Isn't this the woman he hooked up with in the nightclub the day before the end of the world?

Zhao Yin couldn't remember her name for a while. He only remembered that after that night, the end of the world came and he never saw her again.

The scene before me was exactly the same as that day.

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Zhao Yin quickly understood the strong psychological qualities he had developed during the seven years of the last days.

He died seven years after the end of the world and returned to before the end of the world!

"Little bastard, you really can't move even if I ask you to?" The woman's face was still buried in Zhao Yin's chest, and the graceful curves of her slim waist twisted uneasily, and she said lazily and dissatisfied.

"My sister never gives a second chance when she comes out to play with men. Have you thought about it? Are you really not going to take the opportunity to have more fun?"

The next moment, the woman felt the man underneath her roll over and lift her off the bed.

She fell to the floor, clutching her chest and screaming and cursing: "Wochao, do you have that serious illness?"

Zhao Yin ignored it completely, jumped out of bed and stood in front of the full-length mirror.

He looked at the young face in the mirror.

Different from the vicissitudes of life in the apocalypse, the twenty-two-year-old Zhao Yin has fair skin, looks a little thin, and has a slightly bookish air.

Coupled with his height of 1.85 meters, he is exactly the type of thin dog that those nymphomaniacs like most before the end of the world.

Zhao Yin's heartbeat began to speed up...

"Help me up!" The woman glared at Zhao Yin: "I, Wang Xiaole, have never seen such a ruthless man like you when I go out to play!"

Zhao Yin came to his senses, turned around and started to get dressed without saying a word.

In my memory, in the early hours of tonight, it is the moment when the end of the world is coming!

He didn't want to waste time on this kind of woman.

This kind of woman who comes out to play is just a tool to vent.

He would not have any attachment to her in his previous life, and he would not let her become a stumbling block for him in this life.

"What are you doing, are you going to leave like this?" The woman became more and more angry and started to get dressed, as if she was preparing to fight Zhao Yin.

Although it wasn't her first time out to play, she felt like she was being abandoned.

Zhao Yin finally put on his shoes and socks, grabbed the cigarettes, lighter, mobile phone and the open box of condoms on the table and put them into his pockets.

Suddenly remembering something again, he turned around and walked towards the woman.

"You...what are you going to do?" Panic finally appeared on the woman's face.

Only then did the woman notice that the little puppy who was so affectionate last night seemed to be a different person today.

The woman just glanced at Zhao Yin's eyes and felt cold all over.

Zhao Yin stopped in front of her, took out his wallet, took out a thousand yuan bill, slowly bent down, stuffed it into the woman's chest, and pinched her cheek.

"I never play in vain."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the hotel room.

I almost forgot my past life habit of asking for money after I was done with a woman.

If you give money, you won't owe each other anything.

In the early morning, the highway is already busy with traffic, and the sidewalks are crowded with people. There are old people walking hand in hand, women leading their children, and white-collar workers from the company rushing to work early...

Everyone has one characteristic, they are clean and tidy.

The aroma of fried dough sticks and steamed buns comes from the roadside breakfast shop. There are also roast duck shops, braised pork shops, cake shops, milk tea shops nearby...

The long-lost feeling came to Zhao Yin's heart, and Zhao Yin suddenly had mixed feelings.

He once didn't know how to cherish this peaceful life, but after the end of the world, he returned to this scene in his dreams many times.

Are you really back?

Zhao Yin slowly raised his head and looked in the direction of Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School. Lin Tianfeng, the future owner of the contract, should still be working as a teacher at Guangzhou No. 2 Middle School.

But now is not the time to deal with him. We have to wait until the end of the world breaks out and use Lin Tianfeng's hand to find the star crystal that carries SSS-level powers.

In this life, Zhao Yin is not planning to create any more bases. He understands that only his own strength is everything.

As for Ning Yue, Jiang Xin'er and Xiao Dao, Zhao Yin met them in the sixth year of the apocalypse and had no concern for their past.

Nowadays, in the vast sea of ​​​​people, it is impossible to find it, and we can only talk about it later.

Now in a time of peace and prosperity, only Zhao Yin knows that fireworks are fleeting and the prosperity in front of him is just the brilliance before the apocalypse breaks out.

In the early hours of tonight, an unprecedented meteor shower will fall from the sky. Countless meteorites will fall from the sky, smashing the Blue Star into holes.

The entire world will become an apocalyptic oven, and most buildings will be destroyed by meteorites. The materials that humans rely on for survival will also be destroyed in the ruins, especially food. Even if there is any residue, most of it will rot under the high temperature...

A month later, unknown radiation filled the earth, and 98% of humans turned into zombies. The surviving people, animals, and plants began to mutate...

Zhao Yin organized his thoughts and prepared to stock up on supplies!

After the outbreak of the apocalypse, all ordinary food will quickly spoil and new extraordinary food will appear, so there is no need to hoard too much, just let him hold on until the meteor shower passes.

Zhao Yin took a ride back to his home, a high-end community located in the center of Gwangju, which was left by his parents during their lifetime.

