Zhao Yin led the beasts and slowly passed through the outer city and entered the middle city.

The place is empty, and all the evolvers living in the middle city are partying in the inner city.

Zhao Yin heard the noise in the inner city and accelerated towards the inner city.


At this moment, Luo Guanghui frowned, feeling frightened for no reason.

"I just killed a few scattered zombies. Why haven't Wang Hong and the others come back yet?"

Evolutionaries are still partying.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

The women on the stage were still dancing.

The sound of the drums played by the musicians covered up the sound of death's approaching footsteps.


The gate of the inner city suddenly shook, and then, with the collapse of a city wall, the gate flew up.

It fell on a few unlucky evolvers and smashed them into pulp.

Luo Guanghui stood up suddenly and stared: "Who is it?"

The women on the stage finally stopped dancing, and the musicians stopped playing the drums. All the evolvers and superpowers turned their heads and looked at the smoke and dust raised by the collapse of the city wall, which slowly dispersed, revealing a terrifying figure.

It was a buffalo, as big as a hill. It was dressed in gleaming equipment and walked slowly into the inner city.

As Lao Niu steps in, the people and beasts hidden behind the majestic figure are revealed.

Zhao Yin was still sitting on Xiao Bai's back, his eyes quickly scanning everyone present.

It was soon discovered that in front of the huge round table in the center of all the tables, the twelve people were all superpowers!

The ordinary superpower Zhao Yin simply ignored them. There were only two people worthy of him taking a second look.

[Human male, power awakener, C-level evolver, evolution level 100/99: strength 310, agility 330, physical strength 270, spirit 170, awakened talents and abilities: S-level strength, A-level stone armor, A-level speed , B-level true seeing eye, life countdown: 787952 days]

[Human male, power awakener, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/99: strength 320, agility 310, physical strength 290, spirit 140, awakening talents and abilities: A-level shadow, A-level poison system, life countdown: 479947 sky】

Obviously, the middle-aged man with S-level powers should be Luo Guanghui.

A total of four advanced abilities have been awakened!

No wonder he is king in the neighborhood!

S-level superpowers can already stand on the upper level of the human pyramid!

And the other one, a mature man with double A-level powers, should not be underestimated in the eyes of others.

His poison power is not too rare, but his shadow power is an extremely rare domain type!

Zhao Yin had seen a person with shadow powers in his previous life. As long as there was a shadow, he could blend into it, hide in the shadow, and appear at any time to kill...

"Who are you and why do you come to Guanghui Base?" Luo Guanghui clenched his fists and tried hard to restrain himself.

He couldn't see the power levels of Zhao Yin and others, but he could see the group of mutant beasts.

All are B grade!

And those with the least abilities are dual-type!

"Are all the backbones of Guanghui Base here?" Zhao Yin ignored Luo Guanghui and turned around to ask the young man behind him.

The moment the young man saw Luo Guanghui, his whole body trembled and his eyes were blood red.

He said it word by word, as if he had recited it a thousand times.

"Except Luo Guanghui, there are thirteen superpowers and one thousand, three hundred and twenty-four evolvers in Guanghui Base, including 864 C-level evolvers...!"

Zhao Yin turned around and counted. Including Wang Hong and Dongzi who had died earlier, it exactly matched the number of superpowers given by the young man.

Although there are less than 1,300 evolved people, there is no harm in leaking a few.

"Friend, what exactly do you want to do? Glory Base has no enmity against you, why did you break in like this?"

"If you are just a guest, there is wine at the Glory Base. If you are here to cause trouble, I also have knives at the Glory Base!"

Luo Guanghui tensed his nerves and remained calm on the surface, but in his heart he was already thinking about how to escape from here.

If Wang Hong and the others didn't come back, they must be dead.

So Zhao Yin is definitely not a guest!

However, Zhao Yin didn't seem to hear him at all, and patted Xiao Bai on the head: "Okay, let's do it!"

"Yes! Master!" Xiaobai responded in his heart.

The next moment, Xiaobai's eyes once again bloomed with a touch of pink...

Wherever it looked, there was a sudden roar in everyone's minds, and then they all became sluggish...

Even Luo Guanghui stood there blankly.

In his eyes, the whole world slowly faded and turned into a noisy city.

