Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1766: Condensed vortex


The huge body of the moa seemed to be hit by a train, and it slid to the side in an instant. Di Ping reacted quickly and forced his body to one side.

Stabbed! With a crisp sound, Dipin's inner armor was pierced by the moa's sharp beak, which was like a steel hook, and it split with a big opening, which was useless.

Di Ping didn't have time to pay attention to the inner armor. He stopped his retreat with a bang, looked towards the moa, ready to catch the big cat at any time.

However, the next moment, his tight body relaxed!

I saw the big cat biting the moa’s neck and pressing the moa to the ground. A pair of front claws pressed tightly on its iron wings, and the sharp fangs had pierced the moa’s neck and seemed to have pierced it. A large amount of blood was flowing out of the tiger's mouth, and the moa's head was hanging to one side, and his eyes were no longer radiant, obviously dead.

His own soul storm just now should have strangled his spiritual consciousness, and the final blow was issued under the command of the last will.

A strong group of soul energy has risen, and once the soul energy comes out of the moa, it can't die anymore.

The big cat seemed to feel a little bit. He glanced loosely, then touched it with a scratcher, and still let out a low growl. It means "Small, get up if you have the ability?"


Di Ping took a long breath and sat down on the ground. This time he really lost his strength. It seemed calm just now. In fact, his body muscles and brain were running at high speed. Now he stopped and felt sore and mentally exhausted.

I bought a bottle of the best recovery liquid from the system and drank it in one sip, and started to adjust his breath, but the big cat was no longer playing with the moa, consciously guarding Di Ping, his eyes half-squinted, and he glanced around alertly.

Di Ping only adjusted his breath for less than a minute, feeling that he was strong, and he was busy putting the moa and the bull and the bull that had been smashed to the side into the backpack, and then climbed on the back of the big cat to take him away.

It has been delayed for too long here, and there is a strong **** aura, maybe another powerful mutant beast has been attracted.

He found a remote place, adjusted his breath for half an hour before Di Ping recovered, changed his inner armor and clothes, and then took the big cat away and touched it towards the destination.

Maybe it was because the previous luck ran out, and there was not a single mutant beast below, almost all of them were in groups, and the further in, the more mutant beasts in groups.

Looking at the endless blue waves in front of him, he felt a little agitated. The golden sunlight was shattered by the waves and was broken into pieces of golden mirror reflecting arc-shaped rays of light. It is dazzling, but a little soft. A light breeze blows and the grass sways, making a pleasant sound like a summer overture. The wind is also accompanied by a touch of sweet water and the green air of the grass to make people energetic Give a win.

Like an oil painting that is quiet and beautiful and tranquil, it makes people intoxicated. I really want to live here, but if it's not a group of mutant beasts by the lake.

A large number of mutant beasts gathered on the shore of the lake, some were drinking water, some were playing, and many mutant beasts were never seen before by Di Ping, but there were also people who knew, wildebeests, bulls, and a pack of wind wolves. .

There are also two thunder beasts, one big and one small, drinking water by the lake, and from time to time a huge mutant bird flies over the lake, catching fish in the water to eat, and he sees a big fish more than two meters long. It was lifted out of the water by a mutant flying beast like a pterodactyl and flew far away.

So many mutant beasts coexist peacefully in a lake area. This scene is amazing. At the same time, Di Ping was a little surprised. The mutant beasts in the grassland are too rich. Just look at the number of them and there are no less than a thousand. I don't know how much there is by the lake.

At this time, he looked towards a river more than ten meters wide which was flowing slowly towards the lake. His eyes followed the river. The river flowed out of a valley formed by two mountains, and at the end of the valley was thousands of mountains. It stretches for thousands of miles without stopping.

Di Ping saw from the map that this is the entrance of the grassland into the mountain. If you want to enter the mountain, you can only go from here. If you go over the mountain, it will be more troublesome. There is almost no way to go. It is ten kilometers away from the valley where the resource station is located. .

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