Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 122 Contract with the Vulture King

One of them was the human who had hurt the Sky-Swallowing Vulture before?

Nine vultures gathered from all directions and surrounded the Arrow Feather Vulture King.

With a loud bang, a bolt of lightning struck and landed on the big head of the Arrow Feather Vulture King.

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Its falling body suddenly stagnated, and then hundreds of wind blades swept towards it.

Zhao Yin and Song Xiaodao were both top D-level evolvers. After drinking iced black tea, their strength was infinitely close to C-level, and the level of attack ability they mastered was not low.

When the Arrow Feather Vulture was electrocuted and stiffened, the wind blade whirlwind wrapped its body inside...

Puff! Puff! Puff...!

The dense sound of sharp blades entering the flesh sounded, and except for the pair of iron wings, the Arrow Feather Vulture King was covered with wounds and fell to the ground below.

There was a loud thump, and dust and smoke were splashed.

It was covered in blood, and it spread its wings with difficulty to get up, but fell to the ground several times.

The Arrow Feather Vulture King could only watch as nine vultures slowly descended, and then the monkey also landed on the white cat.

More than a dozen pairs of eyes stared at the Arrow Feather Vulture King.

After the end of the world, its invincibility and arrogance disappeared at this moment. In the eyes of the Arrow Feather Vulture King, there was only endless fear.

"You don't accept it?" Zhao Yin narrowed his eyes, with a face full of a villain's success.

The previous hasty escape was now completely like a different person.

"My 200,000 zombies were robbed by you, and the 5,000 arrows I worked so hard to accumulate were also made by you!"

"Two explosive arrows, a trap net, a teleportation scroll, all high-level extraordinary items, and... two bottles of iced black tea!"

"You say, should I kill you for meat, or contract you to become a contracted beast?"

The Arrow Feather Vulture King trembled all over and looked at Zhao Yin in horror. It was obvious that it could understand human language.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence. The loss is so great, and I have to compensate for it. Let's eat meat!"

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, he pulled out the Rat King Claw.

The Arrow Feather Vulture King hurriedly shook his head desperately: "Quack-Quack!"

Its eyes were full of pleading.

"Do you want to become my mutant beast?" Zhao Yin asked.

The Vulture King is a real mutant beast, and its wisdom has long caught up with humans. With such coercion and inducement, it can only compromise under the instinct of survival.

"Quack quack quack..." The Arrow Feather Vulture King nodded his head vigorously.

Zhao Yin then walked towards it, raised his hand and pressed its head, and directly activated the soul of the contract.

A soul chain thicker than ever before slowly probed into the head of the Arrow Feather Vulture King...

Soon, the breath of the Arrow Feather Vulture King appeared in Zhao Yin's mind.

"Master!" The Arrow Feather Vulture King's voice was transmitted.

Zhao Yin did not move his palm away, and suddenly his eyes condensed: "In the name of the Lord of the Contract, I will deprive you of all your thoughts of being greedy for life and fear of death. From now on, fight for me and move forward bravely!"

In an instant, it seemed that something was pulled out of the Arrow Feather Vulture King's mind.

Its wretched eyes became sharp, and it solemnly conveyed its voice.

"This king is willing to die for the master!"


Zhao Yin slapped the Arrow Feather Vulture King on the head and cursed: "King, your new name from now on will be... just...!"

"Just call it Bald Zero, ahead of Bald One and the others, what do you think, Zhao Yin?" Song Xiaodao tilted his head and thought for Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin frowned, and after signing a contract with a real mutant beast, he was still willing to spend some time on the name, and said to Song Xiaodao: "It doesn't sound smooth."

"Then call it Bald Egg, how about Big Bald Egg!" Song Xiaodao said seriously: "It's smooth, easy to remember, and you won't forget it after hearing it once!"

Zhao Yin pondered for a while and nodded: "Okay, let's call it this name!"

"Bald Egg! Did you hear it?"

The Arrow Feather Vulture King had no intention of resisting, and could only hold back his tears.

"Bald Egg, meet the master!"

