Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 172 I am willing to offer a treasure

Before Li An killed the detective type user, the other party told him.

Whether it's a human, a zombie, or even a mutated beast, as long as you successfully use the slave collar, you will be your slave from now on!

However, there is a condition for using the slave collar. It can only be used when the opponent's spirit is extremely weak. If there is strong mental resistance, it will not be successful...

Li An has been eyeing the lion for a long time.

Its strength is astonishing, making it the ideal candidate for a slave collar!

But with Li An's strength, if there is no accident, he will not be able to succeed in his lifetime.

A month ago, all the zombies in the city suddenly began to migrate and gathered here at Ai Shan. The lion, which had been feeding on the corpse crystals, had no choice but to follow.

Li An felt that the opportunity had come, so he took a few of his younger brothers and hid here.

This hibernation has been going on for a month, and he is waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the lion to be injured by the zombies here!

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The chicken thief relying on the lion should not die immediately. As long as the lion escapes from the group of corpses with injuries...he will have a chance!

Although this idea seems very naive to ordinary people.

As long as there is a deviation in any of the intermediate links, his dream will come to nothing, or even cost him his life.

But Ang Lee still chose to do this.

"Opportunities are for those who are prepared!"

Li An lowered his voice and said to the younger brother behind him: "Since God allowed me to get such a precious slave collar, I must be a person with great luck and I will definitely be able to wait for that opportunity!"

"This lion may be my only chance in this life. If I miss it, I will be drowned by the torrent of the apocalypse. Life would be worse than death!"

"Since you are going to die eventually, why not give it a try?"

In his eyes, there was coldness and boundless patience.

Li An didn't know that without Zhao Yin's arrival, he would have waited for that slim chance in the end.

However, he still needs to wait for a whole year!

"Brother An, here we come!" A low voice sounded from beside him.

Everyone's spirits suddenly trembled, and they all heard a violent collision of grass blades.

"The lion is here again!"

That lion always appears at night.

Although they only heard the sound, Li An and others were convinced that it was the lion, and no one doubted it.

They stayed here for a month. No survivors dared to approach here, and there were no other mutant beasts nearby.

However, soon everyone’s eyes widened!

"How can it be?"

Under the dim moonlight, the grass a thousand meters away rolled violently, and soon, a huge creature came out in a flash!

It was a huge monkey, covered with golden hair, with a ferocious face, and holding a big stick as thick as a bowl in its hand!

"Not a lion? What the hell is this?"

"A monkey mutant?"

"There are... other mutant beasts in Lanzhou City?"

Everyone was suddenly trembling.

Li An's eyes showed greed, and he subconsciously clenched the ring of slavery in his hand.

This monkey seems to be stronger than the lion. If it can enslave...

As soon as Li An thought of this, he immediately gave up the idea because he saw another huge creature appearing behind the monkey. It looked even more terrifying than the monkey!

It was a giant beast that was similar to a cow. The only difference was that it had four horns and four big toes where the cow's hooves used to be...

Before this was over, there was a buzzing sound in the sky, and a group of huge vultures flapped their wings and landed in the open space in front of the monkey. Then, one after another, terrifying figures came out...

Li An and others felt their minds roaring, and their thoughts went blank.

Immediately afterwards, a huge white tiger walked out, with two human figures riding on it.

The man was wearing a clean suit and had neat short hair. The girl also had fair skin and was wearing a short one-piece skirt...

The two looked at the mountain of corpses with relaxed expressions. They didn't look like they belonged to the same apocalypse at all!

After Zhao Yin approached the mountain of corpses, he made a habit of sensing it to eliminate possible accidents for the next zombie killing.

Soon, Zhao Yin discovered eight breathing sounds in the grass a thousand meters away.

"Xiao Bai, come over." Zhao Yin's voice came from his heart.

Xiaobai immediately turned around, obeyed his master's wishes, and walked towards the grass a thousand meters away.

"An...Brother An, he...they are coming!" A younger brother said tremblingly.

"Why panic? It's more than a thousand meters away. There's no way the zombies can spot us. He's just wandering around at will." Li An said soothingly with sweat on his forehead.

Everyone immediately relaxed: "What Brother An said makes sense!"

At this time, Li An looked at Zhao Yin's figure and felt extremely jealous in his heart. Why did he wait for a month and not even enslave a mutant beast, but this man could be with so many mutant beasts?

Li An just noticed that all mutant beasts are extremely respectful to men. How could he have so many slave collars?

Even if there were, could it really subdue so many mutant beasts?

I'm afraid it's not open!

Xiaobai stopped three hundred meters away from the grass.

"Come out!" Zhao Yin shouted in a deep voice.

The sound was neither too loud nor too quiet, just enough not to disturb the zombies but still enough for Li An and others to hear it.

"Brother An, he has found us." A little brother's voice was filled with fear.

"Don't talk, you are just testing us!" Li An lowered his voice and scolded.

Little did they know that their words were heard by Zhao Yin without missing a word.

"Song Xiaodao, kill them all!" Zhao Yin ordered.

He had no patience to waste time here, so he ordered directly.

Song Xiaodao sat up straight from Zhao Yin's arms, raised his hand, and released his superpowers directly!

Several wind blades formed rapidly in the air in an instant, cutting through the air and sinking directly into the bushes.

Crack, crack...

Then, a large area of ​​bushes was cut down...

"Don't... don't do it, let's get out!"

Li An and his men were horrified.

They were so scared that their souls were about to be lost. They never thought that the other side actually had a superpower.

The wind blade flew over their scalps. Fortunately, they were all lying down, and Song Xiaodao could not see the specific location, so most people survived.

But there was still a little brother, just because he looked up, a wind blade passed through his head, and the upper half of his head fell off directly, and he didn't even have time to scream...

Everyone rolled and crawled out of the bushes, standing in fear.

In Zhao Yin's perception, the eight breathing sounds turned into seven.

Xiao Bai took a step and walked towards the seven people.

Zhao Yin's eyes stared at them, examining them from head to toe.

Soon, Zhao Yin saw what Li An was holding, and his eyebrows jumped.

[Slave collar: Grade S, extraordinary type of disposable auxiliary equipment! Special effect: enslave life forms and pseudo life forms! Note: The master of the contract drips blood to recognize the master, and it is used after the life form and pseudo life form are mentally weakened! ]

In an instant, Zhao Yin understood everything and looked at the guy holding the slave collar again.

Li An looked to be in his early thirties. Although he was an E-level evolver, he was skinny.

If I guessed correctly, this person was the S-level supernatural person who caused Zhao Yin and Lin Tianfeng to lose everything in their previous life!

In the previous life, he forced Zhao Yin to flee with Lin Tianfeng, and he didn't even dare to look back, and he had never seen his face.

That time was a hurdle that Zhao Yin couldn't get over in his two lives.

But it was obvious that Li An hadn't obtained the S-level supernatural power yet.

Zhao Yin also vaguely guessed why he was here.

That lion must have been here!

Zhao Yin was about to order Song Xiaodao to kill again...

At this moment, Li An seemed to feel Zhao Yin's murderous intention, and knelt down with a plop.

"Brother, please don't kill me, I am willing to offer a treasure!"

After that, Li An walked on his knees and came to Xiaobai's feet.

He raised the slave collar respectfully with both hands.

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