Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 174: Corpse Demon vs. Zombie King

Zhao Yin was worried that the corpse demon might have an accident, so he called out, "Bald Egg, come with me to help!"

Among the contracted beasts, only Bald Egg could fly, and his ability was also long-range attack.

Xiao Bai took off again with Zhao Yin on his back, and Bald Egg followed closely.

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Soon, he saw the corpse demon that had already rushed to the top of the mountain.

At this time, a corpse demon and a zombie king had already fought.

Zhao Yin's previous provocation made the zombie king completely furious, and then it saw a young zombie who was so bold as to walk into its territory, so it slapped it.

Who knew that the zombie actually took the initiative to attack, punched the zombie king in the forehead, and one of his eyeballs was hammered out.

The zombie king is crazy, who dares to bully it?

If he doesn't kill this 'zombie', how can he be the king in the future?

It directly activated its great power, and its muscles bulged high like stones. Before the corpse demon retracted his fist, it burst out with speed and punched the corpse demon away.

The force of this punch was so great that it exceeded the corpse demon's defense by a lot, and both ribs were broken.

The corpse demon rolled on the ground in a mess, then turned over and jumped up, spitting out the black blood in his mouth, and his eyes were still full of bloodthirstiness.

Then, his ten nails grew rapidly and quickly grew to three feet long, and then quickly folded to wrap his two fists.

In an instant, the folding was completed, forming a bone boxing glove as big as a casserole. The tips of the ten nails were against the front of the fist, looking like ten sharp blades.

The idea of โ€‹โ€‹the corpse demon was very simple. You are strong, and my fist is hard, and it has a blade.


A corpse demon and a zombie king exchanged punches again, and the corpse demon was smashed away again.

But his fist also left five hideous wounds on the chest of the zombie king. The flesh and blood rolled back, black blood plasma flowed, and the heart was exposed.


After the corpse demon turned over and got up, he smiled. This time, only one rib was broken. The zombie king was more seriously injured than him!

Come again!

The corpse demon's figure rushed out again. This time, the first superpower of petrification was activated, and the whole body quickly petrified, including the hardness of the fist, which was also rapidly increasing...


The two corpses exchanged punches again.

The corpse demon was still knocked out, but this time, he was not injured again, and the zombie king not only had five blood grooves deep enough to see the bone on his shoulder, but also a layer of light yellow light attached to the wound, rapidly spreading inward...

When the light dissipated, a large piece of flesh and blood turned into gravel and flowed down from the body!

The zombie king's hideous face suddenly showed fear, and then he realized that the zombie in front of him had dual superpowers.

If it weren't for its strong defense, the punch just now would have petrified its entire body.

Even so, how many punches can its body withstand from this 'zombie'?


The zombie king turned around and fled, and summoned his subordinates without hesitation.

However, the nearby zombies all looked at the corpse demon with fear. In their eyes, it was also a zombie king, and stronger than the original king!

None of the zombies moved.

The corpse demon got up and ran after it.

So, the two zombies, one running and the other chasing, ran wildly on the top of the mountain. The zombies that blocked the way were either slapped in the head by the zombie king or slashed in the head by the corpse demon's sharp blade...

The corpse demon was a little more agile than the zombie king. When he caught up with the zombie king by chance, he punched him, and suddenly a large piece of flesh and blood turned into gravel and flowed down.


The zombie king screamed and roared.

Roar, roar, roar...!

The corpse demon was excited and chased after him and beat him hard.

When Zhao Yin rode on Xiaobai, he saw that the zombie king had already started to run for his life. Because he had no clothes to wear, his bare buttocks reflected the moonlight.

The corpse demon's grandson was full of bloodthirstiness. He punched the zombie king's buttocks, and the flesh there turned into gravel and flowed, and a blood hole appeared...!

"My grandson is so fierce!" Song Xiaodao said in shock.

Zhao Yin nodded: "It's very fierce!"

The zombie king didn't even dare to turn his head back, and ran forward at full speed. The corpse demon chased him again.

Suddenly, he sensed Zhao Yin approaching in the sky, raised his head and shouted happily: "Grandpa! Grandpa!"

"Grandson, hammer it to death!" Song Xiaodao shouted happily.

The corpse demon also responded happily: "Grandpa!"

After the corpse demon moved his eyes away from the grandfather, the bloodthirstiness on his face deepened, and the fighting spirit broke out to the peak.

Behind him, a pair of bone wings gradually grew. In the blink of an eye, they became six meters wide. As they flapped, his body rose from the ground, and his speed exploded twice, catching up with the zombie king in an instant.


The corpse demon punched the zombie king on the head, and a large piece of scalp was petrified, revealing the white skull inside.

The zombie king was also aroused to be fierce, and he turned around and punched the corpse demon away.

With this punch, the zombie king opened his supernatural power to the extreme, and cracks appeared on the corpse demon's petrified chest.


Tiny cracks appeared on his body, but the corpse demon did not stop, and caught up again, punching down again.

The zombie king dodged quickly, but was still hit on the shoulder, where there was no flesh and blood, and the fist landed directly on the shoulder blade.

With a click, one of the zombie king's big arms fell to the ground. It didn't even dare to look back, and continued to run forward.


At this moment, Xiaobai had reached the top of the mountain, and Zhao Yin took action.

Five thunderbolts fell from the sky and landed on the Zombie King's head. His skull was scorched black, and at the same time, the Zombie King's figure was also paralyzed.

The bald egg spread its wings, and hundreds of arrow feathers were shot out rapidly, following the wounds caused by the zombie demon, and instantly transformed the zombie king into a hedgehog.

The zombie demon also arrived and punched down, completely smashing the head of the zombie king...

One person and two beasts working together are as powerful as the zombie king, but they are also vulnerable to a single blow.

The skull and brains of the Zombie King were petrified, and six Zombie King Star Crystals and one C-level Zombie Crystal rolled to the ground.

"My dear grandson, pick up the star crystal and corpse crystal for me." Zhao Yin's voice came from the sky.

The corpse demon removed one of his superpowers, and the two superpowers he had just activated at full strength made him somewhat overwhelmed and gasping for air.

He looked at Zhao Yin with dead fish eyes: "Master!"

Then he obediently bent down and picked up the Corpse King Star Crystal and the Corpse Crystal.

"Go back first, don't fly in the sky." Zhao Yin warned again.

At this time, without the zombie king, the entire mountain of corpses was in chaos, and all the zombies were wandering wildly.

After all, the zombie demon is not the real zombie king. Those zombies are afraid of him, but they will not obey orders.

Xiao Baifei returned to the place where all the contracted beasts were still waiting. Soon, the corpse demon would come.


The corpse demon obediently held the star crystal and corpse crystal and handed them to Zhao Yin with both hands.

Zhao Yin took it and wanted to reward it immediately, but found that except for chestnuts and corn cobs, there was not even a bit of decent mutated animal meat.

He took out a piece of sandwich bread and said, "My dear grandson, eat it!"

Although the corpse demon's injuries were not serious and could be healed by chestnut leaves, he still took out extraordinary food.

"Master!" the zombie demon shouted happily, as always, he ate all the food he saw.

"Zhao Yin, what should we do next?" Song Xiaodao asked.

"Open the Corpse King Star Crystal first!"

Zhao Yin smiled and said: "Without the Zombie King, this mountain of corpses will be nothing but food!"

After saying this, Zhao Yin directly opened the six corpse king star crystals all at once...

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