Zhao Yin patted the zombie demon on the head: "My dear grandson, kill all these young men for me. If anyone else in the camp dares to resist, they will be killed as well!"

Although the corpse demon retains the memory of its past, it is already inclined towards zombies in its bones, bloodthirsty and cruel.

Although the corpse demon Zhang Jie has low intelligence, he is still a corpse demon after all.

Zhao Yin finished speaking...


Corpse Demon Zhang Jie transformed from a good boy into a terrifying monster in an instant... The veins on his face suddenly bulged, his eyes like dead fish became paler, and the nails on his hands suddenly swelled...

He suddenly rushed into the crowd, and his five nails, which were more than a foot long, were like five indestructible sharp blades, turning into afterimages and waving wildly.

In an instant, a hundred young men kneeling on the ground were slaughtered, including the bearded ones among them.

At this time, hundreds of young men in the camp rushed towards us with weapons in hand. The moment everyone saw the corpse demon, they all subconsciously stopped and their legs became weak...

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Corpse Demon Zhang Jie roared and rushed towards them...

Zhao Yin was very satisfied with the performance of the Corpse Demon. Using him to kill people was much easier than training Song Xiaodao and Little Monkey. He was born to be a weapon for killing people!

Twenty contracted beasts also started killing outside the camp. These Asan were brainwashed by their 'Naga God' and resisted fiercely.

The little monkey's fire power set many stone houses on fire... Crying, wailing, and begging for mercy resounded endlessly!

Along with the sea of ​​fire, the entire camp was like a purgatory on earth.

Zhao Yin held Song Xiaodao's hand and slowly walked towards the largest building in the center of the camp in the breeze.

There should be the residence of the camp leader, and it is also the most fertile place in the entire camp.

If there was a map, it would be there.

The place where Kapil lives is more luxurious than all the stone houses in the camp put together. The walls are made of stone and the roof is made of a whole sheet of pre-apocalyptic steel tiles.

There are also specially paved bluestone steps outside the door, which have been cleaned spotlessly. The stench from the outside of the camp will never be transmitted here.

Zhao Yin held Song Xiaodao's little hand and climbed up the stairs slowly, not too hastily...

"what happened?"

At this time, Kapil pushed the woman crawling under his fat belly away and his eyes widened.

"Just now... just now, the master asked Jarava to kill that Daxia man...!" the woman reminded in a low voice.

Only then did Kapil realize that since the other party had a pair of extraordinary pants, it proved that he had at least killed zombies, not to mention that he could bring a girl here.

Therefore, that Daxia man is probably also an evolver!

And in this camp, due to Kapil's stinginess and suspicion, no evolver has ever been cultivated.

In the past, he had the protection of the giant python, and he did not need an evolver, but now someone is attacking the camp...

Kapil's face was gloomy, and with a speed that should not belong to a fat man, he quickly got up from the ground, pulled up the sheet and wrapped his lower body. With a shake of his hand, a D-level mountain ax appeared in his hand.

"Sir, you want to...!" A woman crawled to Kapil's feet and was about to say something.

Kapil kicked her away: "Get away!"

Immediately afterwards, he knocked open the door.

Zhao Yin paused and looked at the fat man who rushed out.

[Human male, power awakener, D-level evolver, evolution degree 100/76: strength 67, agility 62, physical strength 40, spirit 35, life countdown: 79963 days]

Zhao Yin was also stunned. He didn't expect that the other party was also a superpower!

And the power level mastered by the other party is very high, at least A level, otherwise his true seeing eye would not be able to see what the power is!

It's just that the opponent's evolutionary level is obviously very watery, and the potential above E level has not been developed.

"court death!"

Kapil saw the miserable appearance of the camp, and Zhao Yin, who had a Daxia face, immediately understood something.

He swung his mountain ax and slashed at Zhao Yin's head and face.


The next moment, a thunderbolt as thick as a bucket suddenly fell from the sky and hit Kapil on the head.

Kapil suddenly froze, and then smoke appeared, and the smell of barbecue spread in the air.

