Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 217 Blood Sword and Multi-Arms

"So fast?" Zhao Yin's heart suddenly jumped.

He spent money to invite the camp's people to enter the forbidden area, intending to test the depth of the water.

He didn't expect that someone would die so soon.

At this time, Lu Ling didn't care about arguing with Zhao Yin, and immediately took Jiang Shan and Lin Gang to run wildly in the direction where the sound came from.

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"Zhao Yin, should we go and have a look?" Song Xiaodao asked.

"Let's go and have a look." Zhao Yin said.

He took Song Xiaodao and followed Lu Ling and the other two far behind.

Lu Ling ran about three or four hundred meters, and the previous scream had turned into a muffled groan, just in the fog more than ten meters ahead.

Lu Ling and the other two accelerated and rushed forward, and soon saw that they were three evolvers who had been knocked down by seven zombies. The three people's necks, arms, thighs... Many places were gnawed and only white bones were left.

Obviously, they couldn't be saved!

Lu Ling's eyes turned red instantly, and she accelerated and rushed forward. At the same time, a black long sword appeared in her hand.

As soon as the sword was slashed, a blood-red unknown energy suddenly rushed out and turned into a long rainbow, instantly cutting a zombie in half.

Then, her long black hair turned into the color of blood, just like the color of the energy bursting from the long sword, and she pounced on the remaining six zombies angrily.

The unknown energy was everywhere, and the sound of the sharp blade entering the flesh kept ringing.

When Zhao Yin followed, he saw corpses all over the ground, including those of three evolvers and seven zombies...

Lu Ling's pupils had already turned blood red, and she stood there holding the long sword.

She stared at the corpses of the three evolvers in a daze. The death of her three subordinates was a big blow to her.

Zhao Yin subconsciously opened the Eye of True Vision and looked at the weapon in her hand.

[Autumn Water Sword: Grade B, Type of Extraordinary Weapon, Sturdiness 200, Attack 235, Additional Effect Assassination Speed ​​+80, Special Effect Defense Breaking: Ignore Physical Defense Below 1000 Points]

It is actually a top-grade B-grade weapon!

Both the basic attributes and the two effects are extremely amazing!

When Zhao Yin arrived, he only took a quick glance at Lu Ling's attack method just now, and he determined that it was a kind of blood-qi forming sword energy.

At least S-grade, or even SS-grade!

Zhao Yin vaguely remembered that in his previous life, there was a famous strong man who awakened an SS-grade superpower called "Blood Sword".

The effect of the superpower is that every time a zombie is killed, the sword energy will be sharper, and it can be accumulated continuously, which can be said to be a real thousand-man slayer.

The only shortcoming of the "Blood Sword" is that as the superpower is withdrawn, the accumulated blood energy will disappear, and it needs to be accumulated again when it is opened next time.

At this moment, Zhao Yin suspected that Lu Ling's superpower is the SS-grade "Blood Sword"!

"Did you see clearly? What level are these seven zombies?" At this time, Lin Gang asked Jiang Shan.

Zhao Yin heard this and looked at the seven dead zombies carefully, and immediately found something wrong.

The dead zombies were not much bigger than normal humans, they should be only E-level!

But the three dead evolvers were all D-level!

"Seven zombie kings, their attributes are seven E-level zombie kings!" Jiang Shan's face was pale, staring at the corpses and trembling.

He came right after Lu Ling and had just opened the Eye of True Vision.

If it was just an ordinary E-level zombie, a D-level evolver could kill them all. Jiang Shan couldn't lie at this time, and he would never lie.

Even Zhao Yin's face became solemn.

"How could seven zombie kings appear at the same time?"

Lin Gang immediately stepped forward, took out a butterfly knife and cut open the heads of all the dead zombies, reached into the head of a zombie and touched it, and immediately frowned.

"Are there star crystals?" Song Xiaodao walked up and asked.

The little money-grubber had already made plans to rob.

Lin Gang pulled out his hand, holding an E-level corpse crystal in his hand!

"There are corpse crystals, but no star crystals!"

