Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 143 Heroes from Ancient Times

If nothing unexpected happens, Zhao Yin can live to more than 1,300 years old!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a thousand-year-old monster.

His personal combat power is already the second in the team, surpassing the little monkey and inferior to the corpse demon.

The end of the world is a disaster, but for the superpowers and the evolvers, isn't it an opportunity?

In the difficult struggle for survival, transcend mortals and evolve to a higher level of life.

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No longer working from nine to five before the end of the world, no longer being the leeks under the capital, after being harvested one after another, they will never be able to raise their heads, generation after generation...

The end of the world is also a paradise for ambitious people and the strongest!

Zhao Yin didn't have much ripples in his heart after reading his attributes.

"Now, I'm not strong enough. There are still too many existences that can threaten me in the end times!"

"Among them, there are powerful zombie kings, terrifying corpse demons, combat-type SSS-level psychics, sacrificers who master taboos... and mutant beasts with unique advantages!"

Zhao Yin clenched his fists and felt the majestic power in his body: "If you want to live longer and better, you can only become stronger and stronger than all existences!"

"If I had enough strength, that A-level python would have been my mount! That zombie king has become my star crystal, and that damned sky-swallowing vulture...!"

Recently, Zhao Yin has encountered too many crises.

Now looking back, he found that this world is far more terrifying than he knew in his previous life.

After all, in his previous life, he was just a small figure in the end times. Only when he reached the peak could he see clearly.

"The most important thing now is to return to Daxia as soon as possible and turn the information I have in my previous life into strength!"

"Only the memory of my previous life is my greatest advantage!"

Zhao Yin clearly knew how to get rich the fastest.

He took out a butterfly knife, shaved off the beard that had just grown more than ten inches, took a section of the rat king tendon, tied his long hair behind his head casually, and put on a dog head hat to cover it.

Next, Zhao Yin walked out of the invisible tent.

The little monkey was dozing off under the chestnut tree out of boredom.

Zhao Yin hadn't paid attention to its attribute growth for a long time, so he opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Adult Tongtian Monkey: C-level mutant beast, strength 234, agility 275, physical strength 248, defense 237, spirit 88, bloodline talent: gigantism, frenzy, fire control]

The little monkey has been following Zhao Yin to eat mutant beast meat and mutant crops. Although there is no high-level mutant beast meat for it to grow quickly, its attributes have also increased a lot with the precipitation of time.

However, now, it has only developed all the potential of D-level, and there is still a long way to go before it can develop all the potential of C-level!

Zhao Yin looked at the giant python skeleton. At this time, Wu Xuegui was lying on a section of the spine, twisting the rat king claw borrowed from Song Xiaodao, and slowly dismantling it along the bone seam.

There was a little snake meat left between the bone seams, which was carefully collected by Wu Xuegui and put into a large iron basin.

Zhao Yin didn't know to what extent the potential of all mutant beasts could be developed after eating this skeleton.

Among the several contracted mutant beasts, the little monkey has the highest potential. The old cow and the old black are both limited by their levels and their appetite is not as good as the little monkey. Now their own D-level potential has not been fully developed.

Xiaobai has been following Zhao Yin for a short time and has not even eaten a few meals of rat king meat, so it goes without saying.

The worst is Bald Egg. Although his level is C, he has been following the Sky-Swallowing Vulture to eat zombies.

Even if there is mutant meat, it is provided to the Sky-Swallowing Vulture, and its potential has hardly been developed.

Zhao Yin shook his head. He only has five real mutant beasts in his hands, and the rest are pseudo-mutant beasts.

Even if he encounters a mutant beast that he can deal with, the first thing he considers is how to subdue the contract, rather than killing and eating meat.

"I don't know when the contracted beasts can achieve the freedom of mutant flesh and blood!"

Zhao Yin has no solution to this big problem for the time being, so he simply stops thinking about it and calls the little monkey.


The little monkey squatted down in front of Zhao Yin, staring at him, and has already felt the changes in his master.

At this time, when it faced Zhao Yin, it actually felt a sense of pressure!

The master's strength is stronger than his own?

At this moment, the monkey is no longer as lively as before, and his spirit is not very good.

Zhao Yin raised his hand and rubbed its head: "Are you unhappy?"

In Zhao Yin's heart, the one he likes the most among all the contracted beasts is always the little monkey.

