Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 116 The Legendary Corpse Demon

This morning, Zhao Yin sent out all contract beasts to attract zombies, and the first wave attracted 20,000 zombies!

The dense tide of corpses is like a turbulent ocean, dense and dense, spreading to the end of the field of vision.

If other survivors saw this scene, they would either think that Zhao Yin was crazy, or they would think that he was a god!

"Zhao Yin, there are so many zombies, there are thirty-seven E-level ones!" Song Xiaodao said excitedly.

The little girl, wearing rat leather armor and holding a rat claw in one hand, stood in the morning light, with the wind blowing up her hair, and a sweet smile on her lips.

If it weren't for the mountains and seas of corpses on the opposite side, this place would be the best scenery in the apocalyptic world.

At this time, ten contracted beasts suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Zhao Yin. The group of corpses was already less than a hundred meters away from Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin set up the Zhuge Liannu and waited for the last giant rat to retreat behind him, whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The sound of breaking through the air vibrated, and arrows popped out of the space ring one after another, completed automatic loading, and then shot out rapidly, turning into a rain of arrows in the sky.

The zombies on the opposite side came one after another. As soon as the ones in front fell down, the zombies behind them filled the space. In their eyes, they only saw the fresh flesh and blood on the opposite side!

Zhuge's crossbow fired at full speed, unmatched by any weapon before the apocalypse, firing thousands of arrows in just a few seconds.

But there were still too many zombies, and some of them circled behind Zhao Yin. Without any instructions, Song Xiaodao fired his wind blade from a distance and eliminated them all!

The ten contracted beasts were resting there, waiting for the battle after their master fired the arrows.

Everything is like cutting leeks. Now, Zhao Yin's team is as skilled in this kind of harvest as an assembly line.

Zhao Yin had 15,000 arrows in his hand today. After all of them were shot, there were less than 5,000 corpses left.

Zhao Yin put away the Zhuge Liannu and replaced it with the Rat King Claw.

"Wu Xuegui hides, everyone and the beasts, it's time to get to work!"

As soon as the words fell, the contracted beasts instantly entered the fighting state from the static state, and all rushed forward quickly.

In a battle of this level, neither Lao Niu nor Monkey needed to activate their powers. With one charge, the group of corpses was completely dispersed, with less than two thousand remaining. As time passed, the group of corpses gradually became sparse.

Suddenly, Zhao Yin saw a thin old zombie at the end of the group of corpses.

"There is actually a zombie that has not yet evolved!"

Zhao Yin couldn't help but take another look and immediately guessed that the survivors might have just been infected by zombies.

Then he stopped paying attention and continued to kill the zombies beside him.

As the contract beasts charged and killed, Shu Liu came to the old zombie.

When it saw that it was a short old guy, it swung its claws down, and the old zombie Zhang Shuguo had mutated into was immediately cut in half vertically...


At this time, a heartbreaking call came, and Shu Liu couldn't help but look back...

Fifty meters away, there was a fat zombie... No, that zombie was different from other zombies. This was Shu Liu's first feeling.

At the same time, Zhao Yin chopped off the heads of several zombies around him, pulled out his mind, and turned to look at the fat 'zombie'!

Seeing this, Zhao Yin's pupils shrank.

[Zombie Demon: Level E, evolution 100/3.48, strength 68, agility 62, spirit 3, defense 75, spirit 3, awakening talent: stone system]

His attributes are stronger than any zombies, mutant beasts, and evolvers of the same level!

Its comprehensive attributes even surpass those of the Zombie King at the same level!

Is this the legendary corpse demon?

At this time, Zhang Jie shed tears and wailed in his mouth: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Master! Master!"

Grandpa is dead, gone, and will never come back again...

Even the zombie that grandpa turned into is gone now!

Zhang Jie's world, the last support, completely collapsed under Shu Liu's claw, just like his heart at this time, shattered and dripping with blood.

Even though the giant rat looks untouchable, even though his instinct is telling Zhang Jie that this place is very dangerous, especially the man behind the giant rat!

However, Zhang Jie still activated his superpower with all his strength, his whole body turned to stone rapidly, and he rushed towards Shu Liu desperately!

He punched Shu Liu on the head: "Master!"

Shu Liu was also angry. Ever since he followed Zhao Yin, he had never felt any threat from zombies. Is this fat zombie looking for death?

It raised its claws and struck with all its strength.


Zhang Jie was shocked and couldn't help but take a step back. Blood grooves appeared on his petrified fists.

As for Shu Liu, the huge figure also trembled, but the terrifying scene was still behind. Its rat paw stiffened for an instant and lost consciousness. Then, it turned into a rock visible to the naked eye and spread rapidly upward. go……

"Shu Liu is back...!"

Zhao Yin shouted loudly, but it was still too late. He quickly rushed towards Shu Liu and waved the Rat King Claw, not to attack the corpse demon, but...


The rat claws that turned into stone were completely chopped off by Zhao Yin.


The severe pain made Shu Liu scream.

Zhao Yin breathed a sigh of relief. If he were a step too late, it would be too late. He quickly took out a bottle of D-level healing potion, opened it and poured it into Shu Liu's mouth.

Without watching how Shu Liu regenerated from his severed limbs, Zhao Yin looked back at the corpse demon with cold eyes.

Zhang Jie met Zhao Yin's gaze and trembled instinctively, but thinking of his grandfather's death in Shu Liu's hands, he opened his mouth and yelled: "Master!"

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Jie took steps forward, trying to bypass Zhao Yin and continue to chase Shu Liu.

Just then, boom!

A black shadow flashed by, making a terrifying crash and explosion. The place where Zhang Jie stood was left with only dust splashed by the soil, which flew everywhere.

It was the old cow that hit Zhang Jie and rushed out thirty meters away. Then the old cow paused, and Zhang Jie flew out more than ten meters before falling into the group of corpses with a plop.

The helmet on the old cow's head was still shining with golden light, and the petrification ability could not work on extraordinary equipment!

At this time, the little monkey, Lao Hei, Xiao Bai, and the remaining five giant rats arrived, surrounding Zhao Yin in the center.

The little monkey found that his master was fine, and his ferocious expression looked better. He rushed towards Zhang Jie with a machete, and the terrifying flames burned on his body. The monkey was also angry.

From a distance, the little monkey's figure was like a huge fireball moving rapidly!

In a few steps, he arrived in front of Zhang Jie and swung his knife to cut him in two.

No matter how outrageous Zhang Jie's defense was, he could never block the monkey's attack!

"Stop!" Zhao Yin shouted hurriedly.

"Master, don't kill?" The little monkey turned around and transmitted his doubts in his mind.

"Wait and kill!" Zhao Yin responded in his mind and walked towards Zhang Jie.

There was something strange about this corpse demon, and he had already noticed it.

At this time, there was a terrifying blood hole in the waist of the fat corpse demon, and dark red blood plasma flowed out. He glared at Lao Niu and Shu Liu in the distance, slowly got up, and then shouted: "Master--!"

Zhao Yin heard it clearly this time. The corpse demon was calling "Master"?

Soon, Zhao Yin thought of the old zombie.

This corpse demon has only three points of spirit, and his IQ is only one-third of that of ordinary people, so he had problems with his IQ before the end of the world.

Zhao Yin immediately understood something!

In the end of the world, a pair of miserable grandfathers and grandsons depended on each other for life. The grandfather died, and the mentally retarded grandson became a corpse demon with obsession.

It was Shu Liu who broke his obsession, so he fought desperately.

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