Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1733: Childhood fun

Liu Bingyu glanced at it and knew what the content was, but her face suddenly darkened, and her voice whispered: "It's Miss Xiaobi's idea!"

"Little Bi?"

Di Ping asked in surprise.

He was too surprised and did not notice the dim expression of Liu Bingyu's face.

There is a reason why Liu Bingyu's mood is gloomy. In the past two or three days, she has seen De Feiya more than once, and for this immortal, ethereal temperament, beautiful and desperate woman, she even has the courage to fight. No more.

Only then did she understand Yu Shujie's original mood, it was a kind of powerless change, without any hope of hope, maybe she would be content as long as she could be by his side.

After all, I had already prepared in my heart, Liu Bingyu cleaned up his mood again, and said softly: "Did you not confess Cheng Chao that they will contact Little Bi and let her lead the team to clean up Zhongzhou? It only took a long time, Little Bi She thinks that our cleaning is too slow and the efficiency is too low, so she proposes a new plan!"

"Oh! That's it!" Di Ping nodded when he heard the words. He had a new perspective on Xiaobi. It seems that this old love and the girl who is arrogant is a little bit good!

Why didn't he think of this method himself? And Xiaobi understands how a little girl looks.

However, immediately he laughed blankly. He didn't have the strength of his own. Xiaobi dared to do this, but he didn't dare!

What's the matter with you?

It turned out that Xiaobi followed the troops into Zhongzhou to clean up rescue personnel, but she quit for a long time. She felt that it was too much effort. When she learned that Di Ping was mainly to save people, she immediately approached Cheng Chao and asked him if he knew they were all in Zhongzhou. There are those forces.

Cheng Chao immediately brought the map, which marked the locations of the gathering places.

Recently, with the continuous transmission of information from radio vehicles, there are now only hundreds of large and small gathering places known in the suburbs of Zhongzhou. The largest number is 30,000 or 40,000, which is more than the initial population of the sanctuary. There are also hundreds of people.

In the southern district of Zhongzhou, there are large and small factories, most of which are young and powerful. After the end of the world, many people have survived and formed forces.

Before that, Di Ping only cleaned the areas within ten kilometers of the sanctuary, and the rest were relatively far away. It was difficult to transport them too far, so he focused his attention on the urban area. Although the urban area is dangerous, the roads are mostly normal. As long as Yi Tongxing rescued the people who were scattered and hiding in the city, there would be no fewer people, but he didn't expect this efficiency to be too low.

According to his method, it is somewhat difficult to have a population of 100,000 in a month. It is becoming more and more difficult to advance in the city, and there are fewer and fewer living people. Even the behemoth of Kyoto is unable to attack the city, and finally moved a large amount of money. The nuclear bomb killed the powerful mutant beast, and one can imagine the danger.

But Xiaobi was different. He also focused his attention on these gathering places. He took the city guards and a group of Awakened professionals directly through the city arbitrarily, attacking the target, and she had already collected it in two days. There are three gathering places, and the largest one has a population of nearly 8,000.

Therefore, this is the reason for the huge increase in population in the city!

With Xiaobi's strength, as long as she is not a Tier 3 advanced, she can hardly beat her, this guy is a female tyrannosaurus, and the small mountain mutant beast also blasted to death with a single punch, cruel and domineering.

Now Xiaobi's reputation among a group of city guards is chasing Di Ping, and her power has overwhelmed these people, and everyone has given her a nickname, just Shenquan Lori, the city guards and the awakened ones. As soon as we met, we respectfully called her Master Shenquan.

This made Xiaobi happy, she didn't know the other meaning of the word Luo Li, just treated it as a good thing.

But it is true that a group of City Guard soldiers really only meant to be ridiculed and close, and they had no other bad intentions.

And Xiaobi was crazy too, and he was working hard now. He went out early this morning, with three city guards and more than 20 awakened people, ready to cross the city to conquer a large gathering of more than 10,000 people.

Can be described as ambitious!

After listening to Liu Bingyu's words, Di Ping laughed dumbfounded. However, this was exactly what he wanted. With Xiaobi doing this, he could also calm down and cultivate. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the perfect body forging.

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