The Nanzhou Wildlife Park is not that big, and Zhao Yin's perception can cover it all.

However, if a mutant animal deliberately hides its breath or hides deep in a cave, Zhao Yin needs to get close to sense it.

Click! Click...!

The four big white furry cat paws stepped on the grass roots and vines, and two figures, one big and one small, sat on them. Song Xiaodao leaned lazily in front of Zhao Yin, swaying all the way.

On the way, Zhao Yin saw many human and animal zombies, including blue sheep, monkeys, elks... and even large hippos and lions. Without exception, they were killed a long time ago and their corpse crystals were taken away.

In front of the corpses of many zombies, the blood had dried up and turned into dregs, and there were traces of gnawing on their internal organs.

After a circle around the entire wildlife park, Zhao Yin found nothing.

It took a lot of time.

"Zhao Yin, do you want to continue searching? I'm hungry." Song Xiaodao said while rubbing his belly.

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Zhao Yin is very patient. The lion only appeared in the second year of the apocalypse. He came here mostly to rely on luck.

"If you are hungry, eat a chestnut!" Zhao Yin did not mean to stop and rest.

Now that there is enough food, Song Xiaodao's space ring has stored a lot of cooked corn cobs, chestnuts and steamed buns.

She pouted in dissatisfaction, took out a corn cob, and ate it with a crunch.

After Zhao Yin walked out of the zoo, he waved and summoned all the contracted beasts.


"Master!" "Master...!"

All the contracted beasts understood that the master had another mission.

Zhao Yin ordered: "All of you disperse and search for me. Carpet search within a radius of 30 miles. If you find a mutant lion, you can catch it directly. If you can't beat it, come back and report it. I will take you to fight again!"

All the contracted beasts immediately dispersed and acted.

They did not have Zhao Yin's strong perception. If the lion was hidden, it would be difficult for them to find it.

But Zhao Yin had no other options. This was the best way available.

Just as Bald Egg and the eight vultures flapped their wings and prepared to take off, Zhao Yin hurriedly called them: "Bald Egg, don't fly too high in the future, and don't get close to the clouds!"

Bald Egg and the other birds were stunned, and they all heard the solemnity in their master's mind.

They nodded one after another.

"Understand, Master!" "Yes! Master!" "Master, I understand...!"


All the vultures spread their wings and flew high...

Zhao Yin carried Song Xiaodao and jumped off Xiaobai's back, letting the fastest lazy cat go to work together.

At the speed of 19 contracted beasts, it would take about three or four hours to search all the places within 30 miles nearby.

Zhao Yin directly released the invisible tent on the spot, and then remembered Ning Yue, so he released her as well.


As soon as Ning Yue came out, she crossed her hands in front of her and lowered her head slightly.

She acted like a slave girl, and said, "Master, called me, what service do you need?"


Zhao Yin was in a trance, what was going on?

Who helped him train this?

"What did you say?" Zhao Yin asked in disbelief

"Master, how do you need me to serve you?"

When Ning Yue spoke, she took a step back timidly, but she was still resisting.

Let an ordinary girl who had not experienced the cruelty of the end of the world suddenly change so much, even if Ning Yue had a strong ability to adapt, she still couldn't completely convince herself.

Zhao Yin coughed dryly and asked, "Who taught you this?"

"No one taught me, didn't other slave girls call me like this?" Ning Yue asked timidly.

After she heard about Zhao Yin's "evil deeds" from Zhou Lili and her sister, she became more afraid of this perverted man.

Zhao Yin realized something at this time.

"Come with me."

The next moment, Zhao Yin appeared in the life space with Song Xiaodao and Ning Yue.

At this time, the two slave girls were still washing clothes by the pond! Zhao Dehai and others have already built wooden beds, tables and chairs. They are putting corn kernels into cloth bags, and then someone carries them into the granary!

Wu Xuegui and Wang Xiaolei are grinding corn...

Everyone is busy.

Zhao Yin clapped his hands, and the sound of slapping immediately attracted everyone's attention. He shouted: "Come here."

Everyone immediately stopped their work and walked over quickly.

"Boss!" "Boss...!"


Ning Yue was so scared that she didn't dare to breathe when she saw this. She didn't know what she had done wrong.

Suddenly, Zhao Yin held her hand.

Ning Yue subconsciously struggled, and heard Zhao Yin say to everyone: "I didn't make it clear before. Ning Yue is not a slave girl. She is my person!"

Except for Song Xiaodao, everyone was stunned when they heard it.

His person?

In this life space, even Wu Xuegui and Wang Xiaolei are Zhao Yin's employees!

Only Song Xiaodao was an exception. Just by looking at the fact that the girl was lawless in the life space, you can know how enviable her life would be if she was treated as one of Zhao Yin's own!

Zhou Lili and Zhou Dandan both opened their mouths wide and looked at Ning Yue in disbelief.

They were so envious that they wanted to cry.

Zhou Lili's lips were bitten at this moment.

"I have done so many things for him, and my appearance is no worse than Ning Yue! Why am I not treated as one of his?"

Zhou Lili knew best how difficult Zhao Yin was.

"What methods did Ning Yue use? How is she better than me?"

At this moment, Ning Yue was also confused.

I had no idea what Zhao Yin's words meant, and how Zhou Lili and others envied him!

After Zhao Yin finished his announcement, he didn't want to waste any more time.

He took Ning Yue and Song Xiaodao with him. When he left, he glanced at Zhou Lili coldly from the corner of his eye.

Zhou Lili suddenly felt like she was falling into an ice cave, and her whole body was stiff!

It wasn't until Zhao Yin disappeared for a few minutes that she slowly came back to her senses.

"I just felt a little jealous of Ning Yue, and that guy noticed it? It seems that I have to be more careful in the future!"

"Sister, when can we be regarded as his people by the boss?" Zhou Dandan asked in a low voice.

Zhou Lili was silent, her bitten lips were stinging, and her mouth was sweet and fishy.


At this time, Ning Yue was also tense.

She felt the temperature from Zhao Yin's hand, her face flushed, and she dared not move.

From childhood to adulthood, apart from Lin Yaozu, no other man has ever held her hand for such a long time.

She instinctively wanted to escape, but she didn't dare to, so she could only stand there stiffly.

Finally, Zhao Yin let go of her hand, took out a table and chair, and sat down beside her.

"Ning Yue." Zhao Yin called in a low voice.

"Ah!" Ning Yue was shocked: "Zhao Yin...!"

Zhao Yin said seriously, "I will give you two choices now. First, like Song Xiaodao, I will make you an evolver, and from now on, fight for me until death!

"This choice can make you stronger. Even if I die in the future, you will have the ability to survive alone!"

"Of course, the risk of fighting is very high. There are zombie kings, mutant beasts, and corpse demons in the end times...!"

"Not only you, but also Song Xiaodao and I may face death at any time. If you encounter danger and it is beyond my rescue ability, I will give up you at the first time! "

"The second choice is that I will let you stay in the life space, where you will always have endless food and clothes... As long as I am alive, you will be safe!"

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