"The zombies within a radius of thirty miles have indeed been cleared." The middle-aged man immediately said respectfully.

Luo Guanghui frowned: "Could it be that some scattered zombies are wandering here?"

"Those survivors who are on sentry duty outside are really getting more and more unpromising. They dare to alarm the boss for a few scattered zombies!"

Another young superpower said: "I think there are too few people killed recently, and those trash are getting more and more ignorant of life and death!"

"Boss, you continue, I'll go and see!" Wang Hong stood up and said.

Luo Guanghui slowly put down the wine glass, his face still calm: "Dongzi, you also go with Xiaohong."

The young man named Dongzi was the one who had just spoken, and he nodded when he heard it: "Yes, boss!"

He stood up and followed Wang Hong, leading more than 20 evolvers, and walked towards the outer city.

From beginning to end, no one suspected that it might be humans attacking the base.


Within a radius of 500 miles, the Glorious Base is the heaven!

Who is so bold?

Who dares?

At this moment, on the outer city wall, a group of ragged survivors were trembling and looking at the two terrifying beasts below in horror.

And, the three figures on the beasts!

Zhao Yin held Wang Xiaolei in his arms and sat on Xiaobai.

The boy on the side rode Laohei and looked up at the flag of the Glorious Base.

The boy's eyes were bloodshot.

On the way earlier, Zhao Yin heard the boy mention that most people in this camp were looted by Luo Guanghui from the outside world.

Except for the psychics and evolvers, ordinary survivors would not be favored by Luo Guanghui.

Tens of thousands of ordinary survivors outside the base are either young and beautiful women or have special skills...

Before the end of the world, everyone here is the effective blood of society.

Even if it is the end of the world now, they can make a lot of contributions to the camp, such as base defense construction, such as wild vegetable and grass seed planting, such as fish farming, weaving... to provide living forces for the future base.

If Luo Guanghui is allowed to continue to develop, it can be said that this base has a bright future.

At this time, with the arrival of Zhao Yin, the alarm bell has sounded.

So Zhao Yin is not in a hurry.

"Do you also want to massacre this base?" Zhao Yin noticed the boy's eyes and asked.

"Boss, I just want to kill Luo Guanghui, not massacre the city!" The boy said seriously.

"Are you afraid that if I can't defeat the Guanghui base, you will die here in the end?"

Zhao Yin stroked Wang Xiaolei's hair and chatted with the boy.

"Boss, if even you... I may never be able to take revenge in this life, I might as well die with you!"

"Revenge?" Zhao Yin vaguely understood something.

The young man tightly closed his lips and did not mention his father.

Zhao Yin smiled: "You can't kill Luo Guanghui in this life!"


"He is mine, and only I can kill him."

Zhao Yin said lightly.

"It doesn't matter. I brought you to the Guanghui Base, so I participated in it and took revenge with my own hands." The young man also laughed.

Zhao Yin smiled: "This is a good idea."

He took out a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and patted Wang Xiaolei: "Come on, light it for the boss."

Wang Xiaolei immediately took out the lighter she usually used to light the fire, raised her little hand obediently, put the lighter to the cigarette, and lit it with a click.

Zhao Yin took a deep breath, squinted at the big flag on the city gate, and his thoughts gradually drifted away.

In the previous life. The Paradise Base he built was also of this scale.

However, there was no distinction between the inner city and the outer city.

At that time, Zhao Yin valued the Paradise Base more than his life...

At this time, the city gate slowly opened.

A tall woman led a group of people out.

"Who dares to cause trouble at our Glorious Base?"

"We haven't been out for a long time. Have the nearby camps forgotten the reputation of the Glorious Base?"

"Tonight is a bit boring. It's just right to kill a few people and have fun!"

A group of people walked and laughed, talking loudly, as if they were afraid that others couldn't hear them.

They had received news from the survivors who were on guard before, and everyone was very excited.

