Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1750: Scan the mountains

"Huh!" When Liu Bingyu took a peek and found that Di Ping had turned around and looked out the window, she quietly exhaled and twisted her legs quietly. The place was wet, making her ashamed and uncomfortable, almost Want to cry.

She felt that she was a woman who didn't know how to be ashamed. Such a thing would happen. For a while, tears fluttered in her eyes. Di Ping's eyes seemed to have nothing to hide. Maybe he saw it!

At this time, Di Ping looked out the window, his voice was a little distant: "Yes! Our refuge city can only accommodate 300,000 people, how many people are there in the land of Zhongzhou?"

"Millions or tens of millions?"

"Then how many people are there in Yan Country? Is it 100 million or 1 billion?"

Everything is normal. It seems that Di Ping did not notice her abnormality. This made Liu Bingyu's shyness and anxiety lessened a lot. After blinking her long eyelashes twice, the tears in her eyes seemed to be sucked back and turned. She disappeared, and she opened her mouth to answer, Di Ping's voice sounded again.

"Bingyu, this world is very big and there are many people. Even if we are strong, we will build the asylum city bigger than Zhongzhou City, but how many people can it hold and how many people can we save?"

"Sanctuary, what do you mean?"

Liu Bingyu's smart brain was also a little bit unable to keep up with Di Ping's rhythm. She didn't understand what Di Ping meant by saying this, she seemed to be emotional, and she seemed to lament.

Di Ping did not answer. Instead, he pointed to the victims who entered the city in a line and said: "Bingyu, look at them, they are all in shape, skinny and hollow, with dull and hollow eyes, like this world. There are more than hundreds of millions of people, I can't save them, and no one can save them!"

Suddenly, Di Ping’s voice rose slightly, “This world has no ancestors to save the world. Human beings must save themselves. Only they can save themselves. As long as they continue to awaken and become strong, they will lead more humans to move forward through thorns. Humans lead the way, and the awakened humans will continue to die. The heirs will rush forward and follow, and the single spark can start a prairie fire. Only in these last days, under the blood of this mutant beast, can people fight for a living space and save more people, humans. There is hope!"

"City Lord, I know, you are spreading the secrets and techniques of awakening to promote the awakening of more people? I didn't expect that you are already planning for the future of mankind as a whole!"

Liu Bingyu looked at Di Ping, who stood upright and stood upright like a mountain. There was a touch of reverence in her eyes, and her voice was a little excited.

"Haha!" Di Ping suddenly laughed, turning his head to look at Liu Bingyu and said, "Bingyu, you look up to me. I'm just an ordinary person, and I'm also a member of the struggle in these last days. I am not qualified. There is no such high level to plan for humanity. All I think about is to survive and fight for the hope of survival for my relatives, brothers, and friends. When I have spare capacity, I will contribute my strength to benefit more people. Let more people survive, that's all. I am not as noble as you think, and I am not as scheming as some people think. I never wanted to fight for fame!"

Di Ping sneered a little, "This kind of reputation is only needed by the weak. It is something that can be discredited and subverted at any time. It is fragile like a bubble. My reputation depends on my fists and the strength of the city of refuge. !"

This was the first time he showed his thoughts in front of outsiders. He stood by the window, as if standing in front of a vast rushing river. A powerful aura rose from his body, like the abyss, gazing at the world, changing the way he was before. Gentle and elegant, quiet and peaceful, becoming domineering and unparalleled, Liu Bingyu's eyes were full of colors.

"No! Isn’t what you are doing now is planning the future for the entire mankind? Even if the people in Kyoto bought the exercises from us, they didn’t watch them announce it to the public, and only the city owner was doing this. , This is not what is noble, what is not selfless?"

Liu Bingyu's voice contained reverence and determination, and his eyes looked at Di Ping fiercely, as if he was looking at the **** in his heart.

"Bingyu, according to what you said, I will become a saint in a while!"

Di Ping shook his head with a wry smile.

"Oh... In my eyes, the city lord is a saint. I believe that many people in the sanctuary think so. Many people have the city lord’s longevity tablet, saying that you are the reincarnation of the gods and the Buddha of ten thousand families. Save the world!" Liu Bingyu looked at Di Ping's helpless look, suddenly pursed his lips and smiled.

"Haha!" Di Ping also laughed, and said, "If gods and Buddhas are really useful, things like the end times won't happen!"

Hearing that Liu Bingyu also pursed his lips and smiled, but Di Ping's eyes looked at the refugees that were constantly influx in the city, but his eyes were a little erratic, and his voice faintly said: "Maybe in front of the gods and Buddhas, we are no different from mutant beasts, right? It's all ants!"

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