The morning light fell, and the whole Luoshan City was desolate.

With the arrival of a group of vultures, many shaky buildings collapsed. A thousand meters away from Zhao Yin, there was a mountain of corpses piled up by zombies!

The volume of the corpse mountain is completely comparable to a low hilltop. It is estimated that all the zombies in the entire Luoshan City are here.

All the corpses have broken heads, and the white skulls are like hollowed-out white pear melons. The brains inside flow slowly, accompanied by the meridians and tissues exposed.

A foul smell is overwhelming.

Ten thousand vultures live on the "mountainside", and from time to time a vulture pulls off the arm of a corpse and swallows it directly into its stomach.

Zhao Yin looked up, and the terrifying vulture was lying alone on the "mountaintop", sleeping with his eyes closed.

Nine vulture kings were not far below it, faintly surrounding it.

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Vision.

[Swallowing Vulture: B-level mutant beast, strength 326, agility 375, physical strength 270, defense 405, spirit 135, blood talent: Devouring]

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It is indeed a B-level mutant beast!

Zhao Yin had never seen its devouring ability in his previous life, and he didn't know which system it belonged to, but he didn't want to find out at this time.

The zombies in Luoshan City can't be killed anymore.

Looking at the appearance of the group of vultures, it seems that they are ready to settle down here, and they will not leave until they finish eating the corpses here.

The place where the zombies were killed yesterday, all the corpses are gone, including Zhao Yin's arrows.

Zhao Yin's face is gloomy, and he communicates with the little monkey in his mind. The man and the beast slowly turn around and take steps in the opposite direction of the corpse mountain.

The Swallowing Vulture and the nine zombie kings are all sleeping. If they don't leave now, when will they leave?

But Zhao Yin and the little monkey haven't taken a few steps, and a thunderous cry suddenly comes from behind them.


Almost as Zhao Yin took the first step, the Sky-Swallowing Vulture opened its eyes.

Seeing that it was the man who caught the vulture yesterday, the Sky-Swallowing Vulture was immediately angry. The nine vulture kings woke up instantly and flapped their wings to fly towards Zhao Yin.

The vulture king with the superpower of speed made a sonic boom with its wings, and in the blink of an eye, it was in front of Zhao Yin.

The little monkey turned around suddenly, and its body expanded rapidly, and its three superpowers were fully activated in an instant.

Its body turned into six meters high, and with a blazing fire, it chopped forward quickly and with all its strength.

At the same level, the speed of the little monkey's first and second superpowers was close to that of the vulture king. The power and terrible fire made the vulture king feel a life-and-death crisis.


The vulture king suddenly slowed down, turned around quickly in the air, and narrowly snatched the knife from the little monkey.


The little monkey thought of his master's frustration last night, and his golden hair exploded, his face was hideous. He didn't wait for the remaining power of the machete in his hand to run out, and he swung upwards again!

The Vulture King tried his best to dodge, and at this moment, there was a sudden bang, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit it hard on the head.

It was Zhao Yin who made the move.

The Vulture King was stiff for a moment, and at this moment, the blade slashed close to its body, and half of its wings were cut off by the little monkey, and the remaining half was also ignited by the flames.

"Gua... Gua--!" The Vulture King finally panicked, and in an instant, the remaining half of the wing was burned out.

It fell to the ground crookedly, howling miserably, and rolled violently...

The other eight Vulture Kings had already arrived. Seeing that the Vulture King with the speed ability was injured, all the Vulture Kings had madness in their eyes.

At this moment, Zhao Yin saw that the Sky-Swallowing Vulture slowly stood up from the pile of corpses, and only needed to flap its wings once to come.

Zhao Yin quickly entered the life space, and then reappeared, with a black rat king beside him.

"Take me and the monkey away!" Zhao Yin ordered anxiously.

The soil under Lao Hei's feet suddenly rippled, and the orange-yellow light wrapped Zhao Yin and the little monkey in it, sinking rapidly into the ground.

However, at this moment, a vulture king suddenly opened his mouth and blew out a breath of cold air, and a layer of ice suddenly formed on the ground within a radius of hundreds of meters.