Zhao Yin took out a few pounds of chestnut leaves and threw them in front of Bald Egg.

"Eat it, it can heal your injuries."

After saying that, he walked towards Lao Hei. At this time, Lao Hei had just woken up. He opened his eyes and looked back. He found that the Sky-Swallowing Vulture was gone. Although the master was covered in blood, he seemed to be fine.

Lao Hei seemed to be relieved.

"Master, Lao Hei is useless. He has no combat ability. The earth escape ability can't help the master. He also caused the master to waste precious healing potions on me!" Lao Hei's guilty voice was transmitted.

Zhao Yin walked over and raised his hand to touch its rat head.

In fact, among the several mutant beasts, Zhao Yin was least optimistic about Lao Hei.

There was no other reason, mainly because he had no combat ability and was ugly!

But today, Lao Hei's eyes before dying hurt Zhao Yin's already numb heart.

Humans are emotional animals after all. Although Zhao Yin tried hard to be ruthless, reason has always told him that only selfish people can live longer in the end times.

However, he could not get rid of the bad roots of human beings...

"You are very good, and you have always been my favorite contracted beast. In the future, if there are more golden silk fruits, you will evolve a second ability!" Zhao Yin comforted.

He had no idea that at this moment, he was like a scumbag coaxing the girl he liked.

"Lao Hei... Lao Hei doesn't deserve the master to treat me so well." Lao Hei was moved to tears.

"Okay, the dignified Black Rat King will definitely stand at the top of mutant beasts in the future. Isn't he still alive?"

Zhao Yin patted Lao Hei's big head: "When I have the opportunity in the future, I will get another white mouse to be your wife and give birth to a bunch of mutant rat kings..."

Zhao Yin suddenly stopped talking and subconsciously glanced at the black charcoal strips under Lao Hei's body. He heard that rats have super reproductive power.

If that's the case, does half of my contracted beast army need to rely on it?

When Lao Hei heard the little white mouse, he immediately became energetic and crawled to the ground more excited than before: "Old Hei, thank you, master, thank you, master!"

It raised its paws and kept bowing to Zhao Yin.

At this time, Zhao Yin's eyes finally fell on the dead vulture king.

A real mutated beast died like this!

At that time, there was no room for him to be harsh, and the physical pain was of no use at this time.

Zhao Yin walked over and found that the naked Vulture King looked like a big roast chicken, half-cooked and very plump.

Weighing about seven or eight hundred kilograms, he was directly brought into the life space.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of mutated beast meat, so we have to make the best use of it.

The feathers on the vulture king's body were all burnt. Zhao Yin picked up a fragment of real feathers and found that they were not as hard as the feathers on the vulture egg, and the tail feathers used for arrows were too big.

But Zhao Yin still collected all the remaining fragments.

Finally, he walked to the place where he had previously teleported. There was a large pool of blood on the ground, left by the sky-devouring vulture.

Zhao Yin took out the mountain axe, dug them all out, and put them into the life space.

There was nothing left to clean up on the battlefield, and Bald Dan had resumed action. Zhao Yin took Song Xiaodao and all the contracted beasts into the life space.

He pointed at the body of the Vulture King and told Wu Xuegui: "Wash and peel it clean. Let's eat this for lunch."

"Okay boss!" Wu Xuegui said respectfully.

Zhao Yin thought for a while and took out a bottle of the F-level evolution potion that was just prescribed last night.

This thing has no effect for the time being. It is better to let Wu Xuegui become an evolver. At least he will be stronger when working.

Zhao Yin took out a hundred F-level corpse crystals and handed them to Wu Xuegui: "Let's evolve after finishing the work. Don't delay my work!"

Wu Xuegui was shocked when he saw clearly what was in Zhao Yin's hand, and then his eye circles slowly turned red.

After following Zhao Yin for so long, he has seen the great strength of the Evolvers, and it would be a lie to say he is not envious of them.

But Wu Xuegui always knew how much he weighed.

He had already prepared himself. If nothing unexpected happened, he would remain an ordinary old cripple for the rest of his life, or he would accidentally be bitten to death by a zombie one day.

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