That fat body was directly scorched by the terrifying thunder. Two seconds later...

The charred human figure suddenly collapsed.

It fell to the ground and turned into ashes all over the ground, which was blown away gently by the breeze.

Zhao Yin was stunned for a moment.

Song Xiaodao was also stunned.

"Zhao...Zhao Yin, gone? How could the leader of the camp be so good?"

Zhao Yin was also a little embarrassed. He usually taught Song Xiaodao not to be so rude, but he himself accidentally killed a superpower user with his attack!

"Damn fat pig!" Zhao Yin cursed.

After he saw clearly that the opponent was a high-level superpower, he immediately took action with all his strength.

Not knowing the strength of the opponent's abilities, the safest way is to strike first and gain the upper hand!

"How did I know the skin was so fragile?" Zhao Yin said innocently.

"Then what should I do? I don't want to stay in Asan Country. It stinks here!" Song Xiaodao pouted.

"Chop a fat pig to death, but I didn't chop the map into pieces. Come on, follow me in to find it."

Zhao Yin said, stepping forward to pick up the mountain axe. Suddenly, a dark space ring fell off from the finger that turned to ashes and rolled down the steps.

It happened to bump into Song Xiaodao's big leather shoes.

"It's a space ring!"

Song Xiaodao bent down to pick it up in surprise and handed it to Zhao Yin: "Here, let's see what good stuff there is!"

Zhao Yin took it and checked it, and found that it was also an A-level with a capacity of ten square meters.

Then, when Zhao Yin saw the items inside clearly, his breath paused.

I thought there were not many good things in this shabby camp, but I didn't expect that there were...

5 sandwiches, 7 compressed biscuits, 2 bottles of F-level evolution potion, 1 bottle of E-level evolution potion, and 1 bottle of D-level evolution potion in the space ring!

There are 104 bottles of Nongfu Spring!

In addition, there are 16 unopened star crystals.

14 pieces of F-level equipment and 4 pieces of E-level equipment!

The rest are ordinary living supplies, men's and women's clothes from India, toiletries, and six thousand kilograms of moldy rice...

Indian gods, small blue tablets, interest-free, and various weird props...

"It's rich!" Zhao Yin smiled.

What he lacks most at the moment is Nongfu Spring, but he didn't expect to get so much at once!

You should know that two bottles of Nongfu Spring can ripen a corn, which can produce about 250 kilograms of grain. 104 bottles of Nongfu Spring are enough to produce 13,000 kilograms of grain for Zhao Yin!

Except for the two female slaves who can only eat ordinary fish, 20 contracted beasts, four people, and a corpse demon... if they are frugal, they consume about 700 to 800 kilograms of grain a day.

It's enough for Zhao Yin to support for a while!

But Zhao Yin was wondering, the extraordinary food in the space ring is not proportional to Nongfu Spring.

Where did the other extraordinary food go?

He was shocked and immediately walked into the stone house.

"Ah...! Help!"

As soon as Zhao Yin walked into the stone house, he saw two white women, who were only covered with a layer of pink gauze, hugging each other and huddled in the corner.

Both women have snow-white skin, tall and delicate, and because of the existence of that layer of gauze, the beautiful waistline is even more thrilling.

Zhao Yin looked at one of them and suddenly felt familiar.

Isn't she the famous film and television person before the end of the world, BDY?

She can sing and dance well on the screen, pure and moving, but I didn't expect that she would be so open after the end of the world!

However, Zhao Yin quickly gathered his thoughts, turned his eyes away from the two women, and searched in the stone house.

The big box that might hide extraordinary treasures was directly overturned by him. Inside were gold, silver, jade, various artworks, and a pile of at least three million US dollars...

In another box, there were all the supplies of the two women, clothes, cosmetics, brand-name bags, sanitary napkins...

Zhao Yin collected them all, regardless of whether they were useful or not.

Anyway, there was plenty of free space in his life space.

In the end, Zhao Yin did not find extraordinary food, let alone a map.

Zhao Yin looked at the famous film and television person and asked, "Where is the extraordinary food? And the map?"

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