Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1787: Green Dragon

The monster wanted to run but was too late, and the venom shot too fast, as if it broke through the limit of space and reached the monster instantly.


The sound of a torrential rain hitting banana leaves sounded over the entire battlefield, and the venom hit the monsters one by one, and it suddenly poured like rain on the red steel plate, and there was a mist and a sizzling sound. Immediately, an unpleasant pungent smell emanated from the air.


The monster let out a terrible roar, as if it was suffering from unbearable pain, and even a group of people felt chills.

The sound was so miserable, it was like a **** ghost undergoing a frying pan.

Especially when I saw the place where the monster's body was burned by the venom, white smoke was raging, and large pieces of flesh and blood were corroded and fell off like mud, and after a while, the white bones and white flowers were exposed.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt numb in their scalp and throat, and an extreme fear came to their hearts.

The fat man, who had a decisive expression in front of the three of them, was preparing to die bravely when he saw this scene, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he trembled twice involuntarily.

He was not afraid of death, but he died in such a tragic manner. He really didn't want to. If he had seen it before, he would not dare to stand in front of him.

He still wants to find a wife in the underworld with his handsome appearance?

If it is really poisoned like this, I am afraid it is a ghost! He is a fat man who pays the most attention to personal image and appearance, even if he is a ghost, he has to be a handsome ghost!

But at this time no one cares about what the fat man thinks, and a question arises in everyone's heart, what is going on?

"Everyone step back!"

At this moment, suddenly a clear voice exploded in everyone's ears.

They were so familiar with this voice. They knew who it was after only the first word they knew. Almost everyone exclaimed in unison: "It's the city lord!"

With the yelling, huh! A gray-white figure shot out from behind the position like a white horse.

Although this person is very fast, everyone is sure that this is not the Lord of the City. Who is it?

Excitement and excitement appeared on everyone's faces. The city lord arrived, and the monster was dead. This was everyone's thoughts at this time.

Everyone’s eyes were surging with hot rays of light and looked at the figure that flew towards the mutant beast. The fear in their hearts faded, and their hearts were settled. Lord City Lord is here, and this monster is dead. It seems that as long as there is this figure, they will There is no fear in my heart.

Yes, this person is Di Ping!

He took the teleportation array and teleported over. As soon as he landed, he saw Xiaobi being knocked into the air, and a large amount of venom went towards Xiaobi like a black cloud, and Xu Sheng and the three rushed forward to save people.

It was a full 200 meters away from him. No matter how fast he was, he couldn't immediately rush to save people. In an emergency, he could only use his energy to put up a mental barrier to block the venom for the four.

But just after blocking it for a while, he actually felt that the venom was corroding his mental power, and the consumption of mental power was greatly increased, and he was shocked that this venom was so terrifying that even his mental power could be corroded.

He didn't dare to hold the venom with his mental power, and was about to shake the venom into the air. Suddenly he had an idea, and he used the venom as a flying knife to attack the monster.

This venom is so strong that the monster’s body can’t stop the venom. Sure enough, the monster’s body was corroded as if it had been burned by strong acid, which was terrible.

However, this is a good thing for Di Ping, this monster even Xiaobi is not an opponent and it is difficult to deal with, unless he uses a humanoid war puppet.

And now that the monster is burned by its own venom, isn't it just cheap for itself?

So he shouted, and the whole person didn't stop at all and rushed towards the monster. The speed was almost full. It was really fast like lightning, moving like a meteor, and the speed was too fast to pull out ghosts in the air.

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