Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1800: Giant Hook Scorpion King

"The first and fifth levels are also coming to die, it's a long idle life!"

Di Ping looked at the mutant wild boar whose head he had cut on the ground, a trace of sullenness flashed in his eyes.

With a wave of his hand, he put the corpse of the mutant wild boar into his backpack. He was going to take the mutant wild boar back and make it into pork stewed vermicelli, into braised pork, dumpling stuffing, and meat buns. Only by eating it would he be relieved. Depressed in my heart.

It seems that thinking so, he feels better, and his anxiety is not so urgent. It seems that he has to find the right way.

Di Ping waved to the team, and the stopped team started to move again.

It seemed that Di Ping was out of anger, feeling less anxious, and the road behind actually calmed down, until he reached the gathering place of Gu'an Town, without seeing a mutant beast.

The first to Gu'an Town was Zhang Liang's team leader, Xiong Chuankui.

This person was black and thin like a black bamboo pole, always stern, without a smile, but he didn't expect to do things very numbly. When Di Ping arrived, he had already gathered all the people in the gathering place. Just wait to get in the car.

This gathering place is actually a school, and this school is connected to a shuiweizi with only a dam of more than 50 meters long and three meters wide connected to the outside. The school not only has a courtyard wall, but also installed a gate near the road. At one level, it became an independent world, but it was quite safe.

Xiong Chuankui came to talk about the compilation, but was attacked by the opponent with a gun. A city guard soldier was unable to dodge and was hit by a bullet in the chest and died on the spot. This angered Xiong Chuankui, and only then did a surprise attack with another awakened and rushed into the school. , Kill the leader here, and two or more people who fired on the spot.

The rest saw the two people as killing gods, and the one who dared to resist, immediately accepted the inclusion and helped them control the entire gathering. This was such an efficient scene.

"City Lord, we finally gathered a total population of 2,513 in Gu'an Town. Among them, two of the awakened were killed on the spot. One of them was the leader here and resisted and was killed on the spot. The other was named Ma Yiming. , Take refuge in our sanctuary city!"

Seeing Di Ping's arrival, Xiong Chuankui rushed over to report.

"good very good!"

Di Ping looked up and down Xiong Chuankui with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Thanks for your hard work, this time your task was done well!" With that, he threw two bottles of healing fluid to Xiong Chuankui with a wave of his hand, and then said: "You and your partner are one bottle for each person. !"

"Thank you City Lord!"

Xiong Chuankui took it with both hands sincerely, and said excitedly.

"City Lord, would you like to see Ma Yiming? He is now helping with the organization, I call him over!"

Xiong Chuankui seemed to think of something and asked anxiously.

"Let's see you first, time is tight, first arrange for everyone in the gathering place to get in the car and send him back, then send him to the special training camp, as long as he is okay, I will allow him to join your team!"

Di Ping shook his head.

"Thank City Lord!"

Xiong Chuankui was immediately overjoyed when he heard that, with a smile on his face, he hurriedly bowed to Di, and then ran to do something quickly.

With the help of the city guard soldiers, the people in this gathering began to get on the car. Di Ping brought twenty large trucks, and packed these people tightly, mainly there were hundreds of city guard soldiers. It turned out that it was not so full, and Di Ping's idea of ​​going directly to the third gathering place was frustrated.

An hour later, all the old and the weak were sent to the car.

"City Lord, we have already sent it out and we expect to arrive at our agreed meeting point in half an hour!"

As soon as the people here finished installing, the Di Ping watch shook slightly, and when he opened it, it was a message from Zhang Liang that their convoy had already set off.

"How many people are there? Have you checked it out now?"

Di Ping asked casually.

"City Lord, the exact data is 983 people. This group of people is of good quality. Two-thirds of them are young and middle-aged. There is also an awakened person who has now belonged to our city of refuge!"

There was a little excitement in Zhang Liang's voice. This awakened man was quite strong, and he even played against his Ma Zhanyuan.

If this is after the transfer, the strength that is determined to be stronger than that of Ma Zhanyuan, it is already considered to be a mid-level upward, and he can add another player to his team!

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