Doomsday Star Crystal: I have a contracted beast army

Chapter 105 The Pure Land at the End of the World

"Just use this to cut!"

Zhao Yin took out four giant rat claws, handed them to four people respectively, and then gave instructions.

"Slave No. 2, you are responsible for teaching them how to make arrows. I want to make 20,000 arrows as soon as possible!"

The four of them responded respectfully, and then Zhao Yin left the life space.

Meeting the two sisters Li was just an unexpected bonus!

After Zhao Yin came to the outside world, he climbed onto Lao Hei's back. Next, he had to continue heading towards Xincheng.

Song Xiaodao lay lazily in Zhao Yin's arms, playing with the space ring: "Zhao Yin, they are so beautiful, you won't be tempted, right?"

"Tempted?" Zhao Yin smiled.

In his previous life, during the last seven years of the end of the world, countless women of all shapes and sizes lay in front of him in various poses...


At that time, Zhao Yin gradually became numb from the three views before the end of the world, and finally became tired.

"Most women like them only want a shelter, better food than others, warmer clothes, many heartfelt words, and much diligence to please... But once disaster strikes, they will betray them as soon as possible. !”

"They will continue to be happy under the winner, continue to love deeply, and continue to speak from the bottom of their hearts...!"

Zhao Yin's voice became lower and lower. He had seen too much and understood too much in his previous life. The first things in his heart had slowly faded away.

In the end, he was able to guard against the women, but failed to guard against his best brother and adopted son!

In fact, he is a loser.

"Zhao Yin, do you think I will be like them in seven years?" Song Xiaodao asked.

She always remembered what Zhao Yin said, that she would be his woman seven years later.

Zhao Yin shook his head: "I don't know."

Today is different from his previous life. Zhao Yin has never thought that he is good at controlling people's hearts.

Therefore, in this life, he will not establish relationships with too many people, so he acts insensitive and is just afraid!

The sky, which had been clear for several days, became gloomy again.

Soon, the end of the world ushered in the second rain, and a strong wind picked up Song Xiaodao's messy hair, which made it itch on Zhao Yin's face.

Soon, a downpour fell, hitting Song Xiaodao's face and Zhao Yin's body.

"Zhao Yin, I won't change." Song Xiaodao said softly.

Zhao Yin took off his dog hat and put it on her little head. There was a rare softness in his eyes: "Okay!"

"Should we stop to take shelter from the rain?" Song Xiaodao asked.

"You have to hurry, or should I send you to the living space?"

"No, I'll stay here, with you!" Song Xiaodao pulled open Zhao Yin's rat leather armor and got in: "Wow! It's so warm!"


Xiaobai on Zhao Yin's shoulder also planned to get into his collar.

Zhao Yin pulled it out: "You are a mutated beast, why are you afraid of getting wet in the rain?"

The little white cat looked back.

A thin layer of flame spread all over the monkey, and the rain evaporated before it even got close. The old cow squinted against the rain. It was a buffalo and was even more excited on rainy days.

Lao Hei and the six giant rats, the rat hairs on their bodies were not wetted by any rainwater, as if they were wearing a raincoat.

"Meow~!" Xiaobai suddenly felt aggrieved.

It was sitting on Zhao Yin's shoulder, all wet, with its ears drooped.

Two hours later, the rainstorm became even heavier. Zhao Yin and his party gradually left the Dawei Mountains and walked into the uninhabited forest again, heading north...

Obviously not lonely, but the figures of several people and animals looked lonely, gradually disappearing into the jungle.


"Who, in this desolate world, remembers yesterday. Those who have passed away will never come back, leaving behind sad people and composing a sad and beautiful tragedy..."

Hong Xiaotian couldn't open his eyes in the heavy rain. He stepped deeply into the mud and howled at the top of his lungs.

Tang Tang finally no longer only wore a bra, but also wore a tattered women's sports vest on her upper body. She lowered her head and walked in front.

Lao Qin followed the two of them, and the three of them were carrying huge sacks, which were filled with clothes ripped from the zombies and wild vegetables dug up.

"Ah~! I would like to be a little bird, flying in the sky, freely, ahβ€”β€”!"


Lao Qin kicked Hong Xiaotian on the butt: "You are the only one who is educated, right? If you attract zombies, I will interrupt your little bird!"

"I told you not to kick my ass!" Hong Xiaotian staggered and turned around to glare at Lao Qin. Seeing the gloomy expression on his face, he quickly squeezed out a smile and said, "Uncle Qin, they can't hear me even if I shout at the top of my lungs, even if the rain is so loud, they can't hear you. Don’t worry!”

"Stop making trouble, there's a situation ahead!" At this time, Tang Tang in front paused.

There were faint cries of survivors, beatings and curses.

The three of them quickly got into the nearby bushes and looked in the direction of the sound. There was a cave at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, outside the cave, three men were punching and kicking two women. One of the men was carrying a broken sack. The two women were still holding on to the sack even though they were covered in blood.

"Why is there fighting again?" Hong Xiaotian frowned and said, "This is the first time we have seen it today. Why are all the nearby camps in chaos?"

Tang Tang didn't speak, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lao Qin asked: "Tang Tang, do you still want to stop them?"

Tang Tang bit his lip and suddenly said: "Do you think there will really never be a pure land in this world?"

Old Qin smiled: "Even before the end of the world, I have never seen a pure land, let alone after the end of the world?"

After saying that, Old Qin sighed.

Hong Xiaotian blinked: "Uncle Qin is old and always likes to say some depressing words. In the future, we will definitely find a pure land!"

Hong Xiaotian looked up at the sky: "There, civilization will be restarted, everyone will have enough food and clothing, there will be no zombies, no disasters, and it will be purer than before the end of the world!"

Tang Tang bit her lip and didn't say anything, looking at the two beaten women.

She remembered the scene when she was abused by Lin Tianfeng and that guy saved her...

"If there is really someone who can create a pure land for the end of the world, it must be him!" Tang Tang said in a low voice.

"Tang Tang, is this the reason why you have been secretly tracking him?" Old Qin seemed to finally understand something.

Tang Tang is growing up every day. She is smart, calm, and capable!

The only thing is that she blindly idealizes that person.

Zhao Yin is very strong, stronger than anyone else!

Lao Qin never thought that the guy named Zhao Yin was worth her efforts.

"Even if he saved your life, he has already paid it back."

"Uncle Qin, you won't understand." Tang Tang said, "He is not a bad person."

In the darkest moment of her life, someone handed her the dawn, even if it was only a short-lived light.

Tang Tang continued, "The meaning of life is not what the world has become, but whether there is hope ahead!"

"I am afraid of that kind of darkness, the sky is dark, and there is only despair in front of me, but every time I see him, in him, I always feel like I am in the end of the world!"

"It's just a feeling, that's all? Is this the meaning of your tracking him?" Lao Qin asked.

Tang Tang murmured, "Besides that, what else can people in the end of the world do, and what do they need to do?"

Hong Xiaotian said, "Sister Tang Tang, why don't we create a pure land!"

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