Zhao Yin shook his head and didn't speak. He seemed to hear someone shouting "Master" just now!

But the distance was too far, so he couldn't hear clearly.

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"Maybe there are still survivors in the city, but what does it have to do with me?" Zhao Yin said darkly.

He simply ignored it and ordered loudly: "Rest enough, go and collect the corpse crystals for me!"

All people and beasts immediately stood up and went to the corpse mountain to collect corpse crystals. At this time, there were already 30,000 corpses piled up near Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin took the time to look at the evolved Song Xiaodao.

[Human female, awakened by superpowers, D-class evolver, evolution degree 100/0: strength 89, agility 104, physical strength 75, spirit 61, life countdown: 164962 days]

Zhang Jie was tired of crying, and finally had the courage to approach Zhang Shuguo's body. He squatted down and stuffed his grandfather's internal organs back into his chest, trying to put them back to their original position.

But Zhang Jie found that no matter what, he couldn't put them back to their original position.

The fresh smell of blood inhaled into Zhang Jie's nose, and he swallowed his saliva instinctively with a gulp, his eyes were stunned.

At this time, he felt that the smell of blood was sweeter than the sweet potatoes baked by his grandfather, and saliva unconsciously came out of his mouth.

Zhang Jie shook his head and looked at his grandfather's face.

Zhang Shuguo still had his eyes wide open, as if he was shouting at him to leave quickly...

"Grandpa!" The hoarse and unpleasant voice came out of Zhang Jie's mouth again. He grabbed a handful of soil and stuffed it into his nostrils.

This way he wouldn't smell that sweet smell.

It really worked. He no longer felt greedy for his grandfather's body, and a smile appeared on his terrifying face.

Zhang Jie bent down and picked up Zhang Shuguo's body, then turned and walked towards home.

In the sun, the fat figure was lonely and desolate.

Back outside the old building, Zhang Jie kicked open the half-open door and put Zhang Shuguo on the old rocking chair that he used to like the most.

"Grandpa!" Zhang Jie grinned again, as if he saw his grandfather still alive, dozing off on the recliner after dinner.

However, Zhang Shuguo was covered in blood, which made Zhang Jie feel a little dazzling.

He found two buckets in the kitchen and ran towards the ancient well.

Soon, Zhang Jie returned home with two buckets of water and wiped Zhang Shuguo's body clean bit by bit.

Grandpa's body was clean!

But the skin and flesh on his chest were still wide open, revealing the broken internal organs inside.

Zhang Jie thought about it, and went outside to fetch a bucket of mud, mixed it with water and smeared it on Zhang Shuguo. Gradually, the wound was sealed, and a "clay sculpture" was formed on the rocking chair.

The master was clean again, and the master's face was kind again.

Zhang Jie smiled, silently.

He happily carried the remaining half bucket of water, walked into the kitchen, and poured it on the sweet potato vine: "Master..."

He wanted to say, Master, we have water.

But his tongue was so stiff that he couldn't say it.

Just then, whoosh!

A burst of air-breaking sound flashed outside the door, and the wind blew the door creaking. Zhang Jie instinctively shrank his body, then he lay on the wall and looked out along the cracked wall.

It was a huge white cat, running around in circles outside the door, and the dense group of corpses behind it were desperately chasing, gradually breaking into the demolition area.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The roars of the corpses were continuous, overwhelming and oppressive.

Zhang Jie's legs softened and he almost fell down.

Grandpa said that zombies are scary, and you must avoid them when you meet them.

But what scared him more was the big white cat!

When Zhang Jie looked again, the big white cat had run far away. He could only see a big tail that was sticking up and straight to the sky, swinging it back and forth, very excited.

The group of corpses chased after the white cat and gradually left the demolition area, but some of them lost the team and finally stayed here.

Zhang Jie opened his eyes wide and looked numbly, looking... as if he had forgotten everything.

However, in his eyes, the fear gradually disappeared and was gradually replaced by hatred!


Zhang Jie let out a hoarse, beast-like roar, suddenly broke through the crumbling wall, and rushed towards the two zombies outside the door regardless of everything.

The zombies sensed Zhang Jie rushing over, but they were still indifferent, as if they saw their own kind and ignored them directly.

Zhang Jie picked up a stone from the ground and smashed a zombie's head.


Black brain matter spurted on Zhang Jie's face, and a new world seemed to slowly open up before his eyes...


The sun set and night fell.

After Zhao Yin collected the last wave of corpse crystals, his legs became weak.

A whole day of high-intensity fighting exhausted his energy several times. At this time, all the contracted beasts were also wilting.

But the harvest was also full.

At the end of the day, Zhao Yin killed nearly 70,000 zombies, including 93 E-level zombies, and harvested 78 star crystals.

69,725 F-level corpse crystals, excluding the 10,000 used by Song Xiaodao, there are still 59,725 left!

93 E-level corpse crystals, Wang Xiaolei used one, and there were 16 left yesterday, so there are still 109 left!

"Collect the team, Wu Xuegui, boil water, take a hot bath." Zhao Yin said.

Tonight, Zhao Yin did not retreat from the city again. The zombies nearby had been cleared out and it was relatively safe.

Zhao Yin put out the invisible tent on the spot and went to the life space to get clean water. Wu Xuegui immediately prepared dry firewood, lit it, and set up a big pot to burn.

Zhao Yin was about to return to the invisible tent, but Wu Xuegui suddenly called him: "Boss, ingredients, you haven't given me the ingredients for tonight."

Zhao Yin sensed the space ring and suddenly found that after two days of high-intensity consumption, there were only three or four hundred kilograms of rat king meat left, and only more than two hundred chestnuts.

There were quite a few crispy ear vegetables, dried meat, and dried fish left.

But for mutant beasts and evolvers, dried fish can only temporarily fill their stomachs and satisfy their appetites. The speed of restoring energy for low-level rat meat and crispy ear vegetables is also limited.

"We must ripen the mutant corn as soon as possible. Only carbon-based mutant crops can restore energy faster!" Zhao Yin said secretly.

As for the mutant beast meat, Zhao Yin no longer thought about it. Every real mutant beast is very rare. If he encounters one, Zhao Yin will naturally consider subduing it as a contracted beast first.

He took out half of the remaining rat king meat and corn, added some giant rat meat jerky and crispy ear vegetable jerky, and gave it to Wu Xuegui, saying, "Let the contracted beasts eat first, and there will be corn tomorrow."

"Okay, boss!" Wu Xuegui agreed respectfully.

Zhao Yin returned to the invisible tent and immediately opened the 78 star crystals he had accumulated for a day...

[22 bottles of Nongfu Spring, 14 sandwich bread, 8 iced black tea, 11 compressed biscuits, 4 yellow peaches, 5 canned beef, 5 instant noodles, 1 canned tuna, 3 D-level healing potions, 1 C-level healing potion]

[Mountain axe: grade D, type extraordinary weapon, firmness 52, attack 57, additional effect of chopping strength +30]

[Beast hunting net: grade B, type extraordinary auxiliary equipment, toughness 280, effect of capturing and trapping, additional effect: changing size, camouflage]

[Men's suit pants: grade C, defensive extraordinary equipment, firmness 115, agility 65, additional effect of moving speed +100]

[100 grains of star salt: grade D, type extraordinary seasoning, strength +50 for 24 hours after consumption, note: one grain at a time]

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