Luosan City and Gwangju City are about the same size. Before the end of the world, they both had a population of about 800,000 or 900,000. Excluding people who left the city and other areas, the remaining population in the city was about 200,000 or 300,000.

Now that everyone is here, Zhao Yin plans to collect a wave of corpse crystals and star crystals.

It hasn’t been open for several days!

Along the way, there were only a few zombies. Zhao Yin led the contracted beasts to push past them all the way, killing them all with almost no delay.

When he arrived outside Luoshan City, Zhao Yin had more than a thousand F-level corpse crystals in his hand.


This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no chapters out of order.

Zhao Yin stopped the contracted beasts and entered the life space.

At this time, Xiaobai has evolved to F level.

Zhao Yin once again took out a hundred F-level corpse crystals and handed them to it, and ordered: "Evolve to E-level!"


Xiaobai's screams were much louder, his body was about the size of an adult white cat, and his dry hair was shiny.

Zhao Yin took advantage of the situation and opened the Eye of True Sight.

[White cat in growth stage: mutant beast, strength 17, agility 42, physical strength 12, spirit 19, blood talent: extreme speed]

After reading it, Zhao Yin turned around and walked towards Wu Xuegui's Wang Xiaolei.

The two of them were still carving arrowheads diligently. There were already three to four thousand ready arrowheads beside them, but they couldn't make arrow shafts yet, so they could only pile them up there.


When the two heard the footsteps, they stood up quickly.

Zhao Yin nodded. There were probably more than a thousand arrows prepared by Tianqian Dandan. Zhao Yin walked over and put them all into the space ring, and said to Wu Xuegui and Wu Xuegui.

"Come out with me to collect corpse crystals!"

"Okay boss!" Wu Xuegui and the other two nodded quickly.

Staying in this gray space all day long feels very novel and safe at first, but as time goes by, people's mood will become depressed.

Zhao Yin took out two chestnuts and handed them to them, asking them to replenish their strength before preparing to take them away.


At this time, a weak voice came.

The one who spoke was still Sister Li. She finally did not dare to get close to Zhao Yin, so she imitated Wu Xuegui and changed her name.

Zhao Yin looked back and remembered the two women hanging there.

After not seeing each other for two days, their lips were chapped and their sweat had dried up long ago. They were still wearing the wet underwear that day. Under their snow-white skin, every muscle was trembling.

Zhao Yin's visual inspection showed that both of them had lost weight, and their chests were all smaller.

"What are you calling me?" Zhao Yin asked coldly.

"Boss... no, Lord... Master, please let us down, I... I can't bear it anymore!" Her voice was hoarse, and she begged with a cry.

"Who are you?" Zhao Yin asked.

"My name is Zhou Lili." Sister Li said subconsciously, and then she reacted quickly and said quickly: "I am slave No. 1, no, I am a dog in front of you, boss, a bitch!"

The technique Wu Xuegui used to hang them was very tricky. It was a method used by the army to interrogate prisoners. They both used their hands behind their backs and pulled upwards.

One day ago, their bodies reached their limit, and if they were not evolvers, they would have died long ago.

Every second at this time feels like a year to Zhou Lili.

Zhou Dandan on the side has already fallen into a semi-conscious state. I am afraid that in a few hours, his willpower will completely collapse and he will suffocate to death.

This hanging method can make people suffocate.

Only then was Zhao Yin satisfied, and the coldness in his eyes dissipated slightly: "You want me to let you down?"

He never expected these two female slaves to be loyal. They were different from Wu Xuegui and Wang Xiaolei.

What Zhao Yin wants is just to make the two sisters obey and do things. As for what he thinks in his heart, Zhao Yin doesn't care, and he doesn't plan to keep them with him for long anyway.

"Please boss... please be lenient and bypass the two ignorant female slaves. From now on... the female slaves will never dare to do it again." Zhou Lili said painfully.

What reserve, what dignity?