Not only because it has the strongest potential, but also because when Zhao Yin was in a humble position, it was this monkey who followed him around.

One person and one monkey, they once depended on each other for life.

"Master, the little monkey is very good, but he often misses you." The little monkey communicated with his heart.

It is huge in size, and in fact it is less than one year old.

Zhao Yin also understood without the little monkey saying that he was depressed recently because of the zombie king and did not communicate too much with the contracted beasts.

Their thoughts are affected by the soul of the contract, and the person closest to them is Zhao Yin.

But the biggest reason why the little monkey is unhappy is that it has always been a pioneer for Zhao Yin.

But in the past ten days, Zhao Yin has taken the corpse demon out to fight, and has taken Xiaobai and Laohei out, and even Tuyi has gone out with Zhao Yin...

But the monkey can only stay in the life space.

"Let's leave the life space today, kill a few zombies, and stretch our muscles."

Zhao Yin gently patted the monkey's head, turned his right hand, and took out the golden war stick that he had opened that day.


The monkey's eyes widened immediately.

Zhao Yin directly put it into his hand, took back the mountain axe, and said with a smile: "This is your new weapon. With it, the corpse demon is not much stronger than you!"

The monkey immediately became happy and made a monkey sound that Zhao Yin had not heard for a long time: "Squeak...!"

It held the golden war stick and circled around Zhao Yin, jumping up and down.

"Master, the little monkey is willing to insert the cannon for you Pi Yanzi...!"


Zhao Yin stared, unable to imagine the scene.

Even for such a thing, this monkey will upgrade to 2.0!

Zhao Yin admired the monkey's increasingly refined flattery skills, and worried that he would be lost like in his previous life sooner or later!

He hurried away, found Wu Xuegui, and asked him to take the scraps of snake meat he dug out to make lunch.

This time, Zhao Yin did not eat the snake meat and bone marrow again, leaving them all to the five mutant beasts.

Wu Xuegui also cooked a pot of bone soup and crispy ear vegetable noodles for Zhao Yin.

During the meal, Zhou Lili and her sister were eating fish in the distance, glancing over here from time to time.

Zhao Yin looked over subconsciously, and now they were all wearing Indian military uniforms.

Their graceful figures were less charming than before, but more heroic.

Zhou Lili was more charming than her sister, with a curvy figure, long legs, and a beautiful waistline, which was amazing.

Her face was white, her red lips were shiny, and her eyes seemed to always have a smile, and the watery eyes made people want to push her down...

Coincidentally, Zhao Yin's eyes met hers, and Zhou Lili immediately lowered her head, not daring to look at Zhao Yin, with shyness in fear.

This caused Zhao Yin's heart to beat wildly.

He quickly retracted his gaze and said to himself: "Heroes have always died under the crotch since ancient times!"

At this time, Song Xiaodao noticed Zhao Yin's gaze: "Zhao Yin, what are you looking at?"

Zhao Yin ordered: "Let the two of them come over and eat noodles together!"

Song Xiaodao walked over and conveyed Zhao Yin's words.

Soon, the two sisters were flattered and almost thought they had heard it wrong.

"When did that bad guy become so generous?" Zhou Dandan lowered her voice in disbelief.

"Shh! The master's ears are very sharp, don't let him hear it!"

Zhou Lili reacted first and hurriedly pulled her sister to come together.

The two women moved their slender legs, and Zhou Lili had a smile on her face, wondering in her heart, is this guy finally getting the point?


"Thank you for the reward!"

The two women came to Zhao Yin and bowed, and Zhou Lili deliberately lowered her body, and the half-open neckline happened to fall into Zhao Yin's sight, white and deep.

Zhao Yin asked: "How many uniforms, shoes, and beddings can you wash every day?"

"Reporting to the master, we washed all the beddings a few days ago, and we are washing uniforms these two days. We will start brushing shoes after washing the uniforms!"

Zhou Lili reported as if to take credit: "Yesterday, the two of us only rested for three hours, and each of us washed 600 uniforms, and this morning we washed 200 sets!"

"Today, each of us will wash 1,000 sets, so that we can work better after eating!" Zhao Yin said casually.


The two women were stunned.

Zhou Lili's smile froze, and she looked at Zhao Yin in disbelief.

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