An invisible chain slowly emerged from Zhao Yin's palm and forcibly penetrated into the little monkey's head.

This is the power of SSS-level superpowers. No matter how powerful the mutant beast is, even if it is the emperor-level in the previous life, as long as Zhao Yin is given a minute, it can only become his contracted beast obediently.

The biggest disadvantage of the contracted soul is that it cannot increase any combat power before obtaining a powerful contracted beast.

But once it grows up, no superpower can compare!

In the previous life, when Lin Tianfeng just got the superpower, he almost died several times, but he still relied on Zhao Yin to survive, but in the end, after Lin Tianfeng grew up, even if he met a superpower user of the same SSS level, most of them had to bow to him.

The top SSS-level superpower users can be on par with the emperor-level mutant beasts!

But Lin Tianfeng in the previous life cultivated two emperor-level ones!

At this moment, the chain formed by the contracted soul disappeared in the little monkey's body, and Zhao Yin felt its existence, and then he directly heard the little monkey's voice.

"Pig-faced monster, when will you give me the chicken leg?"



Zhao Yin slapped the little monkey on the head, his face darkening.

"From now on, I am your master, remember that!"

The little monkey covered his head with both hands, instinctively wanting to glare at the guy who hit him.

But when he looked up and met Zhao Yin's eyes, the anger in his heart instantly disappeared, and a kind of respect from the heart naturally rose.

At this moment, it felt that the guy in front of him was the person closest to him, and he needed to spend his whole life to protect him, fight for him, and be a licker for him.

For him, even if Pi Yanzi stabbed him in the back, he would not hesitate!

"Master... I, I'm hungry." The little monkey was aggrieved.

Zhao Yin's face looked much better, and he threw the chicken leg to it directly.

Soon, Zhao Yin learned from the little monkey's voice that when the end of the world came, it happened to fall into the reserve well of the zoo.

For a month, the monkey survived by eating moss and drinking well water.

At this time, it got the long-lost meat, swallowed it in a few bites, and looked at Zhao Yin pitifully again.

Zhao Yin thought about it and took out the sandwich bread again.

This is the only food that can heal the wound.

The little monkey was covered with scars when fighting with the group of zombie monkeys.

"Eat it, and come to work with me after you finish eating." Zhao Yin threw it directly to it.

The little monkey grabbed the bread and took a bite, and his eyes widened in an instant.

The extraordinary food opened by the star crystal tasted incomparable to any food before the end of the world. It was fresh and delicious, and melted in the mouth.

It immediately swallowed it in big mouthfuls.

Zhao Yin swallowed his saliva quietly. He himself was reluctant to eat the food opened by the star crystal!

He secretly decided that he would never let this monkey do this again in the future!

After the little monkey finished eating the bread, the wounds on his body suddenly emitted spots of light, and began to heal visibly.

It seemed to have no feeling at all, and continued to look at Zhao Yin pitifully: "Master, I'm still hungry...!"

"Hungry asshole, hurry up and work with me!" Zhao Yin cursed unhappily.

Now he is very poor, how can he allow this monkey to do this?

After saying that, Zhao Yin used the space ring to start collecting the concrete fragments blocking the door.

The food before the end of the world will soon rot and disappear after the zombie outbreak, and the materials that humans rely on for survival will be replaced by new species.

The chicken leg just now is no longer fresh, and there are still a lot of food in the villa. Zhao Yin plans to go home and take it all back, and put it in the space ring now to preserve it, so it is still okay to eat it.

He secretly planned that after taking back the food, he would continue to look for star crystals.

At this time, the sky was already bright.

The temperature today has dropped a lot, similar to the summer before the end of the world, about thirty degrees.

Zhao Yin led the little monkey out of the temporary "grave mound", and the zoo was full of wandering animal zombies.

It has been several hours since dawn, and all the corpses have been turned into zombies.


A zombie snake as thick as a bowl immediately spotted Zhao Yin and quickly swam over.

Zhao Yin immediately opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Zombie Snake: No Evolution, Strength 10, Agility 12, Spirit 0]

"Go, kill it!" Zhao Yin took out the butcher knife and threw it to the little monkey.

The little monkey received the order, took the knife and stepped forward.

But after it approached the zombie snake, its two short monkey legs suddenly trembled.

Without waiting for the zombie snake to get close, the little monkey scurried back and hid behind Zhao Yin trembling: "Master, I... I'm scared."

"What are you afraid of? Its attributes are much worse than yours!"

Zhao Yin grabbed the little monkey's neck and threw it at the zombie snake.

The little monkey screamed in fear, and before he could react, he saw a bloody mouth swallowing him, so he quickly sank his body and avoided it dangerously.

The zombie snake only had the instinct of hunting left. When it missed the first strike, it immediately entangled the little monkey.

The little monkey rolled on the ground to avoid it, squeaking and screaming, desperately calling for help in his heart: "Master, help me, Master, I'm dying, Master, I'm dead...!"

"Sabi monkey, I'm not dead yet!"

Zhao Yin cursed: "Kill it, you can live, and you can eat delicious food with me in the future. If you can't kill it, you can be its blood food!"

He took out a bag of corn sausage, tore open the package and prepared to eat it, but found that it was a little sour.

But he still took a bite and smacked his lips: "Delicious!"

The little monkey sniffed and suddenly seemed to be full of blood: "Master, eat slowly, I will kill this bastard zombie snake now!"

The expression on its face became fierce, baring its mouth, and one hand suddenly became huge, grabbing the zombie snake's seven inches fiercely.

Then the little monkey raised the butcher knife and chopped it down suddenly.


This knife cut off a large piece of rotten meat of the zombie snake, spraying black blood plasma.

"Cut its head, if you want to kill a zombie, you can only cut off its head!" Zhao Yin instructed on the side.

The little monkey pulled hard, and the huge body of the zombie snake was pulled directly in front of it.

The knife fell, crack!

The head of the zombie snake was cut off directly, without even a twitch, and it was immediately silent.

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