Lao Hei's earth escape ability can only work on earth-attributed materials such as soil and sand, while ice belongs to the water system.

Zhao Yin and the two beasts were immediately frozen by the ice.

The next moment, the little monkey suddenly burst into flames, instantly melting the ice beside him, and took Zhao Yin and Lao Hei out of the ground.

Zhao Yin was covered in dust at this time, and he wanted to curse in his heart.

The Sky-Swallowing Vulture probably guessed his life space, and would definitely squat at the space coordinates next. If he wanted to leave again, it would be extremely difficult!

In an instant, thousands of thoughts flashed through Zhao Yin's mind.

A scroll appeared in his hand.

[Space Teleport Scroll: Grade B, One-time Consumable Item, Effect: Random Teleport, Note: A space gate appears after use, lasting for one minute]

Since he got this scroll, he never thought he would use it so soon!

At this time, Zhao Yin crushed it without hesitation, and a portal immediately appeared in front of him.

"Old Black, Monkey, hurry!" Zhao Yin shouted loudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, he plunged into the portal, and then he felt a black screen in front of his eyes. When he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he didn't know where he appeared.

In front of him was a ruined city. The few buildings could not see their original appearance. They were crooked, as if they would collapse completely if the wind blew.

Zhao Yin had no time to identify them. With two plops, the little monkey and Old Black fell behind him.


Just as Zhao Yin was about to say something, a ripple appeared in the space again, and a vulture king also fell down, followed by the second vulture king...

After the two vulture kings came out, a terrifying head also poked out, as big as a house, with two cold eyes, like an abyss.

Zhao Yin looked at it and got goose bumps all over his body!

However, because the random teleportation scroll was used by Zhao Yin, the portal was generated according to the human body, and the size of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture was too big, and its head was stuck!

Also because of its stuck owner, the other vulture kings did not teleport over.

"Let's go!"

Zhao Yin grabbed the little monkey and Lao Hei, and pulled them back quickly.

The next moment, the Sky-Swallowing Vulture opened its mouth and activated its devouring ability!

The huge suction force was like a vortex, sucking madly.

The air was sucked out of the place where Zhao Yin and the little monkey had stood before, and all the sand, gravel, vegetation, and several meters of soil were sucked into the mouth of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture.

At this time, the two vulture kings that were approaching flapped their wings and took off into the air, preparing to launch an attack.

"Run, run, run!" Zhao Yin shouted loudly.

There was no time for Lao Hei to start the earth escape, Zhao Yin ran away.

The energy in the dog head hat had been used up yesterday, and it would take two days to save his life again.

But before he could run a few steps, a hurricane came from above his head, and a vulture king came to kill him!

[Vulture King: C-level mutant beast, strength 157, agility 190, physical strength 252, defense 148, spirit 76, bloodline talent: arrow feathers]

It was in the air, and dozens of feathers fell off its body, like a sharp sword, slashing at Zhao Yin and the two beasts.

Zhao Yin quickly rolled over, and with a few puffs, several huge gaps were cut in the rat leather armor on his body, and many parts of the skin were cut, and the bright red blood flowed out through the holes in the rat leather armor!

On the other side, Lao Hei reacted a step slower, and was directly pierced by several feathers. He wailed and fell softly.

Only the little monkey waved the machete, knocked away several feathers beside him, and flashed in front of Zhao Yin, grabbed his sheepskin armor, lifted it up and ran wildly.

Zhao Yin ignored the severe pain from his body, looked back, and immediately saw Lao Hei's miserable appearance.

It crawled on the ground, with feathers all over its body. At this time, the rat eyes were also looking at Zhao Yin.

In those eyes, Zhao Yin saw worry. Before it died, it was still worried about the safety of its master Zhao Yin!

At this time, the Sky-Swallowing Vulture had already launched its second superpower, and a huge suction force swept behind the little monkey.

Another vulture king in the sky was flying towards Lao Hei on the ground, ready to kill it completely...

"Monkey, wait!" Zhao Yin suddenly shouted.

At this time, it was already five hundred meters away from the head of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture. He found that it seemed to have reached the limit of the Sky-Swallowing Vulture's superpower distance.

In other words, the current threat is only two C-level Vulture Kings!

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