His parents were executives of state-owned enterprises and were killed in a car accident when he was fifteen years old.

The inheritance and compensation left by his parents allowed Zhao Yin to live a more prosperous life than ordinary people before the end of the world. With no one to discipline him, he developed a bohemian character.

When the apocalypse broke out in the previous life, Zhao Yin was sleeping at home. His villa was lucky enough to escape the meteorite impact.

So Zhao Yin decided to hide at home when the apocalypse breaks out.

He walked directly into the garage and drove his Audi A6 straight to the ice cream factory ten kilometers away.

The meteor shower would not stop until a full month later. At the beginning, it would form a terrible high temperature, and he had to buy ice cubes to solve this problem first.

In his previous life, he had a hard time in the high temperature for a month, so Zhao Yin almost died after the meteor shower ended.

He did not have much energy to find supplies, and missed the first echelon to discover the secret of the star crystal.

Gwangju City can only be regarded as a third-tier city in China. There is no large ice factory, but the ice cream factory can definitely make ice.

Zhao Yin arrived at the ice cream factory and went directly to the factory director's office.

With a promise of a large sum of money, the factory director readily agreed to deliver 50 tons of ice cubes to Zhao Yin's address before dark.

Then Zhao Yin went to the building materials market and bought a large number of insulation boards, air nail guns, high-temperature resistant glue... After negotiating the price, Zhao Yin asked the boss to help hire a group of decorators, and the work would start today, and the more people the better.

After completing these, he drove to the supermarket to purchase the most important food.

Everything Zhao Yin liked was packed in big bags, including salt-baked chicken, canned meat, compressed biscuits, pure milk, instant noodles, ham sausages, various nuts and dried fruits, etc.

Prepared food with preservatives can be preserved for a little longer, so Zhao Yin bought all of them.

As for raw meat, eggs, vegetables, fruits, he didn't take any of them.

More important than food was bottled water, so he asked for thirty barrels.

After the end of the world, water, electricity, and gas would be cut off, so he bought three cans of liquefied gas and ten waterproof flashlights.

After purchasing more than one month's worth of living supplies, and even saving some, it was enough for him to live for three months, and Zhao Yin stopped with satisfaction.

Next was weapons. Although he developed a strong sense of combat in the end of the world, Zhao Yin's physique was still that of an ordinary person.

The initial handy weapons were still necessary.

He came to the vegetable market and found a butcher, and bought a butcher knife and a bone-cutting knife for 500 yuan.

The tools used by professional butchers for eating were not comparable to ordinary knives in terms of steel quality or sharpness.

Then he went to a car repair shop and asked someone to weld an iron handle of more than one meter for the bone-cutting knife.

An inch longer, an inch stronger. The ordinary bone-cutting knife was transformed into a big killer, and the butcher knife was intended to be kept as a close-range weapon.

After putting the two knives into the trunk of the Audi A6, Zhao Yin finally went to buy a few gas masks...

Finally, he bought all the items he could think of!

When Zhao Yin returned home, it was already dusk. At this time, a red sun was shining obliquely in the sky, and the red clouds in the sky shone on the earth, covering the world with a layer of dreamlike colors.

It seemed that the world had feelings and was also blooming its brilliance at the end, lingering on the past!

Zhao Yin sat in the car and watched quietly for two minutes, which was considered a farewell to his hometown in his dream.

He got out of the car, and several trucks had already parked outside the villa, supermarkets, building materials stalls... The decorators who had been hired at the building materials stalls had also arrived, a total of more than 30 people.

Only the ice cubes from the ice cream factory had not arrived yet.

Zhao Yin spent a thousand yuan red envelope for each of the decorators, asking them to help move all the useless furniture out of the villa, and then move the building materials in.

For these ordinary people who earn their hard-earned money, a thousand yuan red envelope is enough to cover a few days' salary, and everyone is very motivated.

More than 30 skilled decorators are working very fast, and time is tight. Zhao Yin's requirement is that it doesn't matter whether it looks good or not, and it doesn't matter whether it is professional or not, as long as it is practical.

At 7:30 in the evening, it was dark.

All the insulation boards have been laid!

The ice blocks from the ice cream factory have also been delivered.

Fifty tons of ice blocks almost filled the entire living room, and Zhao Yin paid the balance.

It was already 9:30 in the evening!

After sending off the last batch of ice cream factory movers, Zhao Yin was the only one left in the villa.

Looking at the mountains of ice blocks and supplies, and the full insulation boards, he finally felt at ease.

Zhao Yin was also hungry all day. He looked at the sports watch on his wrist and saw that there were still two and a half hours left. He simply went out to the community to have a big meal and bought ten soft mid-length shoes.

When he returned to the villa, it was half past ten!

Zhao Yin closed all the doors and windows and sealed them completely with the remaining insulation boards, leaving only a small movable window to observe the situation outside.

It was half past eleven!

There was still half an hour before the end of the world.

Zhao Yin sat in the villa full of cold air, waiting quietly.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Buzz, buzz...

The alarm on the mobile phone next to him finally rang.

The end of the world is coming!

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