In order to travel faster, Xiaobai and Laohei shrunk their bodies a little, and ordinary people couldn't see their strength level.

Wang Hong and others had their backs to the Glorious Base, so they would naturally not be scared by the two mutant beasts.

Soon, Wang Hong noticed Wang Xiaolei in Zhao Yin's arms and said in surprise.

"It's you, you're not dead?"

The moment Wang Xiaolei saw Wang Hong, she trembled all over, and couldn't help shrinking in Zhao Yin's arms.

The experience that day had already formed a shadow in the little girl's heart.

"Boss... it's her... she stole the mutant meat." Wang Xiaolei pointed at Wang Hong and said tremblingly.

Zhao Yin didn't expect that the first person who opened the door to "welcome" him was actually the real murderer.

[Human female, awakened superpower, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/25: strength 308, agility 310, physical strength 240, spirit 115, awakened superpower: A-level giant strength, life countdown: 497760 days]

[Human male, awakened superpower, C-level evolver, evolution degree 100/20: strength 298, agility 310, physical strength 260, spirit 125, awakened superpower: B-level copper skin, life countdown: 479233 days]

Except for the two psychics, the rest are all evolvers, the highest being C-level!

Zhao Yin had a rough understanding of the strength of the Glorious Base before, so he was not surprised.

At this time, Wang Hong sneered: "This man is the boss you mentioned, so your confidence is that he has two mutant beasts, but even so, I will kill you again today!"

Wang Xiaolei's body couldn't help but tremble again.

Zhao Yin's face suddenly darkened, and he patted Wang Xiaolei's head: "Don't be afraid, go kill her!"

"Old... Boss."

Wang Xiaolei was stunned and stuttered: "Let me... I go kill her?"

She thought the boss would avenge her, but she didn't expect Zhao Yin to let her do it herself.

Hearing this, Wang Hong laughed: "Haha, it's really interesting! You actually let a D-level evolver kill me? Little boss, are you afraid? Are you going to give up this girl?"


Everyone behind Wang Hong laughed.

Including the young man next to Zhao Yin, they also looked at Zhao Yin in disbelief.

I don't understand what he is planning.

"You can only feel good if you take revenge yourself!" Zhao Yin stretched out his hand and took out the gust gun.

He grabbed Wang Xiaolei's little hand and put the gust gun in her hand.

"Boss!" Wang Xiaolei's face turned pale instantly.

She already understood that the boss was not joking.

"Go!" He grabbed Wang Xiaolei's collar and threw her down directly.

"You are Zhao Yin's people, you should get back the way others bully you!"

Wang Xiaolei's little face showed tension, after all, she still did not disobey Zhao Yin's order.

Wang Xiaolei is not stupid, she knows that the boss will not let her die for no reason.

Just racking his brains, he can't think of how Zhao Yin can make him turn the tables.

Even if it's just Wang Hong alone, Wang Xiaolei's strength is far inferior to hers!

At this moment, everyone stared at the thin little girl as if they were watching a joke.

She held a spear taller than her body, trembling, and walked towards the crowd.

"Sister Hong, I'll kill her!" An evolver stepped out from the crowd.

Wang Hong raised her hand to stop him, chuckling, "She's here to seek revenge on me, and she's going to die, so I can't not even give her a chance!"

After that, Wang Hong stepped forward and went to meet Wang Xiaolei.

Her face was careless.

Wang Xiaolei trembled unconsciously when she saw Wang Hong coming in person, and even her steps were a little shaky.

As the two gradually approached, the young man next to Zhao Yin also held his breath and watched the development of the situation nervously.

On the contrary, the people on the opposite side all had sarcasm and ridicule on their faces.

At this moment, everyone was watching.

The little girl had already been shaking like a sieve as she approached Wang Hong, but she was holding on, trying not to look too scared.

At this moment, Wang Xiaolei was like a small ant trying to shake the mountain.

So small, so ridiculous.

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