Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1744: News that shocked the world

Di Ping seemed to be in a state of madness. After half an hour, he collapsed his fist and made a perfect punch. It seemed that the void could shatter. It would be terrifying if he penetrated into his body and exploded.

After the collapse of the mountain and the palm of the flames, if it weren't for the iron wall skill that couldn't be quickly practiced, he would have to cultivate to the point.

When he stopped, he almost collapsed, his whole body was sore, and there was a faint tearing pain in the muscles, as if even the bones were sore.

Only then did he know that he was playing off, and hurriedly bought a bottle of the best healing potion and healing medicine, poured it down, and adjusted his breath for half an hour. He felt better before he got up from the ground.

At first glance, the time turned out to be more than three o'clock in the morning. From 11 o'clock to the present, he has been practicing for four hours without stopping. This means that his body is strong. If he changes his body, his body will collapse.

Di Ping fell asleep after soaking in the medicinal bath. His sleep was extremely heavy. After extreme fatigue, a big sleep is the best way to relieve fatigue.

When he woke up, it was past nine o'clock in the morning. After crazy practice, he felt depressed in his heart. He took a bath of elixir. He felt refreshed and unobstructed, as if nothing was a problem.

He felt that it was useless to think too much, only now that De Feiya was by his side, that was just to seize the time before him and touch it, who would know the future, even the sky!

Everything is not as important as strength. As long as he is strong, he can do more things. Therefore, he puts aside all the strengths and narrows the distance with De Feiya in order to face the unknown crisis.

"Di·Beast Beast Flame Tiger bloodline has successfully evolved, promoted to A-level bloodline, level 2 is upgraded, new skill: Shock, please check the system pet beast page for specific information!"

Just as Di Ping was about to go downstairs, the system's voice suddenly sounded in his mind. When Di Ping heard the content, he was taken aback, and then he was delighted, but before his joy was over, there was a bigger surprise.

"Di. The host pet beast reaches Tier 2, and the pet beast position is officially opened. Currently, the host has two pet beast positions and the pet space is opened at the same time! Please check the pet beast page for specific information."

Di Ping was hit by this huge surprise as if a gold brick fell from the sky, and the whole person was dizzy. He froze for a moment and hurriedly opened the system pet beast page to see what it was.

The petting page is very simple. There is a list with the petting position written on the top, and two rows of positions below. The first row already has the flame tiger, the level and bloodline behind, the upgrade button at the end, and the second row is empty. It seems that one more pet beast can be added.

As soon as the animation side of the mind changes, you enter the details page of the Flame Tiger. The page is the image of a big cat, not to mention that it looks quite majestic. The upper right corner shows the bloodline level a, and the left side shows the second level. It shows the skills, the first one is the talented skill violent, and the distance behind it shows three skills, shock, flame strike, and tiger's tail whip.

At the bottom, there are two buttons, one is to recall the pet beast space, the other is to play, and there is a border on the far right that shows the equipment bar, but they are all empty at this time.

Seeing the equipment here, Di Ping remembered that the pet beast could also have equipment. It seemed that he had time to equip the big cat, so that the big cat's strength could also be improved.

Di Ping directly felt that the whole style was very similar to the games he played at the time, which gave him a real feeling of playing games. It seems that the system is a little bit perfect in style, making it easier for him to accept and use the system functions. It is really more and more human. melted.

The system is much better than many game platforms that never consider player experience. If you really develop a game, it will be a big hit.

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