At this moment, in this endless pain that was worse than death, everything disappeared.

Zhao Yin ordered: "Let them down."

Wu Xuegui and Wang Xiaolei stepped forward to untie the nylon rope. The two sisters fell three meters high with two pops.

Their bodies had already become stiff and they could not move for a long time.

Zhao Yin took out two pieces of dried fish and threw them on the ground: "I want to see three thousand arrows today."

After saying that, he took Wu Xuegui and Wang Xiaolei and left the life space.

"Zhao Yin, I'm hungry." Song Xiaodao pouted.

"Then make a fire and cook, and then go to the city after eating." Zhao Yin thought for a while and said.

After lunch, all the contract beasts returned to their peak condition. Zhao Yin waved his hand: "Enter the city!"

The zombies in Luoshan City did not gather in large numbers. Many were scattered, and some were gathered together. The largest group of zombies was about seven or eight hundred, and the smaller groups were two or three hundred.

The little monkey was about to rush forward when Zhao Yin said, "Let me come and you all collect corpse crystals for me. It's important to save time."

The little monkey was stunned and retreated behind Zhao Yin with some disappointment.

Zhao Yin put on the Zhuge Liannu and shouted: "Zombies, come here!"

A group of about five or six hundred corpses in the distance immediately discovered Zhao Yin, roaring, roaring, roaring!

A dense roar of corpses sounded, and they all rushed towards this side crazily.

Zhao Yin raised his repeating crossbow, whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Arrows turned into a rain of arrows, falling rapidly into the zombies, each hitting a zombie right in the middle of its brow. Click, click, click, Zhao Yin kept communicating with the space ring to take out arrows, and the Zhuge Crossbow made a dense automatic reloading sound...

A few dozen seconds later, the group of zombies fell to the ground before they rushed over.

The power of the Zhuge Crossbow was fully demonstrated!

"Zhao Yin, you are too powerful, aren't you?" Song Xiaodao said with wide eyes, looking incredible.

The little monkey also flattered him in his heart: "Master, it's effortless for you to kill zombies. Master is invincible in the world, Master is unparalleled, the little monkey is willing to fart...!"

"That's it!" Zhao Yin interrupted, "Hurry up and work."

A group of people and animals all came forward to cut watermelons, and pulled out Zhao Yin's arrows by the way. Even the old cow came forward to crush the "watermelon" with its hooves, waiting for Song Xiaodao to pick it up. The cooperation of one man and one cow was not slow at all.

Zhao Yin was responsible for continuing to shoot the scattered zombies that came one after another.

Five minutes later, Zhao Yin put away the arrows and corpse crystals, and after identifying the position, he rushed to the direction of the next group of zombies.

When approaching, Zhao Yin saw a tall zombie, which was a circle larger than all the zombies around.

[Male zombie: E-level, evolution...]

"Another star crystal!" Zhao Yin grinned, he liked the excitement of opening star crystals.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The arrows were fired again, and the zombies fell down in large numbers.

Soon, only the E-level zombie was left, with an arrow stuck in its head, roaring towards Zhao Yin.

The little monkey stepped forward and chopped off the zombie's head with a knife, poof!

The black plasma was much more viscous than normal plasma, flowing slowly, and had some similarities with the engine oil before the end of the world.

The little monkey crushed the head that was still opening its mouth and biting instinctively, and took out a corpse crystal and an E-level corpse crystal inside.

"Master!" The little monkey jumped in front of Zhao Yin, still circling around him to please him as usual.

However, even if the monkey squatted down, it was not much shorter than Zhao Yin, like a mountain of flesh.

Zhao Yin took the star crystal and corpse crystal, and the other contracted beasts and Song Xiaodao rushed forward to collect arrows and corpse crystals.

Zhao Yin opened the star crystal directly.

[Evolution potion: grade F, primary potion, after taking it, it can activate the human evolution gene and become a new human]

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