"How is it possible?" Jiang Shan exclaimed: "Before the boss killed them, I saw them. The attributes are definitely not ordinary zombies. Lin Gang, look for them again!"

Without Lin Gang's action, Song Xiaodao had already touched the six corpses under him.

"There are only six E-level corpse crystals!"

After Song Xiaodao finished speaking, he directly put the corpse crystal into his space ring.

Lu Ling and others saw it but didn't say anything. The three of them frowned.

"Impossible! How can ordinary zombies have such powerful attributes?" Jiang Shan still couldn't believe it.

"Maybe there is some unknown energy in the forbidden area, which makes the zombies grow stronger!" At this time, Lu Ling speculated.

Zhao Yin was silent. He had never stepped into the forbidden area in his previous life, and it was the first time he encountered such a thing.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came, and six figures gradually walked out of the mist.

It was a C-level evolver, leading five E-level evolvers. They had just heard the call for help and came over at this time.


The six people saluted Lu Ling, and then saw the three dead evolvers, all of them looked grim.

"I didn't have time to save them." Lu Ling's voice was very low.

The six evolvers didn't know how to respond.

"Since you guys are here, follow us to explore!" Jiang Shan ordered.

"Yes, Third Master!" The evolvers responded one after another.

All the evolvers have entered various parts of the forbidden area, and it is now impossible to call them back.

Jiang Shan said to Lu Ling: "Boss, don't be too sad. They should have thought of such a result before entering the forbidden area."

Lu Ling looked up at Zhao Yin. Her eyes were no longer as kind as before. With a hint of coldness, she warned again: "Mr. Zhao, I hope you don't break your promise!"

"I will do what I promised you."

Zhao Yin didn't bother with her. People died in the camp, so she was naturally in a bad mood.

Zhao Yin admitted that she spent some dispensable costs to buy their lives.

But so what, she didn't deceive them. They were all willing.

Lu Ling snorted coldly, stepped forward and swung the sword, cut the heads of the three dead evolvers, and then turned around to lead everyone to the depths of the forbidden area.

But before they had walked for long, several more screams came from the front.

Everyone accelerated and ran forward, passing through the two hundred meters of poisonous fog, and saw more than twenty zombies again, surrounding four evolvers.

One of them was one of the three C-level evolvers that Zhao Yin had seen before, and the remaining three were E-level evolvers.

At this time, the three E-level evolvers were all covered in blood and flesh, and a lot of their skin and flesh were torn off by the zombies.

Only the C-level evolver was left struggling.

Zhao Yin immediately opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Male zombie, D-level, evolution 100/21, strength 220, agility 140, defense 195, spirit 15]

[Male zombie, D-level, evolution 100/45, strength 230, agility 150, defense 175, spirit 14]

[Female zombie, E-level, evolution 100/56, strength 130, agility 140, defense 92, spirit 6]

There were a total of 21 zombies, two of which were D-level, and the rest were all E-level!

But the attributes of all zombies were comparable to the zombie king of the same level!

Even if the C-level evolver had used a full set of evolution potions, he was still in danger under the siege of two D-level zombies comparable to the zombie king.

At this moment, Lu Ling's hair turned blood red again, and she rushed forward quickly. The Autumn Water Sword in her hand burst out with blood-colored sword energy, instantly piercing the head of a D-level zombie.

Then, she cut off the head of another D-level zombie.

Lin Gang also rushed forward, roared, and ten arms suddenly emerged from his body, two on his chest, two on his lower abdomen, two on his shoulders, and four on his back...

Together with his original arms, a total of twelve arms!

From a distance, it looked like an octopus.

At the same time, different weapons appeared in his twelve hands at the same time!

There were machetes, Yuanyue axes... It seemed that he had too many arms and it was difficult to gather all the weapons. Two of them were holding only E-level samurai swords...

With the activation of the multi-arm ability, Lin Gang's speed and strength seemed to have been increased.

He suddenly rushed into the group of zombies and began to strangle...

Zhao Yin immediately recognized Lin Gang's ability... S-level multi-arm ability!

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