The streets are busy with traffic, people are well-dressed, restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, bus stops...

Luo Guanghui was sitting on the curb. He went back to twenty years ago. This year, he was only twenty-three years old. He had just left school and went south to work.

The living expenses in his wallet are about to be exhausted, the mobile phone bill has been stopped, and he has not eaten all day.

Luo Guanghui felt that the end of the world twenty years later was like a big dream.

He is no longer the boss Luo that everyone fears, and has become again, a wage earner who graduated with three degrees and can't even find a job...

"Why is this happening? Why is this happening?"

Luo Guanghui murmured like crazy, looking up at the sky.

"Why is there no meteorite rain, and why has the apocalypse not come?"

He was not happy about returning to the end of the world, but was just unwilling to do so.

The end of the world is hell for ordinary people!

But for Boss Luo, it is heaven.

He fell from heaven to hell!

"This fucked up world should experience an end of the world baptism. There is no need to compete with your father or academic qualifications. The capable will live and the incompetent will die!"

"Why is there no end of the world, why?"

Soon, Luo Guanghui went crazy and roared completely.

There was no end of the world, only the sarcastic eyes of passers-by.

"Mom, look, there is a madman over there!" A little boy pointed at Luo Guanghui and said to the woman next to him.

"So you have to go to school well, otherwise you will be like him when you grow up, crazy because of poverty!"


"Kill!" Zhao Yin ordered indifferently.

All people, beasts, and corpse demons immediately rushed into the crowd.

The next moment, some people were crying, some were laughing, and some were roaring... But no one could realize the danger.

At this moment, the Glorious Base, feared by everyone, was like paper, at the mercy of Xiao Bai's superpower...

Accompanied by the fire lit by the little monkey, blood was spilt, and the murderous aura rushed straight to the sky...

The crazy world gradually became quiet.

Luo Guanghui suddenly woke up and looked back, and he was back to the end of the world.

Before he could be happy, he saw that all the evolvers and superpowers in the Glorious Base were being slaughtered.

A big white fur was walking slowly towards him, and there was a hint of pink in its eyes.

"Fuck you!" Luo Guanghui cursed and immediately activated his superpower.

But the next moment, he suddenly found that he couldn't use his superpower.

After all, he was Boss Luo who dominated the end of the world. He quickly calmed down and took out his weapon immediately.

With a clang!

The weapon that was usually in hand could not be picked up at this time. It felt as heavy as a thousand pounds and fell directly to the ground.

"What happened? Where is my power? Why did I become an ordinary person?"

Luo Guanghui stared at his hands in disbelief. He refused to believe it anyway.

The white cat was in front of him. The young man on his back looked down at him with indifferent eyes.

"Your name is Luo Guanghui?"

"I... I am...!" Luo Guanghui retreated.

He subconsciously showed a humble smile before the end of the world.

At this moment, Luo Guanghui felt that he seemed to have become the wage earner again, facing his boss.

"Then you can die."

A kitchen knife fell on his head.

The speed was not fast, but Luo Guanghui could not avoid it no matter what.


Half of the kitchen knife was directly embedded in his forehead, and Luo Guanghui's eyes were wide open.


Zhao Yin pulled out the kitchen knife, looked at Luo Guanghui with brain and blood spraying out, and lowered his head to light a cigarette.

A moment later, a strong bloody smell filled the entire camp.

All the evolvers and psychics in the Guanghui base were killed!

Without Zhao Yin's order, all the people and animals began to collect the spoils.

As Zhao Yin said, the boy was destined to be unable to kill Luo Guanghui with his own hands.

So, at this time, the boy rushed into the nearby stone house with anger.

That was where Luo Guanghui's family was.

The cries and pleas for mercy rose and fell, and soon stopped. The boy, like a madman, covered in blood, rushed into the next stone house...

That was the home of another superpower, and the massacre began again!

"At the beginning, all thirteen members of my Ye family were slaughtered by Luo Guanghui and these superpowers. Today, I will slaughter you!"

The boy walked through the stone houses one by one with overwhelming hatred, leaving only corpses.

The machete in his hand was cut to a curled edge.

After killing all the families of the thirteen superpowers, the boy sat down on the ground in despair and did not continue to kill.

Others had no grudges against him, and the boy did not want to commit more murders.

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