Doomsday Sanctuary

Chapter 1730: Deep love

"Bingyu, how are your parents? Are you still used to living here?"

Di Ping opened the file, looked down, and asked casually.

"It's ok! I was a little frightened before. After two days of rest, it's better now. Now the two of them are either playing chess in the room or going for a walk. My father said that he is entering retirement early and enjoying his old age!"

Speaking of her parents, Liu Bingyu became happy, the family was reunited, and the Xu family’s problems were solved. She is now truly relaxed, with a hint of joy in her voice. Of course, she is more affectionate for Di Ping who helped her solve all this. The flattery in the eyes rippled like spring water.

"Oh! It seems that Uncle Liu has a good mentality, so he can adapt to life in our sanctuary city so quickly. This is also just right. You can stop and rest after a lifetime of learning!"

Di Ping signed a document and looked up at Liu Bingyu with a smile.

Liu Bingyu whispered when he heard the words: "He just said that he couldn't sit still after only three days. Let me get him some test equipment to do research!"

"Oh!" Di Ping was signing the pen, and then finished signing without incident. Then he said: "This is not a good thing! Uncle Liu is doing research. If you want him to be idle, he must not be idle. !"

"Really, as long as he invests in research, he is endless. Sometimes he can stay in the laboratory for several days. If he really wants to stop him from doing research, he can really get sick!"

There was a trace of memory on Liu Bingyu's face, then he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"By the way, what kind of research is Uncle Liu doing now?"

Di Ping asked suddenly.

"It seems to be new materials, and I don't know the specifics!"

Liu Bingyu replied.

Di Ping put down the pen in his hand and looked up at Liu Bingyu and said, "I don't think this is the case. Isn't our laboratory short of people? I think this is good, let Uncle Liu go to host it! Anyway, he is still idle now, it is better to find someone Do it!"

"Is this... appropriate?"

Liu Bingyu asked hesitantly.

"There is nothing inappropriate. Maybe Uncle Liu joins in, and it can really surprise us!"

Di Ping interrupted Liu Bingyu and said with a smile.

"That's it! I went back and said to my father that he would definitely be happy if I want to come!"

Liu Bingyu nodded and said.

Di Ping smiled and did not answer any more, but he was a little secretly happy in his heart. He originally intended to help Liu Bingyu rescue his parents, and by the way, let Ava put some pressure on some people in Kyoto, but he did not expect that there would be unexpected joy. Liu Zhenglong turned out to be a very good scientist, much stronger than the three pieces of Jerusalem artichoke he had obtained from Bianzhou, and he was not of the same level at all.

Knowing the identity of Liu Zhenglong during the chat before, he was a little moved, but when they first came to the sanctuary, he was not happy to talk about it right away, so he put it aside, and now is the opportunity, he can’t put it like this If a great scientist is left unused, that is a real waste.

Some of the technologies he brought out were far beyond the current level of science and technology on the earth. It would be difficult to understand many things without a certain level, and someone with high-end professional knowledge like Liu Zhenglong is what he lacks most now.

After Liu Zhenglong joined, he believed that he would be much better than the previous three, and soon he would produce something he wanted.

After taking Liu Zhenglong to the laboratory, he went on to look at the documents, and he did accumulate a lot of things after three days of absence. Although many things were managed by various ministries, he still had to agree to some major things.

When Di Ping saw a document, his brow frowned. He pointed to the document and looked at Liu Bingyu and said, "Is this the result of the negotiation of the new house implementation standards?"

"No, this is the preliminary opinion from the Ministry of Civil Affairs. It has to be agreed upon when you come back. It has not been finalized yet!"

Liu Bingyu was very familiar with the contents of these documents and shook his head when he heard this.

"What do you think of this plan?"

Di Ping pointed his eyebrows on the document and thought for a moment, then raised his head and asked Liu Bingyu.

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