Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1741: Petting space

The drink ended with Xiaobi crashing to the ground, and everyone was enjoying it, even if Liu Zhenglong was too much poured by Han Zhongguo and Lu Guoliang, and was taken back by two fighters.

And Gu Ruoxi also drank a lot, her eyes blurred and weak, her glutinous voice seemed to contain honey, and the heart of the listener was itchy. Fortunately, several men drank it awkwardly, otherwise it might really make a joke. In the end, Yu Shujie and Liu Bingyu worked together to help them back.

But Di Ping carried Xiaobi back. This girl was very fierce when drinking, she looked like she was drunk, she was honest even when she was drunk. She lay down on Di Ping's shoulders and fell asleep, occasionally grinding her teeth. .

Putting Xiaobi into her room, Patton arranged a maid to take care of her, and was about to leave. At this moment, Xiao Dai who was lying on the bed suddenly moved, and turned over and kicked the quilt over.

Di Ping shook his head and chuckled, and walked over to help her rebuild it.

"Woo...Master...Don't...leave Xiaobi...Xiaobi won't annoy you anymore!"

He had just put the quilt on, and suddenly Xiao Bi began to cry and was still whispering. Although Diping's ears were intermittent, he heard it really.

Di Ping laughed dumbly, thinking that she had only a habit of grinding her teeth, and it seemed that she had a habit of talking in sleep.

"Lord...Xiaobi...Sorry...Sorry...Sent...Xu...Kong positioning...Tai ...Fast...come soon..."

Di Ping's foot just stepped out to locate it. He suddenly turned back to look at Xiaobi, wanting to wait for what he said below him, but Xiaobi suddenly stopped, and fell asleep, after waiting for a while, he didn't say anything. A dream talk brought Di Ping almost internally injured.

It's about De Feiya, he is more shocked than anyone else. Hearing Xiaobi's words, someone named Tai is coming, and what is the void positioning. For a time Di Ping's mind is mixed, and for the first time he strongly wants to know De Fei. Ya's origins.

Last time Dephia talked about the Dias star field, he wanted to ask, but after being interrupted by her, she never had the opportunity to ask later, but he can basically conclude that Dephia may not be a person on Earth, that is to say, it may be Alien.

Later, he wanted to ask that there had been no chance, and he avoided it somewhat deliberately, and did not inquire about the origin of De Feiya, the master and servant.

But now he had to ask. It was obvious that Xiaobi was very scared and uneasy about this Tai or something, indicating that this person must be very strong, and he is coming, from there, why?

He suddenly felt uneasy, and he had this feeling before!

That is, De Feiya will leave herself at any time!

It's just that he has been deliberately avoiding this feeling, but now this feeling has become so strong that he can't ignore it.

Di Ping suddenly became agitated at the thought of Diffie’s leaving herself, and she wished to call Xiaobi to ask clearly. Just looking at Xiaobi, he knew that he couldn’t ask anything now, and she woke up, I was afraid not De Feiya let go, she wouldn't say anything to herself.

It seems that this matter still falls on De Feiya!

Di Ping hurriedly closed the door and walked towards his tower. He was going to see De Feiya, and he wanted to ask her where she came from.

The alloy door of the No. 1 training room was tightly closed, and the indicator light on it was flashing, indicating that there was someone inside. This was when De Feiya closed the door. Di Ping hurried two steps to the door and was about to open the door "Zero". He is the highest authority to systematically build in the sanctuary city, and he can't stop him anywhere.

He just walked to the door, and he suddenly stopped!

He suddenly felt a kind of fear. He was afraid to know the origin of De Feiya. How could a heavenly fairy like De Feiya be an ordinary person? The heavenly power and fairy temperament of that body are by no means mortal.

In this way, it was a blessing for a woman to have a relationship with herself, and she still wanted to covet something, he was afraid that once asked about her calendar, De Feiya would leave him.

The reason why he has always avoided asking is that he has self-sorrow and a trace of anxiety, and he is afraid that he will lose Difea if he asks.

He thought that if Delphia wanted to tell herself, she would definitely talk to herself instead of asking herself.

I'm afraid it's the moment she leaves when she knows her identity!

Di Ping's feet slowly moved back, and then he walked back to his room with a desperate look, and fell on the bed with his eyes open, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while he jumped up and walked out quickly!

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