crack!

I don't know how many bones in his body were broken.

This was because the little monkey showed mercy and didn't hit his bald head.

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